Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Sunday, October 07, 2007

New Gizmo in the Sidebar

Because I'm addicted to cool, new blog widgets I stumble upon and I don't have new reviews right now, I present the Feedjit widget in the sidebar, under Stuff That Has to Go Somewhere, which is designed to track visitors and where they're from in real time. It's free, and hopefully, it'll be fun. I wanted to test it on a blog that actually gets more than a dozen or so visitors a day and this is my most popular blog.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Thank You, Comics Bloggers

I want to send a big cyber thanks to everyone who has linked to posts here, especially Kalinara and Ragnell over at When Fangirls Attack. I have been getting great traffic here, and most of the referring links is the When Fangirls Attack site. I hope folks who find their way here via the links find things they like here and come back. Those links have made this my most highly read blog, so cyber hugs to you all.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Why I Blog

Heidi, in true play the meme forward fashion, asks why we blog. So, here are 5 of my reasons. Hmmm.... I hope I can come up with 5.
  1. It's fun.
  2. I love to write and this is a great way to share some of my writing.
  3. I can learn html and css by playing with my blog templates.
  4. I can socialize online with cool folks who share my interests. On this blog, it's a love for comics.
  5. Unlike message boards, I can be as cranky as I want and I get to decide what comments get to stay here.
Okay, that ended on a kind of negative note. The truth is, the sharing and fun and educational aspects made blogging very appealing and I got hooked and I don't think I could stop if I wanted. So I'm not planning on trying.

Next? I don't feel like tagging anyone, so blog your own reasons if you feel like it.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Reviews Addenda

Another rambling, non-comics post that can be ignored.

In a comment I've decided to not publish, I was asked if I would review a movie and not mention the actors. Well, actors aren't typically creators. I might mention them because they're standing in for the characters in a way, and it helps me and perhaps the reader visualize. But mostly, I discuss the characters. When I "review" movies or tv shows, I typically don't mention the writers, the directors, the producers, or even the actors. I don't mention the set designers or sfx folks. Those are very collaborative media, as is comics, though not to that extent.

Over on Cyber Chocolate, when I comment on the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica, I might mention the latest thing Adama did, but I'm not likely to mention that Edward Olmos plays him. I don't see the point in that because the show is about the characters and I'm discussing my feelings about what I see. Or read.

Some folks might not call that a review. Whatever. I'm not writing reviews professionally. Then again, I don't consider the articles in the New York Review of Books to be reviews, either. More like excuses the pontificate on the subject of the book in question.

And if someone doesn't like how I review comics, all I can say is that there are plenty of other folks reviewing comics out there. Some mention the creative team and some don't. Plenty of choice in this democratic cyberland.

A lot comes down to why a person blogs, I guess. I started this blog because I suspected I was boring folks on Cyber Chocolate by discussing comics and sports. I didn't want to do a sports blog and I knew the folks who read my book blog were not comics fans, and I thought it would be fun to do a comics blog because I was bored and wanted to do a new template. There you have it. This blog exists because of the template! And because I love comics. And wanted a place to discuss Roy Harper's butt. And since I read more comics a month than books, it's easy to fill posts here with quick commentary about what I read, off the top of my head. My goal is to sum up an issue in one sentence if I can, but as you can see from this post alone, brevity isn't my strong suit.

In a way, I'm reviewing a finished product and while giving credit is nice, especially for the creators, it's not what I look for when I read reviews (unless it's to let me know Bruce Jones is the writer so I can avoid the thing at all cost). When I read reviews I want two things: What's it about? Did the reviewer like it? And that's how I review.

To me, as a writer, of fanfic for 15 years (including a few pieces for the Titans APA) and now an aspiring sf writer, the greatest compliment I can get is for people to gush about my characters and never mention me. Because then I'll know my characters have become real to someone other than me. And, having experienced that with an original series of spy stories I write with friends and print myself, I can honestly say there's no greater feeling. For me, anyway.

Which isn't to say any fictional character is more important than real life people. But since this blog is about fictional characters foremost, and I save most of my real world blogging for elsewhere, I see no reason to change my style. Back when I was heavily into fandom, we mostly talked about Napoleon and Illya, not Vaughn and McCallum. Still do, mostly. (Now you youngsters will scurry to Google what I'm talking about! Man from UNCLE, folks.)

And I'm not mentioning the commenter who started all this because I don't sling mud. I see no point in a public squabble. For all anyone knows, there were many snarky comments I didn't publish and no one can be sure whom I mean. Because I'm polite that way.

And for the record, before everyone rushes to comment in support of me (tho much appreciated) or to condemn me, I'm not upset. Not at all. I was puzzled by the tone of the original comment. For someone so quick to point out I hadn't mentioned the creators, she didn't feel the need to fill me in. Which makes me wonder what the point of the comment was. And since writing posts like these are easier for me, as streams of consciousness (thank you, 7th grade English teacher), than reviews, I thought I'd clarify my reviewing style to help folks decide if they want to continue to read them or not. That was the complete extent, reason, and motivation behind the previous post and this one.

The only way to rile me is to try to pigeonhole me or tell me how to do something. That'll get my snark up, but I'll be smiling as I type. ;)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Delurker Issue 0

So, it's Delurker Day or Week or whatever. It's so hard to keep track of this stuff. So, if you're reading this, don't be shy, say hi. In the comments. Thanks and hugs and kisses.

The Flying McCoys did a Batman joke today. A bit lame, but I had to share.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hell Week

Yes, we have hell weeks at work, too. *sigh* I so need sleep. My eyes have been too tired to do much reading and the stack of unread comics keeps growing. *ack*

I have been reading people's blogs, though, even if I don't comment, and I do need some time to fully explore ComicSpace. I am trying to friend all librarians I run across there as well as my fav comics bloggers. If I've missed you, leave a comment here, or friend ShellyS and I'll get right on it.

Meantime, if you're a fan of Harvard and National Lampoon parodies, I've got 7 of them up for auction on eBay, including a comics parody issue.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

First Reads

First, for anyone and everyone who's friended me on ComicSpace, I really have intended to visit your pages (well, I have at least done that) and leave comments (mea culpa, that I haven't managed to do), but time has been short, stress has been high, and I still don't quite get the whole idea of ComicSpace, but I'm gonna do my best to be social, which isn't my strong suit.

I came home with what can be described only as a "shitload" of comics. This was a very busy week for the last week of the year. The highlight is The Huntress: Darknight Daughter. I won't need to actually read the stories as I've read them when they were first published. I'll read the intro and then I'm gonna revel in the wonders of the first and best Huntress: Helena Wayne.

And with such a large haul, I don't know when I'll get 'em all read, but I did rush through 2 on the subway ride home, in the dim light of a crowded train. So maybe I missed a few things.

Justice League of America 5
There is something about an articulate Solomon Grundy that I find deeply disturbing. Just wanted to get that out of the way. And he's almost a handsome fella on the cover *shudder*

This plotline has gotten a tad more convoluted than I think necessary for an opening arc, especially since the team hasn't exactly finished forming yet. Clearly, Hal invited Roy along on a "mission" he was handling with Dinah and they weren't yet part of the JLA, or so it seems. Okay, fine, I can live with that. And by the end, we do finally have the big three onsite. Yay.

Things I'm having just a teensy bit of a problem with. I like 2-page spreads as much as the next comics fan, but some of these are impossible for me to decipher. Half the time, I'm reading in the wrong direction. And while I love Benes' art and don't mind the cheesecake if I get my share of beefcake shots (and there were no Roy butt shots but plenty of Vixen's ass), I thought Diana's outfit could've used an extra inch or two of fabric in the area where legs meets body. I shouldn't be able to tell that if she's wearing panties, they must be a thong. Storywise, I don't know what Geo-Force has to do with things, so maybe this wasn't the time to intro another element into the story? Unless he plays a role in the story next issue, of course.

Things I did like: the Vixen scenes were lovely and beautifully drawn. Roy ogling Kendra and muttering "Pretty Bird." That was pretty cute, as was Black Lightning's ribbing him about it. Oddly enough, I don't think I like Roy cleanshaven. And I guess I'll pretend his sleeve is just long enough to cover the tattoo no one seems to want to draw on his upper arm anymore.

52 34
What a cliffhanger to end the year! Some real movement in the stories. Never thought I'd feel sorry for Black Adam, but I do. And Amanda Waller is such a bitch, even moreso here than she's been in Checkmate. At least in that book, she comes across as ruthless but dedicated. Here she seems to enjoy crossing the line from decency to bully. Maybe the events of 52 tempered her a bit. .... Nah.

Neat moves by Babs to get Dinah and John into place. Natasha looks like maybe he's finally getting through for her. And did I miss something? How did Lex get his hands on Clark? The scene was pretty funny, though. This is the time anyone would be able to inject him. I can't imagine anyone not being moved by Charlie dying and the way Renee has stuck with him. Her depth of emotion, her growth as a character so far during 52 has been amazing. If for nothing else, 52 has been a success in my mind for its handling of Renee and Ralph and their storylines. And the countdown to New Year's superimposed with the countdown to Charlie's death managed to stay above the corny, maudlin level. It's not easy interweaving so many storylines and to give each starring character enough panel time, but the creative team has more than risen to the occasion. There might be slow moments and other moments that don't quite work, but overall, this book has been great.

Finally, the Zatanna origin was nicely drawn and told. I don't think she ever looked better.

I'm thinking I need a shtik, a something that defines this blog. A regular feature perhaps. But there's a danger there. Readers will come to expect it and what if I miss a time? Worse, what if it flops? What if I can't come up with anything clever. So many good ideas have already been taken and are in use on many fine comics blogs. Such is my dilemma.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

New Feature Here

I added a bit of code so a social bookmarking button will appear after every post. It goes to a page listing social bookmarking sites for you to choose from, courtesy of Add This! I use Feedburner's social bookmarking over on The View from Here, but I thought I'd give this a try and figured this would be a good blog for it given that this is often my most popular blog.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Three More Reviews

The Trials of Shazam 3
Nice retelling of Freddie's origin as Captain Marvel, Jr. as he takes another step toward regaining his, or rather, the Cap's, powers. I'm still not happy with him needing to prove himself after all this time, but I'm being entertained, so I'm sticking with this. The arts is different, but nice, like a series of mini paintings.

Hawkgirl 57
Joe Bennett on art means Kendra's not grimacing all the time, although now she has a real reason. She's been imprisoned, and is about to go on trial so her execution will be on the up and up for treason against Thanagar. Not much actually happens, but there's a real atmospheric thing going on, building to next issue. And meanwhile, Danny's father, whose name I've forgotten, is wise to Kendra's double life. Cool.

Wetworks 2
I still have no f'in clue what's going on, but I was able to follow things a bit better. I'm not much of a vampire fan, Buffy and friends notwithstanding, and now I'm reading this and I have the new Anita Blake comic to read, and this has werewolves, too. The art's nice, but I wish it wasn't so dark so I could tell the characters apart better.

I'm on vacation and will be going away Thursday for a long weekend to visit a friend. I might get to review some of tomorrow's comics, but in case I don't, I just wanted to give folks a heads up that if there are no posts for a few days, I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth to patrol with the Green Lantern Corps.

I've been getting lots of referrals from a couple of sites that have led to hundreds of hits here lately, so welcome to all! And I hope at least some folks who popped in to see what I had to say about that suggested Supergirl costume or whatever, found enough reason to become regular readers here. Kinda makes me wish I'd thought to blog about comics earlier.