Showing posts with label Manhunter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manhunter. Show all posts

Monday, January 24, 2011

Manhunter in JSA

I haven't been reading JSA/Justice Society of America for a while, not since they split the team into two books. But I do read the solicits and the news items and this sure caught my eye. Now, I love Kate Spencer/Manhunter, but even she's not enough to get me to read the book now. And I haven't read anything the goings on with the JSA so far to change my mind. But what caught my attention was the butt shot.

Sure, she's wearing out costume, but c'mon, look at her. She's squatting and there's nothing wrong with the pose, per se, but I'd rather see some sexy (while being anatomically correct) pose, even some of Power Girl's cleavage, than this ugly image.

In the rest of the preview pages/panels, she looks fine. But her huge ass that seems to be straining to break free of her costume... I dunno. Maybe it's just me, but I think I'll be haunted by that image for a while.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Recent Reads The Whirlwind Tour

Here's the latest batch, and I still have so much more to read. Forbidden Planet had what is now an annual 20-per-cent-off one-day sale a few weeks ago, and along with the Tonner Catwoman doll, I bought a bunch of graphic novels. I dream of getting caught up on my reading. Ah, someday....

Detective Comics 860
The cover by Williams is stunning. His interior art is nice, too. The conclusion of Batwoman's origin is a real kicker, proving once again that Rucka is one of the top writers of comics today. The Question backup was nice, with Huntress, but more character bits and exposition than moving the story forward. Things should move into high gear next issue.

Gotham City Sirens 7
I read this for Selina, but Harley and Ivy have been enjoyable here thanks to Paul Dini who really excels at writing female characters. A character study issue that gives us some insight into both Harley and Ivy and now that we've met Harley's family, I can honestly say that she's the best adjusted one. (Can't believe I just wrote that.)

Wonder Woman 39
I was honestly getting bored with this story. I'm not the biggest Greek mythology fan and I much prefer seeing Diana deal with "Man's World." But Gail Simone gave us an ending to this arc that was truly moving. Lopresti's cover is gorgeous; he's one of the best artists for WW.

Batman 694
The book continues to excel as it nears issue 700. And another awesome DC cover this month. Tony Daniel and Sandu Florea make a good team. Dick has really grown into the Batman role.

Streets of Gotham 7
Again, great cover, featuring Manhunter. A rather odd, icky Batman story, with a neat moment of Damian showing he's still a boy and a rather human one at that. The tone here is different than in the Batman book, more like Batman and Robin, I think, and it works well. The Manhunter story rocked because it featured Dylan and I love Dylan. Apparently, the plan is to drop the backup features and without Manhunter here, much as I love Dick as Batman, I'll have to seriously think about dropping this book. I get it for Kate and Dick/Bats appears in enough other books. And I don't want to reward DC by sticking with this without Kate, cuz I'm annoyed with them. They bring on a new character I fall instantly in love with, give her a book right from the gitgo, cancel it, restore it but after perhaps too much time has passed, cancel it again, then give us this backup only to take it away again... it's just plain cruel. But I'm happy for what we've gotten.

Booster Gold 27 (Blackest Night crossover)
Ted Kord made a fun (could that be the right word?) Black Lantern, my favorite of the resurrected BLs so far. Jaime guesting was nice and I will miss his backup feature, too. Rip is, well, Rip, and I wonder if Booster will ever learn the truth and if so, how much it will affect.

Secret Six 16
I love this cover, probably my favorite of the month. Black Alice is so perfect for this book. Gail continues to make quirky characters among DC's best.

Supergirl 48
When I think I was actually dropping this book, until I decided to give Gates a chance to make Kara a great character again.... and he hasn't disappointed. Kara is firmly in the DCU now, a vital part of the Superman family, and her stories have significance and consequence. What more could anyone want from Superman's cousin?

Power Girl 7
An old-fashioned fun superhero book. I thought for a moment I was reading a book from the '60s, an issue of Lois Lane, perhaps, but with a '00's sensibility. Gray, Palmiotti, and Conner might not be giving us the serious, somber PG of the JSA, but they are giving us a character who's comfortable in her own skin who doesn't always take herself seriously. Conner's exaggerated facial expressions can convey so much, you almost don't need the words.

Batgirl 5
I can't believe how many good, female-centric books I now have to read. Stephanie makes a fun, capable Batgirl even if she screws up now and then and doesn't do things by the book, or even as Babs would've done things. She is her own person and she's not like anyone else out there who pulls on a costume and fights crime. She has her own voice, her own way of doing things, and despite setbacks, they work. Her scenes with Damian were great. He's such a little prick.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

This Just Sucks

How many times can a comic die? Characters die all the time, then usually get resurrected. And the Manhunter comic has been canceled, only to be brought back. And now it's been canceled again. I don't think it'll be coming back this time. And we lost Catwoman this year, too. Damn.

Why can't good books featuring female characters thrive? Or more accurately, why can't more than 2 or 3 of them thrive, or at least, stick around? DC is now left with Birds of Prey and Wonder Woman for quality headlining female books and possibly Supergirl, if the last issue wasn't a fluke. I can't think of any others, certainly not that I'm buying. And there are dozens of male headlining titles from DC, only some of which I buy. Some share, ie Green Arrow sharing with Black Canary, and all the team books. But some male characters have many books, ie Batman and Superman, and we can't keep Catwoman and Manhunter around. Where are the buyers? I thought people want quality books. I thought there's an interest in publishing characters that are good role models for girls. Okay, maybe Selina isn't the best role model, but she sure is her own woman.

Why can't we readers support these quality titles in sufficient numbers to make them profitable? Why do I keep having to lose the titles I love? Just. So. Annoyed. Right. Now.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Lots of New Comics

I've got three weeks' worth and counting, plus the short runs and new titles I've been stacking up but haven't read yet, plus graphic novels... well, you get the idea. I've gotten behind. Way behind. Again. Vacations do that for me. So does getting sick. Which happened, and I still feel mostly like crap.

I did read a few things and will get mini reviews up soon, but I had to post to say how happy I was to be holding a new issue of Manhunter. I want everyone who reads this blog and not Manhunter to go get the first new issue and buy it. Read it. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it and want more. Because I want this comic to succeed. Wildly. So it won't get canceled again. Okay? Because Catwoman was just canceled and has its last issue in August and I don't want to lose another wonderful, female-starring comic. Pretty please with chocolate on top? Thanks.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Manhunter is back! Thanks to McBangle for the heads up. Okay, I'm psyched, and more than ready for the return of Kate Spencer and her wonderful supporting characters.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Manhunter Madness

A while back, I noticed I was missing a few issues of Manhunter. And since I'd fallen behind in reading it, I ended up buying the trades and reading the whole series from the start. I finished last night. And it's been one thrill after another. So, let me tell you about the best comic you're probably not reading.

First, I've been reminded of how good this book is. Kate Spencer is a great character. She's flawed, she's real, and she's having the time of her life. She spent many issues trying to stop smoking. She's never gonna win World's Best Mother but she does love her son, Ramsey. She has issues with her ex. She starts out as a rookie hero and by the current issue, has gained plenty of experience, but is still new enough to be awed by Batman and Wonder Woman and thinks it's cool to be one of the costumed crimefighter gang. She's no stereotype. She says what she wants. She takes risks. She has her own code of ethics. She'll take a life if there's no other way to stop someone.

The book has one of the most eclectic supporting casts you'll find, all of whom are entertaining. There's Dylan Battles, the one-time criminal henchman of all trades who is now in the witness protection program and is Kate's go-to guy for all things tech. His relationship with Cameron Chase, an old friend of Kate's, is priceless, truly. Then there's Mark Shaw, who used to be a Manhunter. And then there's her law partner, Damon, who has a hot thing going with Todd "Obsidian" Rice. This is a diverse group of characters, with all treated with respect and dignity, except the villains, of course.

Just about anyone from the DCU can and does show up in this book, from members of the JLA to an OMAC to Director Bones. The villains range from the Shadow Thief to Copperhead to Cheshire. As first a federal prosecutor and now a defense attorney on the DEO's payroll, Kate had tried or defended some of the worst DC villains. You never know who might turn up. The book is firmly rooted in the DCU continuity, right up to Kate defending Wonder Woman in Max Lord's death. Even Kate's family history ties her tightly into the DCU.

The OYL jump worked nicely, too. The main changes being the ex is remarried with a baby on the way. But there was nothing too jarring. Just business and life as usual for Kate, which means plenty of action, thrills, and emotion in this tightly plotted book. Plus, the art's great and she has one of my favorite costumes.

Manhunter has been resurrected twice now after cancellation. Let's make it a real success this time. It's rare to get second chances in comics. Third chances are, or were, non-existent, til now. Let's show DC they were right to take the chance. Again.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Joy in the Comics Blogosphere

As Loren points out, DC will continue to publish Manhunter and will be bringing back the Freedom Fighters!

I'd put off reading all my Manhunters because I figured it was canceled (then back, then canceled again), and I had time. Guess I'd better catch up. And keeping Kate around in a regular book helps with that whole diversity thing DC keeps saying they're aiming for. Now we need to get people reading the book. Maybe if we all buy two and give one to a friend, each and every issue til the friends buy their own.... That would double sales.

I don't discuss diversity here, much, but at a time when adding readers is important to comics so they can stay viable, and with the desire to bring in more female readers, keeping and nurturing a book that or many books featuring minority characters is a good idea. And when the lead is also a strong female role model type, it's doubly a good idea.

I just think there are too many characters now in the DCU called "Kate."

As for the Freedom Fighters, I've been loving the mini and wanted a series so much, so this is great news. Now if they'd do a Creeper series, and one for Secret Six. Both of those minis deserve a regular series, too.

Now, I'm thinking action figures....