Showing posts with label funny images. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny images. Show all posts

20 August, 2010

Intoxicana (Yoga and Drinking)

Yoga Teacher Training Pictures, Images and Photos

Research confirms that drinking gives the same benefits as yoga does...

Position of total relaxation. 

Position that brings the sensation of peace and calm. 

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This position calms the brain and heals tired legs.

Position stimulates the midriff area and the spinal column.

Excellent for back pain and insomnia.  

Excellent for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and arms. 

Great exercise to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and arms.

This position, for ankles and back muscles. 

Tones the body, and builds flexibility and helps get rid of 'stress'.

So in the interest of healthy relaxation, let's start drinking!!! 

Friday Pictures, Images and Photos

Source: Yahoo mail (Gina Tan)

29 May, 2010

It Is What It Probably Is

This Is What Lousy Film Editing 
Looks Like...

Aren't you supposed to hold the trigger to shoot someone???

Hmmm... an airplane in the Trojan War???

Bows, arrows... and cellphones in the olden days???

Wow! Adidas???
Hmmmm... branded pirate!!!

This Is What Sad Looks Like...

This Is What Sorry Looks Like...

This Is What What Bad Spelling Looks Like...

This Is What Intimacy Looks Like...

This Is What Deaf Looks Like...

This Is What Stupid Looks Like...

This Is What "oh @#@##" Looks Like...

This Is What Your Tax Dollars Look Like...

This Is What McBurnt Looks Like...

This Is What A Nightmare Looks Like...

This Is What A Blonde's Car Looks Like...

This Is What "I Thought Your Husband Was Out of Town" 
 Looks Like...

Source: Sunshine's email

Shakira of You Are Never Alone! hosts
May 28st- 30th,2010
(Friday- Sunday)

23 May, 2010

Sunday Stealing

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Sunday Stealing originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser.

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1) What's your middle name?

2) How old are you?

didn't your mom teach you that it's rude to ask a lady her age?

3) Where are you from? Are you living there right now?

i am a resident of davao city, philippines

4) Is it cold where you are?

it's summer hot here

"Davao is typhoon-free. The city enjoys fair weather, even rainfall, temperature, and humidity all year round. Average temperature is 32 degrees Celsius and average rainfall is up to 2,000 mm yearly." 

5) What's the time?

Time to...

6) What are you wearing?

 my heart on my sleeve...

7) What was the last thing you listened to?

deafening laughter of my girls

8) What was the last thing you ate?

a banana

9) What was the last thing you watched on TV?

news on tv

10) What's your favorite tv show? Why?


11) Quick! Find a book, or something with text on it! Flip to a random page and post the second paragraph's first sentence.

"I never knew what real happiness was until I got married;  and then it was too late."

12) What was the last movie you saw? How was it?

a no-brainer comedy that made us all roll in laughter

13) Do YOU think you have an accent? Where do people in your country do people speak with strong accents?

 what was the question again?

07 May, 2010

In Need Of Some Down Time

Welcome to The Dating Profiles Meme.
This meme is based on a feature from WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser.

1. I am not a side dish--i am the full course meal!!!
dinner is served!

2. I do not want the kind of love I can live with, I want the kind of love I can’t live without.

3. I love to be outdoors doing things from hunting to biking to riding a motorcycle to walking on a hillside to swimming in a pond to watching a polo match.
so what are you doing in a dating site???

4. I believe if you meet someone on a date and you are not attracted to each other then there is no point in continuing to date.

5. I have been viewed as a perfectionist, but what I believe in is when you do something, make sure you do it right!!

6. I am looking for someone who is half as happy to see me as my dogs.

7. Liars and cheaters will not be tolerated!

8. I am in need of some down time.

9. I wanna be with someone who is better that the last relationship. The sex was not two good.

10. You smile even when soaked on a wet day.

Thanks to Judd Corizan for hosting The Dating Profiles Meme.

Happy Weekend to everyone!