
Showing posts with label whimsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whimsy. Show all posts

Friday, 2 January 2015

A New Year, A New Start

Changes are afoot!
I am streamlining!
My blog
My Art
My Crafts
My garden
My home
My Body!

All will be revealed soon.

 Happy New Year!

Linking to Paint Party Friday

Friday, 3 January 2014

WIP and 30 Paintings in 30 days - 2 & 3

Work In Progress


In the beginning of December I started a large acrylic in the manner of Flora Bowley.  I wanted to step outside of the habit of planning paintings as that method wasn’t working as I found I lost interest in finishing and I am a bit tired of all the unfinished canvas littering the place up.  Perhaps if I painted intuitively I wouldn’t lose interest?  I really struggled with it at first; I just couldn’t see where it was going there was nada in my head.  I left it for a week and then one morning I looked at it and saw these figures and I was off.  The above was as far as I got before Christmas.  The middle bothered me, but hey I am learning to let it evolve.  I kept seeing another figure but something inside of me shouted no.

Then yesterday I had some wet paint left over from my small paintings I am doing for the 30 paintings challenge.  After an hour’s paint play I had come up with this below.

I have actually done more to it today, but the light is bad we are in the middle of a big dark thunderstorm so I will post more about my progress next week.  I think it is very derivative of Flora Bowley, but I am not going to worry about that as I discovered that my first journal pages after seeing Teesha Moore’s work were derivative as well, but in a few weeks my own particular style emerged.  I am sure my style will emerge with these bigger paintings.  One thing is sure I haven t lost interest I can’t wait to get started on it each morning.  I just have to remember the “ugly teenager” phase soon passes (thanks Denthe for that!).

30 Paintings in 30 Days

No 2 - Bad Girl?


I had to laugh the other day while I was visiting some friends, they had their granddaughter of 6 years staying, she came into the lounge with such a guilty look and when asked what she had been up to she drew herself up and puffed her chest out and said, “Nothing much Nan”, then added, “the floor in the bathroom is flooded and the shampoo bottle has fallen in it and there are lots of bubbles!  I didn’t do it!”  It was the defiance on her face that got me.

No 3  Garden Ladies

This was today’s painting, I am not happy with it more needs to be done but I have to brood on it for a bit.  I decided to post it because if I am to complete 30 paintings I can’t be a perfectionist.  I have got to be real and show warts and all.  Perhaps it needs a bigger canvas this is only 8 x 10 inches.

Have a great day everybody, see you again soon.

Linking to
Kirstin and Eva’s Paint Party Friday
And Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days