May peace and joy surround you at this time of the year.
Showing posts with label acrylic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acrylic. Show all posts
Sunday, 25 December 2016
Friday, 28 August 2015
Not a productive week! Messed everything up!
However Giggles of The Happy Tiler saved the day.
Since I stopped blogging earlier in the year, I have lurked about PPF but haven't felt like leaving comments. Tonight when I read her latest post, it really spoke to me. I have had heaps of grief this year and just cant speak. It hurts too much. I was sitting on the couch thinking I must leave a comment while watching the Australian version of The Voice and Adam Lambert was guest singer. He sang My heart is a Ghost Town and I realised that what was the matter. I have to lay the ghosts to rest! Let the living come into my heart, let my heart live, and stop the silence.
So I photographed a messed up drawing and played with it digitally. Thanks Sherry.
Friday, 20 February 2015
Paint Party Friday- on the move
Hi everybody. Have had a busy, busy week! I have decided to move house as my present home I have decided is too large, especially the garden which has become rather overgrown! I have found somewhere else that is far easier to manage, but now I have to get rid of rather a lot of stuff! So like the cutie above I am twirling around in a panic! Think I will have to get a pad out and start to make lists.
I am actually quite excited as decorating rooms looms in my future, yummy.
However, over the next few months I suspect my blog posts will be a bit sparse. But I will still try and post and visit all my friends at Paint Party Friday.
Friday, 13 February 2015
Happy Valentine!
When I was young as this beauty we didn't celebrate Valentine
’s Day. But I am sure we still had the
same sentiments. Romance, dreams of happy
forever, hopes for the future. Over the
years the dreams do get knocked about a bit, but love is forever. \
1 Corinthians, Chapter 13. Says it all
What if I could speak all languages of humans and of angels? If I did not love others, I would be nothing more than a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
What if I could prophesy and understand all secrets and all knowledge? And what if I had faith that moved mountains? I would be nothing, unless I loved others.
What if I gave away all that I owned and let myself be burned alive? I would gain nothing, unless I loved others.
Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or
rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do.
Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.
Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.
Love never fails! Everyone who prophesies will stop, and unknown languages will no longer be spoken. All that we know will be forgotten.
We don't know everything, and our prophecies are not complete.
But what is perfect will someday appear, and what isn't perfect will then disappear.
When we were children, we thought and reasoned as children do. But when we grew up, we quit our childish ways.
Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see him face to face. We don't know everything, but then we will, just as God completely understands us.
For now there are faith, hope, and love. But of these three, the greatest is love.
Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful week.
1 Corinthians, Chapter 13. Says it all
What if I could speak all languages of humans and of angels? If I did not love others, I would be nothing more than a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
What if I could prophesy and understand all secrets and all knowledge? And what if I had faith that moved mountains? I would be nothing, unless I loved others.
What if I gave away all that I owned and let myself be burned alive? I would gain nothing, unless I loved others.
Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or
rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do.
Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.
Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.
Love never fails! Everyone who prophesies will stop, and unknown languages will no longer be spoken. All that we know will be forgotten.
We don't know everything, and our prophecies are not complete.
But what is perfect will someday appear, and what isn't perfect will then disappear.
When we were children, we thought and reasoned as children do. But when we grew up, we quit our childish ways.
Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see him face to face. We don't know everything, but then we will, just as God completely understands us.
For now there are faith, hope, and love. But of these three, the greatest is love.
Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful week.
Linking to Paint Party Friday hosted by Eva and
Friday, 6 February 2015
Just Doodling Along....!
haven’t allowed me to do much art lately but I still manage to get in a little
bit of doodling with pastels and paints.
These are a few from this week’s colour plays.
And a
painting I did of roses - a request from a loved family relative – “I would love you to do me some roses
dear, pink ones, but proper!’ I hope
these will be “proper” enough! Lol.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you all have a creative week.
Linking to Paint Party Friday hosted by the lovely Kristin and Eva.
Friday, 2 January 2015
A New Year, A New Start
Changes are afoot!
I am streamlining!
My blog
My Art
My Crafts
My garden
My home
My Body!
All will be revealed soon.
Happy New Year!
Linking to Paint Party Friday
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Seasons greetings
I would like to wish all my readers and followers a Happy New Year and that it be be full of joy and wonderful creative endeavours.
It is swelteringly hot here and the exodus to the beaches has already started as Christmas is when most kiwis take their annual holidays. For my virtual Christmas card I have painted the New Zealand Christmas tree - Pohutukawa. It is festooned with gorgeous red flowers during December and January. It is a coastal tree and adorns the beaches and sea cliffs - a wonderful sight.
See you in the New Year.
Friday, 12 December 2014
Collages and a Tah Dah!
For the
collage theme over at Art Journal Journey this week I have continued using up
old scraps and failed paintings.
The above
was a collage I started years ago and never finished. I think it was at the beginning of my tea bag
painting phase. The trees are dried gum
collage is a combination of three failed works!
I pasted them onto a large sheet of card and then added some
leaves. The tea bag in the centre I left
unpainted as I thought it might get a bit too busy.
Now I don’t
know if this qualifies as a collage as it is digital.
I used a
watercolour of some apple blossom, a photo of my Mothers wedding day, (the two
ladies with her are my grandmothers.
Christmas is a time of family and I feel the need to honour these ladies
as they are no longer with us.) I also used
some bits of lace that I scanned.
Tah Dah!
For Paint
Party Friday, I finished the painting from last week thanks to a suggestion
from Denthe and others. Denthe suggested
that I paint the bird looking at the girl as if it was going to take it from
her. That really hit the mark for
me. I am going to call the painting The Last Flower. The birds are upset that she has
picked it as now they will be hungry and there will now be no flowers to form
seeds and feed the earth. I think the
girl has realised too late what she has done in her mission to smell the
beautiful scent.
People who
have looked at my last post for Sunday Sketches will recognise the bird as the
Tui. There is a reason that I have been
painting them a lot. My younger brother
had a stoke 3 weeks ago. As children we
were very close, but in late teenage years we became estranged. A couple of years ago I got in touch again
with him and we have been developing a relationship again. As children we use to spend holidays with our
grandmother and she still worked some mornings so we were dropped off at the
National Museum in Wellington and we took turns at what we would look at. Dave was keen on birds so I drew them and he
took notes from the displays. Then we
would make a project sheet on each bird for our Grandparents.
I think what we also like the most was when
Grannie picked us up and took us to fancy restaurants for lunch. She let us choose whatever we wanted. I think that is where I got my love of fine
When we got
in touch again Dave would send me photos of birds that live around his home in
Canberra (Australia) His favourite NZ bird is the Tui, so I am painting a series
of cards for him. Below is a painting in
gouache that I am going to frame for him.
It is so
sad he is only in his fifties and his wife is dying of breast cancer. They had just got back from Mexico where they
had gone for treatment for Liz. It is
not working unfortunately; I think the stress of it all plus other family stuff
caused it. So, if could please send your
prayers or healing vibes to Canberra, I would be grateful.
That’s it
for today
Hope you
all have a wonderful week and thanks for visiting.
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Birds and teabags
Sunday Sketches
I am killing two birds with one stone so to speak today. I have been very fortunate to have a lot of
time this week to create art.
For Sunday
Sketches I decided to show two of a series of NZ native birds I am doing for
cards. I am trying to use the looser
style that I have for my ladies. (My
birds and flora are usually very detailed.)
These two
birds are one of my favourites The Tui.
It was scarce for a number of years but now is becoming more common as
it is moving into the towns and cities as people are planting more native trees
and shrubs in their gardens. It has a
beautiful song and a couple wake me up every morning singing to each
other. They are a largish bird and rather
clumsy, but oh how they sing and their iridescent colours just gleam in the
The male
has a beautiful white ruffle of feathers under its beak and white thin feathers
behind its head. The Tui is a nectar
eater and unfortunately gets very greedy in spring when the Kowhai Tree is in
flower. They can denude the tree overnight
and leave a carpet of shredded flowers for us humans to sigh over! Sometimes it seems as they are having a
drunken brawl over the flowers and is rather funny to watch.
Art Journal Journey
The theme
for art Journal Journey this month is collage.
I decided to get out my plastic box full of abandoned projects and make
some art from them.
Some time
ago early last year I had a period of painting portraits on teabags. The
page above I pasted onto a small page of weaved strips from pages of a book
that I am altering. Then I just simply washed some watercolour over the lot.
The page
below I pasted the teabag onto some ripped squares from the same book and then
pasted that lot over half of a spoiled watercolour of anemones. Then did a bit of splashing! Moral of story don’t throw anything out, it
can be combined with other bits and pieces to make an okay page.
Um I still
have lots of teabags and scraps and messed up paintings to use up, so no doubt
I will be posting more collages before the month is out.
So that’s it for today so thanks Alexandra from Sunday Sketches
and Susi and Valerie for hosting Art Journal Journey.
Visit both as there is some wonderful art to be seen.
Friday, 5 December 2014
Caught in the Rain and WIP
Do you ever
embrace the rain when out for a walk? I
did on Monday. I got soaked, but it was
wonderful. The rain was so heavy I could
have put my tongue out and had a drink! When I got home my hair was like rat tails and
water was dripping off me and made a great puddle. But oh I felt so refreshed. Crazy eh!
I just had to do this watercolour.
(I wish I was as lovely as this beauty when soaking wet, lol!)
The next
piece is a WIP, I have had this canvas 30cm x 60cm for ages and had started to
do the background in acrylic but had got no further.
On Tuesday
I dragged it out and added more layers and used gesso to suggest a figure on
the left. I have been adding to it every
day. But, now I have got to the stage of
not knowing where to go next. Is it
finished? Do I add some text?
I quite
like it as it is, it there is still a niggle.
The girl is meant to be holding a flower maybe I could add a flower on
the right? However, I won’t do anything
to it for at least a week. In fact I
will turn it to the wall and hopefully next week when I will look at it again
the answer will come to me.
I will post
the finished piece I promise!
Have a lovely week and thanks for visiting.
I am linking as usual to Paint Party Friday,
hosted by Eva and Kristin. Head over
there as there are some amazing artists taking part.
Sunday, 30 November 2014
A love affair with roses
I love gardening, I love roses! They make me curse when pruning, and often
when picking them I scratch myself. But
oh my they have a wonderful scent -they give off a fragrance that surpasses any
I picked these a couple of days ago and they have been
giving pleasure to me and my visitors ever since.
They are starting to droop a bit and I decided to try
my hand at doing a watercolour of them.
Next to painting people flowers are a hot favourite. Anyway it is about time I posted some of my
flower studies.
I am really pleased with this. It is the first time that I used the technique
I use for my painted ladies. It took a
bit of nerve to splash acrylic on the painting though.
I was on a roll and decided to do another of some
climbing roses along the driveway. (Yes
there is a grape vine intermingled with the roses!) They are the old-fashioned
cabbage type rose. Oh my how the mighty are fallen! I made a botch of them.
Time for a bit of splashing. Hey presto a saved painting. Sort of looks abstract. I don’t know why I keep thinking of starry
Well that’s it for today, thanks for visiting and have
a great week.
Linking with Alexandra’s Sunday Sketches
Friday, 28 November 2014
Inspired by Francis Hodgkins
I have finally got around to doing some painting inspired by a well-known
NZ artist for Art Journal Journey’s theme of Inspired by the Masters for November.
I have chosen Frances Hodgkins - 1869 -1947. She is one
of the earliest Women Artists in New Zealand.
It wasn’t until she left NZ at the age of 37 and went to Europe that she
obtained recognition for her art.
Luckily, nowadays NZ women don’t have to leave NZ to follow a career in
For the
first painting (Two Women with a basket
of Flowers 1915) I more or less copied, but in watercolour rather than oil
that Hodgkins used. This painting was
before her more well-known semi abstract work that was influenced by Henry
Moore and Ben Nicholson.. Looking at it
I would say that Matisse was an influence, as I think of him when I look at it.
My Version
For the
second painting The Farmer’s Daughter
I decided to do my own take.
I actually
found it quite hard to put my spin on it, made me realise that I need my girls
to talk to me!
My version
In 1912-13Francis
Hodgkins taught in Paris at Colarossi's academy, the first woman to be
appointed instructor in the school. I found a picture of her that shows her as
a fun person as opposed to the usual photo of her looking very stern and school
Now this talked
to me and inspired me to do this painting.
That is it
for this week, have a creative week everybody and thanks for visiting.
Linking to
Paint Party Friday hosted by Eva and Kirstin
And ArtJournal Journey hosted this month by Valerie with Susi
Friday, 31 October 2014
Taking a Break
We don’t really have Halloween here in NZ, but it is
slowly creeping in. I have already had a little Dracula toddler at the
door. Totally forgot and had to raid my
chocolate stash! Drat! But he was so sweet and his Mum was a supper vampire
I have been absent from the blogging scene for a bit
and will continue to be for a while as there are things going on in my life
that take up all my physical and emotional energy.
However, I have
managed to do some art this afternoon. Below
is a painting of a statue I saw on Flickr a while ago, I loved it because it
looked so creepy, suitable for today! It
is Halloween isn't it?
I will try and get around fellow PPF people over the
weekend. But please excuse me if I don’t.
Hope to see you all again in the near future.
Hugs Sharon.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Owls, a Fairy and a Pear
I have been
deep in the forest this week painting owls for Art Journal Journey’s October theme. These two are having a great old gossip about
the naive little fairy that noisily woke them up from their slumber. They were very indignant when she screamed out
as a spider jumped on her wings. What
was she doing there anyway, they asked each other.
Well, Miranda
was being brave, very brave in fact. The
big fairies told her that deep in the forest there was a wonderful treasure chest
by the old oak tree. In it there was a
lot of special fairy dust. Now this
fairy dust was wonderful - beautiful iridescent blues and greens with gold and
silver highlights. Miranda thought that
if she could get some and made a wish she would become beautiful and slender
like the big fairies.
The spider
terrified Miranda and when the owls hooted with laughter, she decided that she didn't like the darkness of the forest and perhaps it would be better if she went home
and ate the pear her Mum was painting for lunch. Pears would make her skinny!!!! Also her Mum’s kitchen was full of light and
warmth and love.
The owls
were done in ink, pencil and watercolour.
Miranda was done in pencil, watercolour and gouache.
The still
life was done in acrylic, it is also being linked to Mix it Monthly hosted by
Conny, where the theme in October is still
life with the colours red, blue and yellow.
Have a
wonderful creative week and thanks for visiting.
Linked to
Paint PartyFriday hosted by Eva and Kirstin
Art JournalJourney hosted by Susi
Mix ItMonthly hosted by Conny
Friday, 3 October 2014
Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey
This week I
completed the 29 Faces for Ayala Art’s 29 Faces in September. If you want to know the stories behind the
last 4 faces go here. I actually do have
a plan for some of them, but more about that later. Here is a compilation of the faces I did last
month (some of them are cropped because some of my dimensions were different.
If you want
to see them all in full go here.
I had
planned to have a break from art this week and get into the garden. But the weather hasn’t been suitable, you k
now what spring weather is like very changeable to say the least! But all was not wasted as when I saw the
theme for October at Art Journal Journey set by Sheila from Orange Esmeralda I
was delighted. It is: Deep in the Forest!
For ages I
have had this box, years ago I use to paint these boxes for gifts and inside
there was stuff particular to the person concerned. So here was this box littering up the place,
I had a brain wave I would paint inside of it.
So out came the acrylics and I got started….
I love our
native bush her in New Zealand, It is often very dark and mysterious and you
can imagine another world of creatures living there. Often little creeks trickle through the trees
creating a sparkling light. What I love
the most are the small waterfalls, they are such a surprise to come across. Our bush is like this box from a distance the
dull olive green of the canopy hides a world of treasures and surprises.
Tah dah!
I so
enjoyed doing this that I think I will have to get some more boxes made to
inspiration. The falls are about 50 km north
from here and the bush scene is about 10 km in the Tararuas.
Hope you
all have a wonderful week.
(I have not
forgotten the methods I use for my journal page. Hopefully I will organised enough to have
some for next week.)
Linking to
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Tah Dah!
I have done it! 29 Faces in September done and
The last
four gals are red hair beauties, I don’t know what it is about red hair but I
find a lot of my paintings have red hair, I don’t! It must be that it is more interesting than black
brown or blond or even grey lol...
Face 26
This is
Maggie, she has a secret and she is not telling! It makes her happy and she often smiles to
herself during the day. It drives her friends
crazy that she won’t tell!
Face 27
This is Francine;
she is wondering what the day will hold for her, will it be fun or that the
horrid boy in her class will make fun of her again. She hates that.
Face 28
This is
Sara, she so wants to join in the party, but her shyness make her hide in the
Face 29
Now on the
other hand Lynne has all the confidence of the world. She will look at you directly, and tells you
what she thinks.
Well that’s
it. Thank you Ayala for hosting the 29
Faces in September, it has been fun and worthwhile as it has made me focus, which
I sorely needed to do. I am pleased to
say that I have discovered what I want to do with my art for the next few
months! Progress has been made.
Friday, 26 September 2014
Almost There!
I can not believe that we are near the end of
September! I have to say that I have
really enjoyed the 29 Faces in September 2014 challenge. Also the Living Beings theme over at Art
Journal Journey. So thanks to the lovely
ladies that host them.
Face 20
This is Ashley, she loves all living creatures and all
creatures seem to love her. Dogs and
cats come running when she is in their territory. Birds hover near her and sing songs to her! She is a magical girl who walks through life
with lots of compassion. If you see her,
smile and watch the magic happen.
Face 21
This is Kasey, she is dressed up in her party dress, it is her eighth
birthday and all her friends are coming.
She is twitching with excitement as she watches her mother sets out the
spread they will be having … there are
fairy lights, jelly beans and pink and purple cupcakes! Best of all, there will be lots of
Faces 22, 23 AND 24
On Monday Morning I was
doing a bit of blog reading while the kettle boiled for my breakfast. I happen to hit on Morag of Paper Rainbow’s post about
an Australian Artist Peter Rush (see here) He does
street scenes of Sydney with coloured pencils on old cereal cartons. They were awesome. My eye spotted the weetbix carton I had just put
near the fireplace for burning. Ummm ….I
fetched it and made a few marks…….. An hour or so later the above was underway
and my weetbix were soggy! Needless to
say I was so excited with how the coloured pencils worked on this card, that I
had finished the picture well before lunch.
Three more faces done!
ladies are three sisters, Bertha, Agatha and Elisabeth.
The first and eldest sister Bertha loves to
be indoors and hates being outside because of the creepy crawlies. She is often to be found standing at the
window watching her sisters’ antics with disapproval. Did you see how a bee has managed to invade
her kingdom!
The middle sister Agatha,
is a bit mixed up, she admires both her sisters and wants to be like them, but she
can’t stand Bertha's nagging and she is actually very nervous of nature and
really wants to be inside. The youngest
is a creature of nature she loves to dance in the woods singing to all the
creatures she finds, especially the little people.
I just love using the boxes and will be doing more of this. Now,
for my beauty of the week:

Face 25
This is Catherina,
she wants to be a model, but has been let down by un scrupulous agents trying
to manipulate her into dodgy ventures.
Despite her fragile exterior there is a strength within her that will
help her to avoid all the pitfall of her chosen career, good luck Catherina, I
know you will succeed!
I was going
to show how I make some textures with my home made stamps this week but I have
decided to wait till 29 faces is over and do a series on my techniques
However I can give one tip that
follows on from my step by step last week.
While I was doing the three sisters, I realised that all my faces no
matter their medium I do a layer of white.
For pencil; work I use a white pencil as it softens the marks. For watercolours and acrylics I use zinc
white acrylic paint and do a thin wash, yes even over watercolour faces such as
I just love the soft magical
feel it gives.
Even though
I am enjoying all the challenges this month I will be glad when things are back
to normal, it is spring here and everything is growing at a pace. My poor garden is sadly neglected. Don’t you think that Bro is trying to tell me
Well, have a wonderful week every
Linking today to Paint Party Friday
hosted by Eva and Kirstin
And Art Journal Journey hosted by
Valerie and Susi
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