> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~
Showing posts with label my favorite tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my favorite tutorials. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Perfect Placement for Machine Embroidery Applique' Shapes by Marjorie Busby

If you are interested in machine embroidery, I hope you enjoy a new video tutorial and inspiration by Marjorie  (Blue Feather Studio), as well as her beautiful designs that stitch out perfectly!

Marjorie is a very talented quilter and designer, who creates stunning machine embroidery designs for applique' shapes using AccuQuilt dies.  She is a guest blogger on the AccuQuilt blog today, where she shares insights on inspirational projects, a sale at AccuQuilt.com for machine embroidery designs and applique' dies, as well as this YouTube video tutorial for Easy and Accurate Placement of Machine Embroidery Applique Shapes (MEA).

This is the absolute best video tutorial I have ever seen for perfect MEA, whereby I wanted to share this as one of My Favorite Tutorials.

note:  If you have problems watching this embedded video, click thru to watch it directly in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4wHHRLu9_w&list=UUmlmkmb8T-hQLKP99fc_FOw

And, don't forget AccuQuilt has a sale on applique dies and embroidery designs.  Of course, while you are checking out all of Marjorie's beautiful designs, be sure to check out her cute owl design which is a freebie on the AccuQuilt site.
You'll also find freebies in Marjorie's online store, like this sweet song bird mug rug and the in the hoop mug rug.

You can find Marjorie Busby at:

You can find AccuQuilt at:

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Favorite Tutorials: Electric Quilt Software

This post is dedicated to sharing My Favorite Tutorials for Electric Quilt Software.  The EQ Team does a great job of providing educational information on their site, YouTube, blog and more, but there are also many wonderful EQ tutorials on blogs and various sites.  While this page will periodically be updated to show SewCalGal's favorite tutorials for EQ SW, I hope that if you have a favorite you'll leave a comment with a link to your favorite tutorials.

I'm also an advocate of encouraging others to spend 15 minutes a day (or even a week, if that is all they can spare) to "play" with EQ software.  You'll be amazed how much you will learn in a short time and how much fun you'll have.  Many tutorials are written to where they are easy to start/stop and restart at any point in the tutorial but I also recommend that you repeat tutorials, a few times, to embed the lesson into your memory.  It really begins to click quite soon and what you learn in one lesson quickly carries over to another lesson and within a short time you'll be amazed how creative you feel in such robust quilt designing tools.

I hope you will will check out the tutorials that have become my favorites.  Again, you need not do them all at once.  But I am pretty confident that if go thru these tutorials you'll be a Master with EQ software and have great fun along the way, as well as playing creatively with EQ software in the future.  Heck, you may even become a professional quilt designer as there are truly many designers that now sell patterns that they designed in EQ software, even when they just learned this software in the last year or two.  It really doesn't take that long to learn.....15 minutes a day can make a big difference.    And, I continually go back thru my list of favorite EQ tutorials to exercise my EQ skills.  Great fun!

This list is in no special order, although I will admit that I encourage newbies to start with the Benni Harper Lessons @ Do You EQ (as well as the exercises in the manual that comes with EQ7).  And, I highly recommend all of the EQ Educational Books as they are great learning resources and well worth the very reasonable price.


Benni Harper Lessons @ Do You EQ
 Creating Blocks without Drawing, using the Serendipity Tool @ EQ Youtube Channel
EQ Summer Drawing Series on YouTube

Creating Blocks Using the Serendipity Tool @ EQ YouTube Channel

Selecting Fabric for Virtual Quilts @ Do You EQ
Exploding Blocks and Quilts for Patterns @ Do You EQUsing Fabric Scans in your EQ Project, by the EQ Team

Using EQ to re-size patterns @ DoYou EQ
Designing Quilting Stencils @ DoYouEQ

Christmas in the Woods - Using EQStitch by Jenny Novinsky of Electric Quilt Company @ Quiltmaker

Drawing Scrollwork @ DoYouEQ
Designing in EQ7 for Pre-Cuts by Jenny Novinsky @ Quiltmaker
EQ7 Serendipity Tool to Merge Blocks, by Jenny Novinsky @ Quiltmaker

Hooty Owl by Connie @ Freemotion Quilting by the River
Applique' Flower Based On  A Photo @ Seams to be Sew

Spinner Quilt EQ Tutorial @ Kissed Quilts

Applique' Dragonfly @ Sew Incredibly Crazy
Designing Wreaths in EQ7 by Geta Grama @ Geta's Quilting Studio
Morning Glory Design and Wreath tool in EQ7 @ Morning Glory Designs
Brush Stroke Tutorial @ Fun Threads
Importing and Tracing Images by Sindy RodenmayerCreate a Fat Quarter Cutting Chart in EQ by Kari Schell @ On Point Quilter
Olympic Spirit by Marlene Oddie @ KISSed QuiltsImport Entire Collections of Fabric into EQ7 by Shannon @ Fabrics N Quilts
EQ7 and AccuQuilt Dies @ Sew With Kelly
Using EQ to Make Scallops @ Seams to be You and Me
Valentine Table Runner by Connie @ Quilting By The River

Designing with Hexies in EQ7 @ The Hexie Blog

Quilt Label with EQStitch @ BeaQuilter
AccuQuilt GO! Winding Ways @ BeaQuilter
AccuQuilt Hexi and Equilateral Dies @ BeaQuilter

Adding Photos to your Quilt @ Seams to be Sew
Photos and Kaleidoscopes @ Patchwork Breeze
Color Accents w/photos @ Fun Threads
Designing a Fabric Book in EQ by Marjorie @ B-Quilts
Skewing Blocks into Diamonds @ Patch Pieces

Morning Glory Design and Wreath tool in EQ7 @ Morning Glory Designs

Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon Quilt @SewCalGal
Using AccuQuilt Dies @ SewCalGal
Wine Bottle Vests @ SewCalGal
mug rug with alohaApplique' Animals:  Gecko @ SewCalGal
Sweet Lullaby Quilt @ SewCalGal
turkey with colorsApplique' Turkey @ SewCalGal
Glass Etching Stencils @ SewCalGal
Swath Tool in EQ7 @ SewCalGal
Creating a Caterpiller @ Seams to be Sew

And don't forget to check out my other favorite tutorials (e.g. free-motion quilting, quilting, totes and bags, and more). You can always find links to my favorites by clicking on the page of my blog labeled "My Favorite Tutorials".

EQ also has excellent books to help you learn too!

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