To whom it may concern,
To my surprise, I recently found many stories on the internet reproducing an article published in People's Daily about the incident on the first Friday after the 7.5 riots in Urumqi. The article mentions Television of Catalonia and other media and concludes we incited a demonstration and it blames us for the stabbing of a policeman. It also says we didn't do an objective job, giving as an example that we didn't interview the policeman and didn't mention the violence against Han ethnic people. This is the link to the article re-published in Xinhua:
First of all, let me tell you I have been in China for 7 years, and no matter what kind of accusations I receive, I will not change my perception of this country as one of the most welcoming, respectful and safe I have ever been to.
Second, I understand that some patriotic feelings may arise with such a sensitive issue (7.5 incident), but I must honestly disagree with the mentioned description. It is simple: I was there interviewing, with the proper accreditation, and for nothing in this world would I want to ignite a subversion or a demonstration, specially when we all knew how delicate the situation in Urumqi was on that day. It may be true that those demonstrators felt encouraged with our presence, but not at all did we taught them what they had to say or what they had to do, nor wanted them to do something so that we could "catch some reportable story". This theory is offending, putting me and my colleagues at the same level of a spy. Besides, I was there, whereas People's Daily article is not even signed and none of their journalists has ever asked me about my version.
Third, I understand some "laobaixing" must be angry for what they consider unfair reporting from the West, now and before in situations like the riots in Tibet last year. But please, if you accuse our organization, show us some evidence.
Fourth, the article says we didn't even try to ask the policeman's version, go to the hospital and interview him. After 8 hours in the police station, we finally were freed and were taken to the hotel to continue with our job. I asked the police head of Urumqi about the agent, and he told me he was in hospital, and I told him I was sorry if somehow they thought we had anything to do with that. By no means we could have thought an interview would end up like that. Later that night, when I edited the story, I included the police version: "according to the police version, an agent was stabbed during this incident. They believe this happened because of our presence there." Moreover, on the next day, after realizing some of the footage I had taken showed a policeman touching his side with a hand (just 2 or 3 seconds), therefore possibly confirming the police version (you could guess from that image that the agent could be complaining about a wound), I used that image, slow motion, to insist in the official version, to be fair with reality and avoid misunderstandings. For all this, saying I didn't care about that fact is completely false.
Fifth, the article talks about a letter sent by some readers to People's Daily recently, complaining about the Western coverage, believing we didn't show images of houses burned or innocent people that died in the riots. They say we just want to see unrest in China. Since I arrived to Urumqi on Thursday, I tried to show all kind of opinions or sensibilities, and these are just some examples included in my reports:
-a demonstration with Han and Uyghur Chinese, together, bringing water to the soldiers.
-Han Chinese rising a national flag as a way to show gratitude and support for the soldiers.
-an interview with a Hui ethnic man who owned a Geely car dealing service, burned during the 7.5 riots.
-a story about photo studio owner Mrs. Zhang (Han) and her assistant Mrs. Zelnur (Uyghur), who believe there is no ethnic conflict in Xinjiang. Mrs. Zhang also said many Uyghur neighbours had offered her help in case she needed.
Finally, I would like to say that what happened last week in Urumqi is very sad. Nobody like me, who believes in human condition and freedom, could never support any form of violence. Many people of different ethnic groups died, and today, all their families cry for their loss.
I think Xinjiang needs dialogue between everyone, the same dialogue and understanding China and Western countries should have despite some natural untrust because of historical reasons. And this letter is to show my version to anyone interested in knowing it. I could have ignored People's Daily article by not saying anything at all, but the accusations are too serious not to be replied. I honestly hope such an important newspaper can include some of my comments to help avoiding misunderstandings, specially when I always tried to be fair with the reality, no matter if in China or elsewhere, and I indeed have a sincere respect for this great country and its people.
Sergi Vicente
Beijing correspondent
Television of Catalonia
第二,我理解,面对这样一个敏感的问题( 7.5事件),一些爱国情怀可能出现,但我必须坦诚的否认文章中的说法。事情很简单:我在那里采访,有正式的许可,我没有任何必要挑起颠覆或示威,特别是我们大家都知道当天乌鲁木齐的局势是多么的微妙。的确,我们的存在使这些示威者感到鼓舞,但是我们根本没有教他们做什么、说什么。这个(人民日报文章的)说法是侮辱性的,把我和我的同行放在间谍的同一水平上。此外,我当时在场,可是人民日报的文章甚至连署名都没有,他们的记者也没有采访过我,没问过我的版本。
第四,文章说,我们甚至没有试图倾听那位警察的版本,没去医院,没采访他。我们是在派出所带了8个小时之后才最终被释放出来的,并被直接带回酒店继续我们的工作。我问过乌鲁木齐警方负责人关于那位警察的情况。他告诉我,人在医院。我告诉他,如果不知何故,他们认为我们有什么关系的话,我感到抱歉。我们绝没有想到采访会这样结束。那天晚上,当我编辑的新闻的时候,我包括了警察的版本:”据警方的说法,一名干警在这一事件中被刺伤。他们认为此事件的发生是因为我们当时在场。“ 此外,次日,我发现我拍摄的一些画面显示一名警察用一直手触摸身体的一侧( 只有2或3秒) ,因此有可能确认警察的说法(你可以通过画面猜想,干警可能是在抱怨伤口)。于是,我在官方说法中穿插了他的画面,慢动作,为的是公正的再现事实、避免误解。(人民日报文章中)说我不关心这一点是完全错误的。
-一个关于照相馆老板张太太(汉族)和她的助理Zelnur夫人(维吾尔族) 的故事。她们相信在新疆没有种族冲突。张太太也表示,许多维吾尔邻居在她需要的情况下都为她提供了帮助。
魏森(Serigi Vicente)记者