Showing posts with label Laughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laughter. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Seeing Beautiful Requires Striking a Balance

To see beautiful, you must strike a balance in life. Balance is what Floridina taught me. We didn't speak the same language and it might look like I'm writing about physically balancing sticks, but it's so much more than that. Learning to strike a balance in Kayonza, Rwanda with the amazing Fight to Live Women we get to support through the beautiful Kula Project taught me about a greater balance.
Standing on the rocky hills of their coffee farm, these female farmers reminded me that life isn't supposed to be muddied by to-do lists and work demands. Life isn't supposed to be busy and cluttered and filled with material things. Life is supposed to be lived respecting the land and in the moment. Life is best lived when we are fully present and celebrating and seeking the beautiful that is very much there. There are no to-do lists or iphones or instagram accounts to check in Rwanda. There is water to fetch and conversation to be had and food to be grown. There are no "likes" or credit card bills or gas tanks to be filled. There is fresh air and fresh food and laughter from neighbors. A lot can be learned about striking a healthy balance from these beautiful women. You don't have to go to Rwanda to learn it, you just have to get back to your roots and settle in on seeing beautiful in this moment. 

You can be a part of their story of survival and grace and strength and creating beautiful. Read more here:
                       Photo by Bobby Neptune.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Dog and His Stroller: BEAUTIFUL

When you can't make the long trek, when your bones ache, or when you just need to take a longer scenic route with the ones you love, you can't deny the value of a stroller for the stroll. Take the road less traveled. Let people stare. Let them point and laugh and even take pictures, for the smiles it brings to the one getting to blaze a trail he could have never blazed before is what seeing and creating beautiful are all about.

Doggy strollers rock. In every way...

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Monday, March 17, 2014

See Beautiful in a St. Patrick's Day Sheepdog's Herding Focus

Who would have thought that being "rounded up" by a sheep dog could be beautiful?

Happy seeing beautiful in a special St. Patty's Day sheepdog's herding abilities:
Well, Cheers!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

See Beautiful Coming to a Messy, Tiny Eater Near You!

See Beautiful Bib Specifications (Important):Color: White/Lemon
Size: One Size Fits All

100% fine ring-spun combed cotton, this finer 1x1 rib knit features a comfortable stretch with excellent durability through repeated washings.
See Beautiful Message/Ostrich: Double Sided

Our See Beautiful Bib Story (Even More Important):
Let's be honest, there is very little that is graceful about an infant eating peas or _________ (insert his/her favorite food here). Truth is, food is gonna fly. And while we often have washcloths, hand wipes and maybe even q-tips ready to squeak-clean after meals, things get dirty. Our purpose for providing a See Beautiful bib is to leave parents seeing beautiful while staring at their food-covered, smiling, full bundles of joy. 

How our See Beautiful bib can leave you seeing beautiful (MOST IMPORTANT):
With apricot puree matted in hair and pear mush dripping from chins, we want the words on the "See Beautiful" bib to shine through because in those less than beautiful food-covered moments, there really is so much to see beautiful in: Your child and the gift of loving that child and the realization that you're doing a great job at this parenting thing. A really, really beautiful job. 

Get a See Beautiful bib for the messiest eater you know HERE.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Here's to an Extreme Halloween Full of Seeing Beautiful

Let's brainstorm a list of TRADITIONAL Fall or Halloween themed home decor:

  • A pumpkin
  • A jack-o-lantern
  • A leaf wreath
 If feeling a wee-bit on the FRISKY side, the list might include:
  • A spiderweb adorning your door (spiders included)
  • A tombstone
  • A witch flying into a tree
  • A skeleton
  • A hay bail 
  • A scare crow
There are a special few who sprint right past feeling frisky and one-up all decorations with  their EXTREME desire and dedication to shock, surprise, cheer others with their decorations. This post is for you, our "Extremists". This post is to get you thinking about how you might just shock, surprise, and undoubtedly cheer hundreds of people you don't know by thinking creatively when it comes to decorating for the holidays. Here's some inspiration (all located within a half mile radius of each other):

And while pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns are quite lovely, we must admit, we observed families stopping by the EXTREME decoration homes laughing with their children. Some stayed for over ten minutes simply wandering around the locale, taking in the sights (yeah, we were kind of squatting in our cars watching).

Our Pay It Forward Friday idea for you is to be extreme with your decorations. If it helps one family slow down, take their mind out of the daily grind, and laugh together, you've created a lot of seeing beautiful. If you can't be extreme in the decorating, you can Pay It Forward by gathering loved ones together and seeking decorations of the "extreme" to enjoy together.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happier Than a Camel on Hump Day

Today, we hope you're happier than a camel on hump day. We hope you see beautiful with every blink. We hope you feel love from all those around you. We hope you're able to give more than you realized, without ever knowing. We hope you do a happy dance (unprompted) because you can't hold in the jig. Happy, hump day!

Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful™ products (and feel good knowing a all proceeds are being donated to Girls With Sole). Learn more HERE. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"Oh Fitch, Please!"

"Beauty isn't between the number 0 or 8. Oh Fitch, Please!"...from Ellen Degeneres in her response to Abercrombie & Fitch's decision to stop creating clothes over a size 10.

Beauty isn't a number. Beauty can't be bottled. Beauty isn't bought. Beauty isn't a SIZE at ALL!

Thank you, Ellen for seeing and creating more beautiful in the world!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Gas Station Pranks can be Beautiful

It is clear from watching the following video that this couple has made a life out of seeing and creating more beautiful from others. When spoken to through a television screen above the pump, instead of jumping into the car and locking the doors (or bolting from the parking lot), this married couple/soon-to-be award winning duo, seize the moment offering us all an instant smile. Perhaps instead of shuddering at the price of gas the next time we pull in to fill up our tanks we can remember these two and belt a few (or take a little dance break). Why not?

Because let's face it, when we're "living on a prayer" by day, "sweet dreams" really are made of moments like these...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Burned Chicken

Guest post by Shelley Massey, Atlanta, GA

There is beauty in a burned supper. After finishing work, getting the kids from daycare, and bustling groceries into the house last night I set about my evening routine of rustling up two vegetables, a starch, and a protein that could pass for supper. Still in my work clothes, I turned the kids loose into the backyard as I fired up the grill. The chicken was partially frozen and I realized that I forgot to get more broccoli, the only green vegetable that my kids will eat. Casting my lot with zucchini and a bottle of barbeque sauce, I got down to work.

My background music was the laughter of my children outside (okay, laughter and the occasional screaming at one another). Playing my odds that they’re usually fine out of my sight as long as I can still hear them, I began pulling food out of the fridge. Mid-way through wrapping corn in foil, I realized that my soundtrack had gone quiet. Stepping outside, I found my two children, stalking, then chasing, birds. My husband, the quail hunter, would have been so proud.

I returned to the kitchen. Shortly after putting chicken, zucchini, and corn on the grill, I realized that I couldn’t hear them again. Repeating my earlier surveillance, I spotted them in the driveway, picking up pollen strings and throwing them in the air while singing and dancing. I couldn’t make out what they were singing, but it was an original. Smiling, I watched for a minute until I realized that I’d better start the water for the macaroni and cheese.

I returned to the kitchen. While the water was boiling, I added more sauce to my (maybe) thawed out, but now grilling, chicken. I turned the corn. I put the noodles on to cook. I salt and peppered the zucchini. I glanced up from the grill to see my children, now a pirate and a princess, on the playground. In the late afternoon light, they looked like they’d possibly just stepped out of the illustrated pages of a fairytale. I hadn’t really seen them all day, and glancing at the grill one last time, I walked into the yard to play.

You see, I’m not a perfect mother, but I’m a superb sea monster. We played and ran, worked up a sweat, and maybe spotted the first firefly of the year. Dinner cooked, and cooked, and cooked, and when I finally pried myself away from the kids to peer into the grill, the charcoals looked less done than the chicken. My children, however, were electrified at the time we’d spent together, and I certainly felt more alive than when I hauled everyone out of the car 90 minutes earlier.

Last night, my kids didn’t each much of their supper, but they probably wouldn’t have, anyways. Some days that’s just how it goes. I didn’t eat much either, but it’s not going to hurt me much to miss a meal or two. And as I scraped the burn off of the food I was plating out for when my husband would come home, I realized that sometimes the things we are so hard on ourselves about (keeping a clean house, doing the laundry, fixing an edible supper) are exactly the things that we should be sacrificing.

The beauty of failure is written in the byline, where the truth of a story lives. If we can stop judging ourselves for the headlines of our lives “Woman Burns Dinner,” and pay a little more attention to the byline “Spends raucous evening with children on the most perfect Spring evening of the year,” then we will all be seeing a little more beauty.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Seal Cuddling can be Beautiful

Consider this our virtual hug to all of you who see and create  more beautiful with us every day. These seal pups sure do know how to bring a smile (and great laugh) to another. What if we were all like these seals, hugging and loving and giving with sheer trust and enthusiasm (and blubber). 

Oh, and please, get to the part where he starts to laugh. It's contagious.

Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a all proceeds are being donated to BullsEye Rescue). Learn more HERE.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Even Bears Like Eco-Friendly

Getting cleaned up, while staying committed to an eco-friendly lifestyle, we think this bear and his squeaky-clean, furry friends would love to don our See Beautiful products. Thoughts?
Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a all proceeds are being put toward donations to school teachers throughout the month). Learn more HERE.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Encore! Encore!

As you watch this beautiful golden retriever dance to the sound of the guitar strings, we hope you're reminded of sounds and rhythms surrounding you that make you smile and dance. Jam to them. Smile to them. Share them with others. Find beautiful for your ear drums and do a little dance.

(Oh, and as a side note we think Bud Light should totally be filling this doggie's treat jar. It's a nice space of free advertising for them too. Eh?)

Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a all proceeds are being put toward donations to school teachers throughout the month). Learn more HERE.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Home Is Wherever I'm With You

These two say sing it so much better than we could (well, she sings it really, really well):

The important thing is to remember home is wherever you're with those you love.
Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month 20% of all product sales will be donated to Watch Her Thrive. Click HERE to learn more.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Shake Your Tail Feathers

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it and your face will surely show it, if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.

New verse:

If you're beautiful and you know it, shake your tail feathers.
If you're beautiful and you know it, shake your tail feathers.
If you're beautiful and you know it, and your face will surely show it, if you're beautiful and you know it, shake your tail feathers.

Frostie knows it:

Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month 20% of all product sales will be donated to Watch Her Thrive. Click HERE to learn more. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Pay It Forward: Say Something

What happens when you place a wooden podium and megaphone on a busy street corner in New York City? Though this sounds like the start of a really good joke, a beautiful thing that happens:

Our Pay It Forward Friday idea is quite simple: Say something nice. If you're blanking on ideas, here are some to get you started:
  • You look beautiful today.
  • I love your machete (if you're lost, click here).
  • Can I help you with that? 
  • Your smile makes me happy.
  • Your laugh is infectious.
  • The choices you make inspire me.
  • The way you live empowers me.
  • Your comments here:________________________________
  • And here:_________________________________________
  • And even here: ____________________________________
The list goes on and on. It's never to late to say something nice. Go pay it forward. We must run and say nice things....
Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month 20% of all product sales will be donated to St. Anne's Pet Area at The Lantern House. Click HERE to learn more.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Pay It Forward: Sing Loud for All to Hear

This time of year there are often many homes adorned with holiday decorations for others to enjoy. We were thinking a mighty see beautiful thing to do would be thank those home owners for spreading holiday cheer. A way to pay it forward this weekend is to leave a "thanks for helping us see beautiful" note in their mailbox.

Another option is taking a page from Buddy the Elf, "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." If you can't leave a thank you note, simply belt some holiday songs for all to hear.

Source: via Michael on Pinterest

Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month 20% of all product sales will be donated to St. Anne's Pet Area at The Lantern House. Click HERE to learn more.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Greatest Construction Zone in the World

We're going to pretend that every construction sign that leaves us sitting in traffic for hours actually reads this. We thought you might like to join us. It's an important reminder you know, You are beautiful.
Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month 20% of all product sales will be donated to Everyday Service. Click HERE to learn more.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Pay It Forward: See New Possibilities

Sometimes it takes the creative genius of another to open a new door to your thinking. Sometimes it takes your own creative genius to inspire or uplift another. Going into this Pay It Forward weekend, how can we "turn a snowman upside down," or better put, how can we see and create the everyday with a little more kindness or humor in order to make another smile.

                                                                 Source: via mrs. french on Pinterest

Entering the countdown for Thanksgiving here in the U.S. we have a few ideas:
1) Deliver a kind meal to a friend or stranger with accompanying jokes, or quotes, or something to make them smile;
2) Leave one of our FREEBIES around the office or in the community. Sit back and watch the smiles spread across others faces;
3) Place a bouquet of flowers in a neighbor's mailbox;
4) Email a friend a picture that will make her/him smile or laugh;
5) Plant bulbs somewhere inconspicuous for others to enjoy when the bloom;
6) Put up oodles and oodles of Holiday lights for others to drive by and enjoy;
7) Talk to someone who looks like they could use the conversation when you're out and about;
8) Fill others bird feeders (or better yet, make your own peanutbutter-birdseed-covered pine cones and hang them outside the windows of an assisted living center;
9) Do something totally unpredictable for someone who thinks you're totally predictable to make them smile;
10) Laugh. It's contagious.
11) Finally, dress your snowman (or woman) upside down. It's sure to keep others smiling.

Happy seeing beautiful!
Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month 20% of all product sales will be donated to Everyday Service. Click HERE to learn more.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

When Love Arrives

We've featured Sarah Kay's beautiful performance poem, If I Should Have a Daughter, here. When we stumbled across this one, co-performed with Phil Kaye a sentiment reverberated in our ears, "You are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. Even if you don't believe it, you are beautiful." And so, they perform for you, reminding you ever so beautifully that you are, of course, beautiful.