Showing posts with label park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label park. Show all posts

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Park City

We spent the last week of April up in Park City!! Even though the location was pretty close to home it was a great get away!! 

We went to the Park.

The only picture of me, I guess when you take the pictures you aren't in them :) 

We built caves on rainy mornings.

Lyla played with doors, much to Jacks dislike.

Jack made beds for everyone to rest on, and with no bedtimes their was lots of resting!

We watched movies.

We had friends come up and play.

We went swimming.

Lyla got really good at jumping to daddy, who had to be on the watch at all times because she would just jump without warning.

Jack actually started putting his whole head under the water and would swim around like quite a little fish!

Emmett got some good crawling practice in, he is such a good baby.

The activity center "The Mine" was a daily must. The kids loved the finger painting, cookie decoration, wii playing, bead necklace, and the shuffleboard!

I loved the contrast in this photo.

We had a lot of fun playing "find the sleeping Lyla". She would fall asleep anywhere and everywhere, anytime.

BBQ'ing at the pool.

Lyla received a new hat from the outlets. It is adorable.

We seriously had so much fun and really lucked out with excellent weather all week. Who knew that it could hit the 70's in Park City in April?!? 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Park Hoppin'

What a beautiful day...for allergies! At this moment I have a HUGE sinus headache.

As I perpend on my days as a kid, I remember going to parks with huge metal slides. I would stand at the top with my short John Stockton length shorts and tube socks to my knees. This hugely fashionable style provided little protection against the pain I was prepared to feel for a moment of glory. Starting down the slide I would feel the air blowing against my face and the molten lava temperature on my thighs. The slides by the tennis courts east of the Centerville cemetery were the best, longest, and fastest.

This evening for family home evening the kids and I (we left Sarah home to let her relax) went to "the big park" by our house. Just like club hoppin' we moved on to a smaller park for the rest of the evening. I do remember going from one club to the next as a 20-something teenager but I don't ever remember park hoppin' as a you?