Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Some Favorite Quotes


Honestly, I struggle with the believing in myself part.


This makes me laugh, it is so true.



I love C.S. Lewis. He’s one of the people I hope to meet in heaven one day.





This particular quote pertains to me and my Project Size Six journey. Its easy to discredit my body for not being what I want it to be but it’s a pretty amazing body, I mean, I grew four humans in my body!

Halloween 2013

This is our cast of characters. We had a fun gathering at Ev and James’ new house in Laguna Hills with some visiting Johnson cousins too. The kids were super excited when people in the neighborhood were handing out regular sized candy bars!



Sadie was Dorothy from Wizard of Oz (that pose is ALL her idea, don’t give me any credit), Ethan was a spy and Luke was a cowboy.


This picture wasn’t from Halloween but I had to throw it in here. Her costume came in handy for the Carden Country Fair. She’s just too cute.


How did Sadie spend her 5th birthday?

Sadie turned five almost five months ago and here I am finally documenting it on the blog.

She got to stay home from school that day (and she requested that her brothers stay home too…don’t know, peer pressure?) and the highlight was going to get her first pedicure! If you know Sadie then you know how ticklish she is, especially on her feet. I have the HARDEST time trimming her toe nails because it tickles her too much and she won’t sit still but her pedicure brought out some self-restraint I’ve never seen before. She sat there, completely silent (also one of her traits when she’s around new people, won’t talk to them) and let the pedicurist (is this a word? anyway, I’m going with it) do her thing. But when it came time for the pedicurist to trim her nails Sadie grabbed the seat back behind her and tried her hardest not to squirm. It was the funniest thing! I wish I had recorded it. I could see on her face that she was reeeally trying not to kick her foot free from the woman’s grasp. Of course, Sadie chose a pink color on her toes and got to decorate it with a white flower (why didn’t I take a picture of the finished toes?).


For weeks, Sadie was telling me all about her plan for her birthday cake. She wanted vanilla cake with vanilla frosting and she wanted to decorate it herself.


The finished birthday cake! She even took the pictures herself.



Pre birthday song picture.


We love you, Sadie Anne! We’re so glad you introduced our family to pink and princesses, dancing and all things feminine. You are fearless when it comes to your wardrobe and I hope you keep it up. We love all your sweet love notes you draw for us these days. Its been so fun watching you learn to read and write. I love that you carry around an old folder stuffed with treasured papers and blank pages you are constantly drawing on. Your dad and I hope that Claire has your same happy spirit. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are important.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Project Size Six

If you follow me on Instagram then you've most likely seen my project size six hashtag. I came up with this goal to be a size six after Claire was born. I'll be honest right now, I've never been a size six. I've been pretty close. In college I was a size 8/10. That being said, I really think that having a goal for a size six is something that I can achieve, its not completely irrational. I've wanted to focus on wearing a certain size clothing instead of being a specific weight on the scale because I know weight is subjective. I had a friend in college that was a pro weight lifter but she weighed the same as me and wore a size 2. Muscle weighs more, plain and simple. Muscle also gives our bodies shape. So that's how project size six came to be.
I know I have a long road to hoe. Honestly, I've given up and recommitted myself a billion times (at least that's what it feels like) already and Claire is only 8 months old. But I know that every time I start over I have a better chance at sticking to it. I won't give up completely.

One of my absolute favorite exercises to do is stairs. Add holding Claire while I do it and its an intense workout. I kind of wish I could sell my elliptical and get a stairmill to replace it. But that's why I live in sunny SoCal, right? I can just go climb the stairs at the track.
Is anyone else like this? Food has mystical powers over me sometimes. I won't be hungry but all of a sudden I'm in the midst of some yummy looking food and you just can't stop me. I've also noticed I like to express love with food. That habit is haaaaarrrrrrrrrrrd to break. I've conditioned all my family with having food speak love too so they expect it. I'm still trying to figure out how to approach that problem.

 Tomorrow, November 11th, is my first day all over again. I'm committing myself to some serious low carb living (20-25 g of carbs/day) until Thanksgiving Day. I'd love any accountability partners, interested?

Friday, October 18, 2013


1. I miss blogging. For some reason I like putting my feelings and thoughts “out there”…its kind of therapeutic. Especially when my readers (are you still there?) comment and tell me I’m not as crazy as I think I am…right? right?

2. I’ve given up on my Resolutions for 2013. One of them, run 520 miles, was completely irrational to begin with considering that I didn’t give birth to Claire until March and wasn’t able to officially begin running until mid April. Doesn’t leave much time for accomplishing that goal. To be honest, I still haven’t gotten this body of mine up to running snuff. I was reading the Hungry Runner Girl’s blog the other day and just WIIIIIISHING  I could be her. Not to mention RunEmz that I follow on Instagram. She’s another one of my running idols. Maybe this resolution will go on the list for 2014, I think that’s going to be my year. Anyone want to join me? I love having companions.

3. Losing baby weight is feeling as impossible as flying. That was another one of my Resolutions for 2013, be a size 6 by the end of the year. I’m thinking that’s not going to happen. I’m not giving up on this one but its just not going to happen by the end of the year, breaks my heart. Its just not as easy to exist on lettuce leaves and carrot sticks as I thought it would be. Darn you, doughnuts and Chick-fil-a. Thankgoodness for yoga pants.

4. I actually cried the other day when I realized how quickly Claire is getting older. Its just flying by. She’s army crawling and getting two more teeth up top. She’s started talking her beautiful baby gibberish but my proudest momma moment is how she just can’t live without me. She doesn’t let anyone else hold her and I kind of love that…until I have to make dinner or go to the bathroom.

5. I’m going to cry when Sadie turns five on Monday. Ever since she started kindergarten (aka JP at Carden) she just LOOKS so much older. Its sad. I mean, I know the whole purpose of being a parent is to raise children so that they become good adults and go on to marry and have their own children and all that circle of life goodness but its just so sad to see them grow out of their cute little selves. To be honest, getting closer to teenagers just gives me the heebie jeebies.

6. Ethan got the service award in his 4th grade class today at school. He was so proud of himself. I was too. The 7th graders did a great (insert tear jerking) skit on service and even quoted good ol’ Gordon B. Hinckley a couple times. They ended their presentation with singing “We are the World.” How am I supposed to NOT cry when a group of teenagers sings THAT song?! I’m too sentimental, I need a thicker skin stat.

7. I started doing Les Mills Pump last week. I LOOOOVE it. I feel so tough with a barbell and weights. Don’t be fooled though, I only have 5 lb. and 10 lb. plates so far.

8. Alright, that’s the end of my list for today. Claire is grabbing my shirt and trying to eat my arm. I think she’s done watching me type. Peace out.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Birthday & a Baptism

I’m still feeling some guilt about Luke’s birthday and baptism weekend. Steve and I both got hit with head colds that left us feeling exhausted and overall crummy. Luke was patient with us and we tried to make it fun, nonetheless. It helped that Grandpa Dan came into town (although, we ended up getting him sick too…we’re generous that way…haha). Grandpa and Dad took Luke, Ethan and Sadie to go bowling – Luke’s pick. We took him out to dinner at his choice – Souplantation. And he was showered with gifts by all his cousins and family. Not too shabby, right?

His birthday fell on Sunday, September 1st and we planned his baptism to take place that evening also. I don’t know how he and Ethan got lucky enough to be baptized on their birthdays, I’m kind of jealous.

We had the family over for a dinner and birthday celebration then we quickly headed off to the Stake center to get ready for the big event!

Luke had given me specific instructions for his cake about 3 weeks before his birthday. He wanted a vanilla cake, with lemon frosting filling and vanilla frosting on the outside of the cake. Then he wanted to decorate it himself. He was really understanding when I got sick and didn’t have the energy to make his cake. His face lit up when I came home with bundt cakes I ordered from Nothing Bundt Cake, especially for him.


Luke was very excited to be baptized! He planned out his baptism right down to which member of the Bishopric he wanted to conduct the meeting (thankfully it wasn’t his dad!).




Our family of 6


Luke and both his Grandfathers, Dan and Mark, who were the witnesses.


Some fun facts about Luke:

  • He is in the 3rd grade at Carden Academy.
  • He loves math and comes home with extra math work.
  • Luke loves to play board games and video games. He recently “taught” Sadie how to play video games with him. He also likes to ride his bike and swim.
  • His favorite color is red.
  • His favorite food is his mom’s homemade pizza.
  • His favorite candy is sour patch, especially the extreme ones.

We love you bunches and bunches, Luke!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Birth Story…the fourth

It all began at 5 o’clock in the morning. It was still dark outside and no one was awake but me. I got out of bed and headed to the first place most pregnant women need to go in the morning…the loo a.k.a. bathroom. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it. My water broke after just a few steps! That has never happened to me and I was in shock. My shocked gasps followed by my cry for Steve! woke him up. I had a puddle at my feet, sorry if that’s too much information but most of the readers of my blog are women, women who have been through child birth so you can stomach it right?
I called Dr. Clayton and he told me the obvious, go to the hospital...and don’t take your time. Steve woke the kids, called my mom to come over and I frantically packed my bags. My head was swimming. I had never had a baby unannounced like this. All my previous babies I had notice so I could plan for the hospital. Steve took Dr. C’s advice to heart and was rushing us out the door. We were at the hospital by 5:30am.
After getting hooked up, (have I mentioned I hate IVs?) there was a lot of waiting. I planned on laboring on my own as long as I could, hoping that the process would be quickest this way. But by 1:30pm and no baby I finally agreed to have my epidural. I say agreed not to mean I was opposed to it. I love epidurals. I whole heartedly believe in epidurals. But I was under the impression it would slow my labor down and I wanted this baby out sooner than later. My nurse, Ellie, told me that it wouldn’t necessarily slow me down and that it might even allow my body to speed up the process because of the relief from the tension of the pain from the contractions. After hearing that I agreed and had my epidural administered.
Just as Ellie said, within an hour of having my epidural I was dilated from a 4 to a 7 and then a 10 just shortly after that. The doctor was called and by 3:55pm Claire Mae was born at 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 inches long. Isn’t she lovely?

February highlights

February was supposed to go by faster than it did. But, then again, when I’m 8/8.5 months pregnant everything seems to be really slow. I liked February still, there were some good moments.

For one, its not every day I get a manicure from a beautiful four year old girl. My Sadie loves make up and nail polish. I love that this nail polish can easily be peeled off my nails, no acetone required. Sweet.


I wouldn’t go so far as to call this next event one of the “highlights” of February. It was not fun, by any definition of the word, but it did have good results so I’m at peace with it. I’m talking about my external version I had to have performed in order to turn baby girl from breech to head down. Basically, Dr. Clayton pushed down on my belly in a clockwise motion, as hard as he could, trying to get baby to turn. She did turn and I was warned she could go back to the breech position. Thankfully, she never did. The 5-7 minutes of extreme pain I had to endure were worth it.


The only good part of a hospital stay at Hoag is their cranberry spritzer. yum. But the picture above, of my horrible IV, makes me shudder. yuck.


Let’s keep things real with a picture of Sadie’s messy room. This is basically a daily event. Its so much fun trying to get her to clean it up. Lots of threatening goes on, its great…or not.


After my version, there were lots of hospital visits to check on baby girl and make sure she was ok.


Ethan’s Blue and Gold dinner was pretty cute. I love how much he loves Scouts.


He was pretty proud of the cake he decorated with his dad. We kind of think it was the coolest one there too.


We got our house painted!! I love my black door. The house looks so much nicer on the outside now. Its grey, if you can’t tell.


I had a fun little girls night out for a baby shower. My sisters had the great idea of having everyone meet for dinner at Green Leaf. It was delicious and such good company! Thanks, girls.


I was rewarded after leaving the temple with a beautiful sunset. Could it be any better? For that one moment, I felt pretty darn close to heaven. Why don’t those moments last longer?


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ethan bears his testimony

Last month Steve and I were surprised when Ethan got up, unannounced and completely unprovoked, in Sacrament meeting and bore his testimony. It was short and sweet, typical of a young boy in Primary but it was monumental all the same. He is not the person that takes speaking in public lightly so I knew it took something special to get him up there. I asked him later and he said that his knees were shaking so he knew he had to get up.

Good job, Ethan! I hope you continue to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and bear your testimony as often as prompted. After I recovered from the shock that you got up to bear your testimony my heart was swelling with motherly pride and emotion. Testimonies are so important. I hope you will always nurture yours and remember it. One day you will be a missionary, possibly serving in a foreign country, and your testimony will be what the people you serve need to hear and feel.

Ethan, I know God lives. I know He knows you and me and every person on this Earth. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church of God. I know Jesus Christ is our Savior. I know the Atonement is real. I know the scriptures are true. There are many things I still have to learn but I know that living life as close to my Father in Heaven as possible is the best way to go. I love you, Mom.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thanksgiving is better in Reno

Reno called and we answered! It was wild and it was fun. We headed out to visit our far away Reno cousins on a dark Tuesday morning before Thanksgiving. One of the favorite things the boys got to do was shooting. Uncle Brian gave everyone a Gun 101 class before leaving the house. They all had a great time!

 Big brothers and little brothers joined in for some friendly competition. You're never too old to try to best your brother, right?
 These big brothers bonded over a bike ride. It was super windy and chilly outside but that's nothing for Rasmussens. Bring it on, is their motto.

 Penryn is a must see whenever we drive up to Northern Cal. And if you're in Penryn then missing out on a sugar rush courtesy of the Fast Pak would be heartbreaking.

The highlight of the trip, I think, for Sadie was sledding day. This girl was all giggles the entire time. She got into a groove and never once wiped out. My stomach was in knots at the beginning, seeing her come down the steep mountainside. Those quickly abated after I saw how comfortable she was. 

 I have some beautiful and incredible sister in laws. I want to be like these two when I grow up.
Our boys weren't as lucky as Sadie was on sledding day. They wiped out a couple times and there were some tears shed. It didn't stop them completely, though. They eventually got back up and tried it again. Its a good thing pain wears off, right?

Steve was assigned the esteemed job of carving the Thanksgiving turkey. The Jedi power was with him. Our Reno Rasmussens truly fed us well on our trip. Denice showed us the power and ease of homemade French bread. The warmth of the holiday was shared with friends and family and I counted each of my blessings that day, they were bounteous and my heart overflowed. 

Earlier that morning we mommas gathered our children and headed out for a chilly 5K turkey trot put on by some of Denice's friends. We walked a nice loop around their beautiful neighborhood. I don't think my kids appreciated the pre-turkey ritual but I sure did. Eating a delicious meal always tastes better after I've abused my body a little bit in a workout. My casual walk with Anna was all the abuse my body could take but it felt good. I was really proud of my kids by the end of it too. Little do they know that I want to have them do this EVERY year.

 Our first day in Reno we went back in time on a visit to Virginia City. The wind was not our friend that day and Denice declared "this is what we call weather!" to us SoCal Rasmussens. We get very little of that thing called weather down here. Everyone's got smiles on their faces though. Weather does not dampen our spirits...too much.

 On our last night in Reno the adults ran away! Denice and Brian showed us how cool it is to have a babysitter in their own family but with the addition of the 50 million cousins (ok, 6 to their 5) she thought it a good idea to call in some back up with another sitter. The kids were left with dinner and a movie, we headed out on the town. Brian took us to one of the best Thai restaurants I've been too. It was deeeeeelish. I fattened my baby (and myself) up well...again. If only they had had the coconut rice with mango that would have secured them the number one spot in my book.

Thank you, Reno Rasmussens!! We loved every  minute.