Monday, March 25, 2013

A Birth Story…the fourth

It all began at 5 o’clock in the morning. It was still dark outside and no one was awake but me. I got out of bed and headed to the first place most pregnant women need to go in the morning…the loo a.k.a. bathroom. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it. My water broke after just a few steps! That has never happened to me and I was in shock. My shocked gasps followed by my cry for Steve! woke him up. I had a puddle at my feet, sorry if that’s too much information but most of the readers of my blog are women, women who have been through child birth so you can stomach it right?
I called Dr. Clayton and he told me the obvious, go to the hospital...and don’t take your time. Steve woke the kids, called my mom to come over and I frantically packed my bags. My head was swimming. I had never had a baby unannounced like this. All my previous babies I had notice so I could plan for the hospital. Steve took Dr. C’s advice to heart and was rushing us out the door. We were at the hospital by 5:30am.
After getting hooked up, (have I mentioned I hate IVs?) there was a lot of waiting. I planned on laboring on my own as long as I could, hoping that the process would be quickest this way. But by 1:30pm and no baby I finally agreed to have my epidural. I say agreed not to mean I was opposed to it. I love epidurals. I whole heartedly believe in epidurals. But I was under the impression it would slow my labor down and I wanted this baby out sooner than later. My nurse, Ellie, told me that it wouldn’t necessarily slow me down and that it might even allow my body to speed up the process because of the relief from the tension of the pain from the contractions. After hearing that I agreed and had my epidural administered.
Just as Ellie said, within an hour of having my epidural I was dilated from a 4 to a 7 and then a 10 just shortly after that. The doctor was called and by 3:55pm Claire Mae was born at 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 inches long. Isn’t she lovely?


Sher said...

She's beautiful. I love hearing birth stories - no, never too much information I think! Congratulations!!!

Sher said...

Also, so fun that you got to experience the "water" breaking! I experienced that with my boys.

Denice said...

I love the story! I love to see your "view" of everything from the bed! She is a wonderful addition to your family. She is so beautiful, can't wait to meet her!

sEcr8t8gEnt said...

Congrats! She's beaUtiful =)
<3, Esther

The Muries said...

I love how you wrote it down. I should do that. I am impressed that you were even able to take a pic of your IV I hate those too and this time they put it in a bad spot, my elbow. Who does that? Every time I bent my arm it pressed on it! AAAHHH

anna banana said...

I cant believe you posted this in March and I am just reading it! Where have I been?! I love a good birth story too and I loved being there for Claire's birth, she is so perfect!