Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ethan bears his testimony

Last month Steve and I were surprised when Ethan got up, unannounced and completely unprovoked, in Sacrament meeting and bore his testimony. It was short and sweet, typical of a young boy in Primary but it was monumental all the same. He is not the person that takes speaking in public lightly so I knew it took something special to get him up there. I asked him later and he said that his knees were shaking so he knew he had to get up.

Good job, Ethan! I hope you continue to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and bear your testimony as often as prompted. After I recovered from the shock that you got up to bear your testimony my heart was swelling with motherly pride and emotion. Testimonies are so important. I hope you will always nurture yours and remember it. One day you will be a missionary, possibly serving in a foreign country, and your testimony will be what the people you serve need to hear and feel.

Ethan, I know God lives. I know He knows you and me and every person on this Earth. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church of God. I know Jesus Christ is our Savior. I know the Atonement is real. I know the scriptures are true. There are many things I still have to learn but I know that living life as close to my Father in Heaven as possible is the best way to go. I love you, Mom.


sEcr8t8gEnt said...

Way to go, Ethan...listen to that still, small voice even when chaos broods all around you.


Sasha Fisher said...

I that he was brave enough to get up and share his testimony. Children are very inspiring.

Sher said...

That is really neat. I'm hoping some day my kiddos will get up and bear their testimonies, unaccompanied by a talk!

anna banana said...

That is so awesome! He is such a great example and wonderful oldest son. :)