Thursday, December 29, 2011

21 Weeks

What could I possibly be posting about 21 weeks? Well, right now, 21 weeks is fairly significant for Carrie and I. That's because that is how far along she is, pregnancy-wise. That's right, we are 21 weeks pregnant! How exciting, and what a reason to give thanks to God!

We found out early in September that we were pregnant. Because we have been pregnant before, and those pregnancies have not come to full completion, we were pretty cautious, both about telling people, and about the kind of care we made sure Carrie had. But we are happy to say that we have gotten through the tough parts, and everything is proceeding as it should be.

In the past couple of weeks, Carrie's belly has started to really push out. We are at the point where the kid is about 2/3 of a pound, and about the length of a banana. We've even felt a few pushes or kicks in the last week or so, which has gotten us both pretty excited about where things are heading.

To answer a couple of questions that I think you may have, Carrie's due date is early in May. So sometime around then, we will be giving thanks to God for His new addition to our family. And the second answer is, no. When we had our big ultrasound appointment about a week and a half ago, we did not find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. All along, I have had a very strong sense that the baby is a girl, but you will have to wait to find out until early in May!

We are very excited, and we hope that you join in our excitement. God really is good, and we look forward to the next 5 months of joy and excitement until we meet this new life that we will get to share.

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