Since I discovered blogging, environment was my most favored topic and my inspiration in creating such, that’s why I ended up with a “savetheearth-now” url. Ive been speaking about environment ever since but not until this political drama is messing our country.
I love to speak about environment and I hate the fact that I am more politically inclined. Probably, it’s the effect of being a Pol. Sci. graduate, definitely.
Of course, no regrets at all. Specially now that I’ve met many friends in blogosphere who’s heart is with the improvement of the political culture in the country and who are hopeful for a better change- thus, making us all meliorist.
To pacify my hate, saving the earth does not cover only with saving the environment but has to cover all aspects and that includes politics.
Being a “human being” existing here on earth specifically in the Philippines, I have been bestowed with responsibility to help in molding the Philippine’s future. I am an essential part of it and I have an essential obligation to my nation.
This time, this country needs me not to meddle in the political chaos but to help in seeking for the truth and further support it. I know the present issue about the NBN deal and Lozada’s testimony. From my own experiences working in the government and in private entities, I truly believe in the existence of graft and corruption. I believe Lozada.
Now here comes the administration playing political hardball. Erwin Santos of the Philforest is blurting out Lozada’s life story while in public office. We hear, read and watch much propaganda to put a question on Lozada’s credibility and absolutely to cover up their stinky mess.
This calls for a stronger support for the TRUTH and for the advocate of truth.
I am raising my heart’s desire to show my support for the TRUTH.
Now if you support the truth, I do not have to challenge you. You have the will, you have the way. Please have your placard raised too. Show your support for the truth. We, fellows, are the judges and we are not blind and we have clean conscience.
(You may grab this picture or you can create your own)
We are stronger than those beasts in the government. We can expel them out of their pedestal. Let us just start to trust ourselves and unite for a better future of our beloved nation.
Bangon Pinas!
I support the TRUTH
Labels: corruption, hoi polloi, Jun Lozada, Philippine politics, truth
2008-02-20 appeal to every Filipino...
“Courage never fails.” This is a quote that stuck into my mind after watching the movie In the Name of the King. “Farmer”, the protagonist was moved by his courage to face the trials in his life, to sought after his wife, and succeed in the battle for his king and his kingdom. Courage never failed him.
For the time being, courage may be considered as the virtue that is noticeable in the arena of politics. Courage drove Jun Lozada to come out in the open to confess the dark businesses of the “BIG” personalities like First Gentleman Mike Arroyo, Benjamin Abalos, and special mention to the President of the Republic of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo. For an ordinary “probinsyanong intsik” as he describes himself, to go against and testify against the most powerful people in the country deserves an exemplary award of extraordinary courage.
With the courageous decision of Jun Lozada, his life and his family’s security is now in peril. If for other people, they would have rather choose to keep their eyes blind, ears deaf, and mouth mute. However, Jun Lozada is different. His courageous testimonies has opened wide our eyes to the secrets of the cute faces of those in power. Jun Lozada’s courageous act has saved the Filipino hoi polloi from millions of dollars of debt. Jun Lozada’s courage could have brought Arroyo’s dĂ©gringolade. Jun Lozada’s courageous stand deserves a careful attention and support. The facts he revealed are undeserving of neither shrug nor doubts for, inter alia, it corroborated to most of the facts stated by Jeoy De Venecia and impliedly blurted out by Neri. Besides, life is compromised to leave no room to nag suspicions.Lozada's courage did not failed him because he has at least attained a peace of mind by telling the truth that he cannot stomach.But hopefully, it will be heard by the right tribunal (I still trust the judiciary).
These events happening in this country affects each and every Filipino. The street rally that was held in the central business district of Makati should not be criticized nor negated because participants have sacrificed their precious time to help in the moral reformation of the country. This, I guess, is a good time to fight corruption if we, Filipinos, really want it eradicated or at least minimize it. It would be a very sad story if this highlighted event in Philippine history will just turn out like the case of Erap.
Notably, the Sandiganbayan convicted Erap guilty, he was a big fish then but sadly, we pardoned him. What is left of us now is humiliation from the international community. We are capable of trying public figure but not capable of punishing. What is the sense then?
Support does not necessarily require us to be on streets but our presence will definitely add to the force. Support can be done by clarifying these things to those who have a vague knowledge about it. It could be bravely testifying against corrupt officials or offering a prayer for our country or by being vigilant in the events in our country. Support counts a thousand times if we help Lozada in this battle.
We should not forget that every single Filipino existing here on earth is an essential component of this nation.
This time, the suspected big fish is in our hands. Hopefully it will not skip from us.
All of us crave for “better change” but we ignore it when opportunity comes. Hopefully, it will not happen this time.
When then can we achieve better Philippines if we point at others our own
Bangon Pinas.
Question to ponder on:
What could be the significant relationship of the Arroyo with COMELEC; Arroyo with Abalos; Abalos with Garci? note the "hello garci" and the "i am sorry" issue.
Labels: courage, hoi polloi, Jun Lozada, Philippine politics