Roll 1d12 for your doom.
Showing posts with label recap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recap. Show all posts
Monday, 10 March 2014
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
five hundred and getting back in the saddle

- more inns & taverns, including a third PDF.
- a whistle-stop tour of the evils of the damned city.
- the recent addition of unlikely treasures, including a PDF as extemporalising loot in tabletop RPGs isn't everyone's cuppa.
Today is the agonia of Septimontia and International Mountain Day. As rams were the traditonal offering and associated with mountains, consider this a virtual gift.
Friday, 24 May 2013
recap: unlikely treasures
Roll d% for your loot.
11 - 25 More Unlikely Treasures
26 - 40 Yet More Unlikely Treasures
41 - 55 Even More Unlikely Treasures
56 - 70 Still More Unlikely Treasures
71 - 85 Yet Even More Unlikely Treasures
86 - 95 Yet Still More Unlikely Treasures
96 - 00 And then... Unlikely Treasures
11 - 25 More Unlikely Treasures
26 - 40 Yet More Unlikely Treasures
41 - 55 Even More Unlikely Treasures
56 - 70 Still More Unlikely Treasures
71 - 85 Yet Even More Unlikely Treasures
86 - 95 Yet Still More Unlikely Treasures
96 - 00 And then... Unlikely Treasures
labyrinth lord,
Sunday, 24 March 2013
recap: inns & taverns III - darker brews
Roll d20. Re-rolls mean yet another drink.
- The Cake And Wreath
- The Field of Stones
- The Pig In Mint
- The Cave Inn
- The Blue Owl
- Beklar's Wayside
- The Perry Compass
- The Footman's Boast
- The Pot Helm
- The Mason's Jar
- The Halfway House
- The Rouge and Glass
- The Golden Cinquefoil
- Tioso's Grill
- The Devil-Porter Inn
- The Bag of Nails
- The Starveling Goat
- The Wanton Trout
- The Fool & Hounds
- The Wool and Wolf
inns + taverns,
labyrinth lord,
Monday, 6 February 2012
recap: labyrinth lord bestiary IV
Roll d12 for your doom. Then 1d6 (a result of 1-3 means a re-roll as the next monster investigates).
- dicerdecan
- dilany
- ell-eft
- kasinganga
- laniar
- limaxiad
- miasmarak
- narquodi
- umbiliculous (with MU level 1d4+2)
- urburas
- wartorn
- xantheder
Monday, 31 October 2011
recap: labyrinth lord bestiary III - beyond the megadungeon
Roll d12 for your doom. Then roll 2d6-1. Use both. Nobody said it was fair...
- Bakalpanga
- Estarabat
- Foulroarer
- Jiskavi
- Klovinnig
- Myrk
- Niamis
- Plagueridden
- Rock Ape
- Qut-Qua
- Tattooed Alaunt
- Widow Millipede
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
four hundred... and mostly harmless!
Four hundred posts? Already?? That was a bit quicker than expected. Things have picked up a bit lately as there's been interesting discussions in the blogosphere of late.
Have to laugh - did not anticipate a G-rating for this blog at all! Clearly widespread alcohol consumption, tales of man's inhumanity and eldritch horrors don't bother the censors much. Still if it's good enough for Roald Dahl, it's good enough for anyone.
There's been two PDFs of inns & taverns compilations (the zaros road crawl and drinking the depths) since the last century of posts. Other PDFs are coming. Please do send reinforcements.
Finally, this week is Speak Out With Your Geek Out. Admirable stuff on accentuating the positive in our geek community.
Monday, 1 August 2011
recap: labyrinth lord bestiary II - the sequel
Roll a d12 for a different doom.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
recap: inns & taverns II - the sequel
Table: More Random Taverns.
Roll d20. Rerolls mean another drink there.
Roll d20. Rerolls mean another drink there.
- The Minotaur's Horn
- The Crooked Roost
- The Goblin's Head
- The Crooked Walk
- The Angel Under The Hill
- The Twopenny Crow
- The Lance and Board
- Pudding's Tavern
- The Tricorn Cow
- The Standing Sphinx
- The Ties That Bind
- The Guzzling Goblin
- The Cup of Skulls
- Aulog's Garden
- The Mermaid's Purse
- The Wyvern and Watch
- Zora's Cove
- Danker's Bones
- Kunikubwa's Belly
- The Miller In Black
inns + taverns,
labyrinth lord,
Monday, 2 May 2011
recap: labyrinth lord bestiary
In the words of Daddy Grognard, I'm showing the d12 some old school love. Roll for your doom.
- Ape, Servitor
- Cannibal Crabs
- Cyclopean Imp
- Gulbavian
- Hound of Rathbak
- Hungerbound
- Malaphaunt
- Rhizopus
- Scytalis
- Slithermaw
- Vermivex
- Zombie, Hiveheart
Saturday, 21 November 2009
recap: recession-proof gaming and useful tools

First there was recession-proof gaming. Then there was the sequel. The field got opened up with no money, no time, no problem! Then proof that the internet provides. The search for stuff introduced pocketmods, graphic tools and yet more generators. Then the discovery of undiscovered toys that could save you time.
Yet it's not just about the financiapocalypse. It's also about making your life as games master easier - whether you have a game in sixty minutes, need some steampunk or use kanban to help you develop characters. Add useful web 2.0 tools, browser tricks and TiddlyWiki, mindmapping and writing tools and you have an arsenal to draw on when creating a game. With these resources, it's getting easier to make the game you want to play.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
recap: dungeon construction
If you need to design a dungeon and you're stuck for ideas; these posts can help you break down the problem into things to consider and details that give additional flavour to another 20'x30' room and it's associated corridors and dressing. 2009 is the Year of the Megadungeon and now there's the one page dungeon template you really have no excuse!
elements (& alternatives) - how the four elements can shape a dungeon.
character - what purpose does it serve, and what do you want players to experience?
organisation - who's in, who's out, who's who?
legendry - are there good stories about the place and who's telling them?
ordnance - traps and other ways the dungeon hurts intruders.
gimmicks - set dressing, recurring themes and phat loots.
you - a key ingredient and a noble tradition of self-referential humour.
elements (& alternatives) - how the four elements can shape a dungeon.
character - what purpose does it serve, and what do you want players to experience?
organisation - who's in, who's out, who's who?
legendry - are there good stories about the place and who's telling them?
ordnance - traps and other ways the dungeon hurts intruders.
gimmicks - set dressing, recurring themes and phat loots.
you - a key ingredient and a noble tradition of self-referential humour.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
recap: on character
I did some posts on character earlier in the year; while this is a recap of those posts I thought it would be handy to have these all together for reference. If you want a well-rounded character then take a look and see if there's anything you want to pick out.
Characters and characteristics - just who or what are these people?
Attributes and attribution - what is it about them?
Motives and motivation - what makes them tick?
Emotional easter eggs - how they feel and how that colours things.
Inferences and inferiae - where they've come from
Relationships and relativity - how they change and how they differ.
Reasons and reasonability - a final check for fit.
Characters and characteristics - just who or what are these people?
Attributes and attribution - what is it about them?
Motives and motivation - what makes them tick?
Emotional easter eggs - how they feel and how that colours things.
Inferences and inferiae - where they've come from
Relationships and relativity - how they change and how they differ.
Reasons and reasonability - a final check for fit.
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