Showing posts with label bebe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bebe. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

first day going back to work after my maternity leave

It was my first day return to work, after taking care of my baby Hugo everyday non stop for 8 months. 

When Hugo's nanny has arrived at home, Hugo was playing by himself on his bed. So Thomas went to his room and pick him up. Hugo was smiling as always and even nanny picked him up, Hugo seemed very happy. 
So, we are relieved that we can go to work without worry. 
Well, I was not worrying so much about leaving him to his nanny, but first day, my new chapter, new challenge... I was so overwhelmed. 

After Hugo is looking at his new friend/nanny for about 10 minutes, all of sudden he's started to cry. He doesn't cry like that usually. It sounds like proper baby cry in a cartoon or something. 
My heart melted.    
But glad Thomas was next me and I manage to hold my tears... ;-( couple of minutes later, he stop crying by distracted with his toys. 

So I went to work. I was so nerves and my heart were pounding fast. 
I was like a little girl, first day coming to school.
I've felt so strange to come to work. Taking a tube without my belly, walking so fast like other people, I can walk down or up to stairs without catch my breath. 
I felt like its been very very long time, but I felt like it was just last month I was here with my big baby belly. 

I had enormous welcome by all boss, staffs and colleagues and actually I was really emotional. I was happy that I have a place to come back and people are happy to see me and work with me. 

During my maternity leave, I really suffer physically and mentally. 
I realized how lucky person I am today. 
I am working in one of the best restaurant in London with those amazing people. 

Thank you very much everyone. 
I'm home, happy to be back.  

今まで約8ヶ月間、息子といつも一緒で、ピーと泣けば、あ、あれね、グズグズすれば、あ、これね、と、そんな 毎日でした。






ロンドンでも最も有名なレストランのうちの一件で、こんなに素敵な人と仕事ができる事、 自分がどれだけラッキーな人間か、今日皆から教えてもらいました。


Sunday, 24 November 2013

baby chair vol2

I'm sorry, I've been always talking about babies recently...

As you may know I've been looking for a high chair for a while. (if not, please visit →here) Few weeks of back and forth, read through so many reviews on different websites, couple of painkiller for my headache, I finally bought high chair for Hugo.
Well, to start with, it was not easy to pick.
I've choose 3 candidate chairs, then Thomas picked "the one".
And finalist is......

Baby Bjorn!!
Some of you'd think "ahh!! off course!" or some of you would think "whyyyy???!!!"
It was little over budget but I'm extremely happy after seeing Hugo having meal on that chair. He seems sit comfortably and what I love this product is so easy to clean. One of the candidate were filled with nice cushion everywhere and looks super comfortable (almost looks like a pram..), but I'm so glad that I didn't get that one. The amount of the mess he makes, especially when he's fighting sleep, table, his clothes, face, hair, floor... there is bits and pieces everywhere...

If you are planning to buy a high chair for your baby or gland child, I can recommend this product with confident.
Obviously every babies are different, and I've read few reviews that didn't work well with this product and their baby. So worth look around and if you can try them in the store, that's the best way... I think.





Baby Bjornです!!!
普段はそんなにひどくないのですが、特に眠い時は目をこすったり、もう本人も必死なのが伝わってくるのですが、 そんな時は床も、テーブルも、頭も、顔も服もあちこちに何かしらついていたり落ちていたり。


Friday, 22 November 2013

baby food

It's been 2 months since Hugo started to eat solid food.
My mum send an cook book from Japan, and honestly that was the best present ever. I read through every single pages and learned a lot about feeding. 
All recipes are so colorful and looks so healthy.

Now Hugo is having more mushed and textured foods. Sometimes very difficult as he's just teething now, but usually he's eating very very well.  (he's even cry if I don't feed him fast enough..)
I thought, to cook some foods for baby are not fun. But actually I'm enjoying very much.

Every morning, I'm thinking about what to cook for him today. 
It is such a nice feeling to cook for somebody :-)




hugo's treasure box

When I went to Children's centre on Wednesday, I've learn very interesting things for Hugo.
I usually go there on Wednesday, because its open for only under 1yer old and either health visitor or nurse will be there. So without worrying toddlers knocked over younger babies, and I can get some advice from specialist.

Anyway, what Hugo and I enjoyed, it was "treasure basket". Wooden bricks, napkin ring, keys...etc basically basket filled with everyday objects.
Hugo were really concerned about items inside. Then he slowly picking one object and lick. When he's got bored with it, he picked up something else and lick...
It was really interested to see different personality in the room. 
Other baby were empty the basket, and other baby were lick every object and pick one what she liked and other baby likes to keep taking items away from somebody else.

So, I've made our own treasure box at home. I used a box from next home, and treasures are...

empty biscuit box
my wooden bracelet
wooden spoon
egg stand
metal bowl
bottle stopper
washing sponge
piece of denim fabric
plastic lid from pringles
wooden stamp

Hugo was dive into the box, and seems really enjoying.
I always running out of the idea, what to do with him but this is definitely helpful for me and for Hugo to develop.

*I've suggested do not to leave baby and basket unattended.

この前の水曜日、近所のChildren's Centreへヒュウゴと行った時、面白いアイディアを得ました。
私達が通常行く、Children's Centre、大体どこの自治体も運営しているのですが、下は産まれたてから、上は5歳までの子供達が自由に遊べる環境で、曜日によってエクササイズが違ったり、参加可能年齢が決まっていたりします。




丁度良い、浅くて大きめのバスケットが無かったので、next homeで購入した箱を利用。




Wednesday, 13 November 2013

cute!! baby chair

I'm looking for a high chair for Hugo at the moment. 
I thought everything same, but they are not. 
I've spent whole afternoon searching them on the internet. I feel like my head is so tired and heavy as pumpkin...
So many baby high chairs are so big and they got massive legs or stands whatever call. I like something simple, easy to clean and light(er). Then I've seen the one on IKEA that has great review. But I still hasn't made my decision yet... 
Anyone?1 help meee!!!


While I was searching, I've found this cute baby high chair. But it is made in Japan and not selling for overseas... (sigh)   

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

last minute halloween

Because Hugo is still small, I realised on wednesday the Halloween is next day. I remember, when I was living in Chichester, even though if you are doing Halloween or not, the children in neighbourhood were knocking the every single door to ask for treats.  
So just incase, I had to run to the shop to get some buiscuits as I didn't have enough time to bake them. 

Then, my mum send me some photos of my cousin's baby(11 month old) wearing halloween costume. I thought, I have to do something for Hugo!!
I didn't think of doing anything for halloween until I receive photo from my mum, but I felt bad for not to cerebrate Hugo's first Halloween!
So this is what I did...

Hugo sushi...


Maharaja Hugo...

Such a costless costume, but I'm satisfied that I did something, at least!!

今住んでいる家で向えるハロウィーンは初めてだったのと、昔、田舎に住んでいた時には、ハロウィーンしていようがしていまいが、近所の子供達が一軒一軒 "Trick or treat" をしていたのを思い出し、念のためと思い、急いでスーパーへビスケットを買いに走りました。



Monday, 7 October 2013

happy 6 months old!

"Time flies"

That is the word every friend of mine who has kids told me.
Now I feel the time passes even faster than before. 

Hugo became 6 months old in last week. 
I still can not believe he‘s been living for 6 months in this world already?? I am forgetting how I felt when I was pregnant. How big my belly was??  And how heavy my legs were...?
I am still losing my hair after gave birth, my whist is never recover from inflammation, because I've been holding him at all the time and on top of that, I had really bad blocked back twice in last month. I know, I am definitely getting old even faster. 

When I was pregnant, I've been working so much and I read baby book only time to time. So I didn't even know what the "show" is.(shame on me!!) I've got so scared when I saw it first time. However I had plan to go to work to do staff training on the day I had my first "show", so I went. 
Then early next morning, I wake up with dull stomachache. I didn't thought this is it. But when I realized it is the real contraction, I was so relieved that it's started today. Not the middle of the staff training yesterday...
And I realized the contraction is nothing like in a film... (you know, the lady jumped off from the chair and say "OMG!! the baby is coming!!")

When midwife told me I can come to the hospital, we call the taxi and driver was extremely excited to take us to the hospital. So sweet.  
When we arrived at the delivery word, I saw other 2 ladies in waiting room looks like in a contraction. And I could hear the somebody else in the room somewhere, just giving birth. She was screaming and swearing. I was pleased that I requested epidural on my birth plan. I don't think I am not that strong as this lady...

When I've lay down on the bed with monitors on and epidural in, I was so relaxed and Thomas and I were both fall in asleep. I don't know how long we've slept, but midwife was next me and checking the monitor at all the time, even while I was sleeping. I felt, I can trust this person. 

After 10 minutes of push, Hugo was born in the afternoon. We didn't know baby's genders and when we saw our baby is a boy, I called him "HUGO!!" He was still crying. 

Thomas was so excited and emotional like any dad. I was so so relieved that finally I can meet with our healthy baby boy. And I've whispered to him, "don't worry, I'll promise you to protect you, no matter what happens". Thomas didn't hear what we've promised. 

After everything settled, Thomas run to the shop and got some cured hams, selection of soft cheese, some baguette, dessert with creams and chocolates... something that I've been avoiding for 9 months. I won't forget that moment when I taste them.  
Next day, we've got discharged. We were so thrilled to take new family home. We've tried not to make ANY noise. But sooner realized, he is ok. He will be sleeping. 

On his 4th day, he's got really bad jaundice. He didn't take any milk for almost 24 hours. We had to take him to the E&A, after several conversations and phone calls and argument with hospital, midwife and local health visitors. We've called probably everybody who is around our local for help. But nobody did.   
So Hugo and I had to stay in hospital for 1 week until hes weight reach to the safe zone and jaundice completely gone. 
It was most stressful, painful(because of my stitches, without any pain killer has given), tired week in my life. I had to feed him with tube through from his nose every 2 hours. And keep him under the blue light for treatment, make sure he is not taking eye mask off to protect his eyes from light. I couldn't sit down properly and walk properly.
I had to pump breast milk and wash the pump after, and sterilize them change nappies and so on...., literally I didn't sleep much.
I was dying to sleep on my own bed and eat fresh sandwich or vegetable soup.

When I think of this, I feel it was very very long time ago, definitely more than 6months ago. 
I am not sure if I am doing ok, am I being good mum, I might have made some mistakes already...?
But somebody told me, none of the mum is perfect in this world. Everybody made some mistakes even our own mum. 
Now, I really understand how my mum felt about having me. How precious baby I was for her. How she felt when she saw me at the first time. When I smiled at her or hold her hands.
I had very difficult teen age period(like many teen age kids), she must felt hart broken. If Hugo turn to like how I was, I would be crying every day.

Well, Hugo has turn to 6 months old in last week. 
We've start to feeding solid food from last week and so far, he's been doing great. Finish his little portion of porridge without messing and crying. Hopefully he will be enjoying to  eating like we do. 

To the all mums and papas in the world, I am so happy to join you the special club, 
"The parents"!! 

Happy 6 months old my darling.




 病院に着くと待合室には私と同じ状況のお母さんが2人。そしてどこかの病室からはもの凄い叫び声とスウェアリングが。(いわゆる、このヤロー、クソー、コンチキショー見たいなお言葉です。) そこでホッとしたのが、エピドュラル(無痛分娩)を出産のプランに入れておいて良かったーと。


その後、10分程のプッシュ、プッシュ!!のかけ声であっという間に産まれたのがヒュウゴ。性別を産まれるまでのお楽しみにしていたので、先生が男のだよーと産まれたばかりの小さなヒュウゴを見せてくれました。私達は、男の子と女の子用の名前を二つ用意していたので、ヒュウゴだ!!ヒュウゴ?! と呼びかけたけど、ヒュウゴはまだエンエン泣いていました。


近所の医者や、地域のミドワイフや病院へも電話し、あっちへ、こっちへとたらい回しにされ、最終的にはキレたトーマスの判断で救急病院へ。 いつもは優柔不断で何にも決められないのに、あんなに怒って即決したトーマスは見た事無かったです。



Friday, 4 October 2013

leave me alone! I'm busy for dreaming

 I'd like to share those adorable baby photos created by Adele Enersen.

These photos are known as "daydreams". 
While baby is sleeping, Adele imagined the baby's dream and capture it in a frame.   
I don't know where she get those incredible inspirations from. This is really fun, cute and I can just look at her photos for hours. They are super cute... aww..

 More photos and about her, please visit her blog: Mila's Daydreams or Adele Enersen

Saturday, 21 September 2013

baby spa

Have you ever heard about "baby spa"??
Not mum-to-be or postnatal spa... it is spa for a baby.
I didn't believe it when we received a voucher as a gift for Hugo. But after I've learned more about the place, I was so excited to visit there.

The baby spa is located in the quiet square, off Kensington Church street.  
When you get inside, you'll be asked to remove the shoes, and take baby and a nappy(for after the spa) with you and go to the pool. If baby is hungry, they have to feed before. When everything is ready, it's a time to float!!

When we went there first time, Hugo seems very nerves. He was holding the floater with both hands whole time. After the spa, he's got massage which is he liked it very much. 

We've been there 3 times already. And each time we could see the progress. Hugo feels more relaxing, confident and enjoying to float in the water. He's learn to kick the wall, so he could move faster instead of kicking water.  And every time when he manage to do this "big kick", he is smiling. So funny.
On our previous visit, there is a tiny baby who is also floating in the same pool with Hugo, started to cry. 
I've never seen Hugo cries after other baby is crying. But this time, he's lower lips were getting bigger and bigger. In the end he wasn't stop crying until Laura pick him up. 

We've got 2 more sessions to go, and I realized how much baby could develop and how much Hugo is enjoying to get in the pool now. (he LOVES having a bath though)
So maybe I should look into baby swimming class in my local... 

This is perfect gift for any family, who has a baby up to 6 months old. 
I'm sure when you see the baby enjoying the spa, you'd feel emotional, like us!! x

  "baby spa"って聞いた事有ります?

このbaby spaはKensington Church streetの脇、静かな一角に有ります。
中に入ると、まず靴を脱ぎ、そして赤ちゃんと、おむつを持って(スパの後、直ぐに着けられるように)、 プールへ向います。




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