It's rained non-stop here since yesterday afternoon. Luckily it remembered to stop a wee while ago. Now the girls are all out there having a fabulous time. It's so muggy the windows are fogging up. There are long worms in the puddles too - yuck!
It's been a busy weekend on the sewing front. Making presents and finishing up projects. This is one that I thought would be a big pain to make. I can't believe how quick and easy it is. I do love yoyos and these ones look sweet in a heart shape. It's a present for the girls Godmother who shares a birthday with our No.2.
My baby girl quilt has had to come to a stand still. It appears that the suppliers are not supplying some stock anymore to Spotlight due to the recession. I think the manufacturing company may have gone under. So sad. It certainly pays to make sure you have everything you need to complete a quilt before starting!! I'm sure I'll be able to get some more white cotton from a quilting shop, at twice the price.
I remembered I still hadn't shown you my new recipe book cover. Remember I bought this neat retro fabric from a quilting show a while back? I do love my revamped book. I even made new dividers for it.
The kits are nearly ready for the New Beginnings project. I spent a good while collecting all the bits for it. Loving the colours. Hope the new owners do too. I'm working on the scissor holders at the moment. I'm not enjoying them at all. They are making me cross! The needle books are finished and looking very sweet, forgot to photograph them sorry.
No.2 is trying desperately to get me more organised this year. We have meal planners, shopping lists, and now a birthday card book. You will be please to know that I did send my Christmas cards out last week. We'll try for an earlier time this Christmas.
And here is a sneaky peek at our new ensuite. The tiles just went down and they are looking very flash. Terrible photo sorry, but it's quite dark today. The wind is getting strong too which is scary.
Later today we are off to a 4th birthday party. I'll show you the present next week as her mum is rather sneaky at times!! I ended up making the present as I lost the one I bought before Christmas! I told you I need to be more organised. Really I'm very good at hiding things. I think I need a box to put presents in that's easy to get to.
And that's about it from me. My auction is now up to $190 which is fabulous. There is still time to donate. The auctions finish on Monday night our time. So for you lovelies on the other side of the world that would be Monday morning I think. We are ahead of you so I think that makes sense?
I know that lots of you aren't connected to the Queensland Floods and won't participate, and that's just fine. Australia and New Zealand are sister countries and we help each other out when necessary. They aren't a poor country but lots of people didn't have flood insurance so need an enormous amount of help. I just can't imagine having waters up to our roof.