Soooo, you all thought I was buying a new sewing machine aye? Well, that would be a nice idea, wouldn't it? No, I just bought some new needles for my old machine...
and some new spools because you just can't have enough. And since I was in the shop, I thought I might as well buy this...
aaaahhhhh!!!!!!!! You were right!!!!!!!
A new, very flash, very fantastic, very speedy, very clever, very amazing, new sewing machine. A Bernina Aurora 440 Quilters Edition sewing machine no less! Oh I do love my darling husband so veeeery much!! Isn't he a sweetie for buying my this? It's not even my birthday. I wonder if I will be getting a present this year? Mmmm. Who cares!!!
Oh my goodness, it can do everything I wish it to. Well it will when I actually work out how to use it. I was all ready to show it off last night and all I got were flashing symbols. Wow, really amazing! Not!!
I got there in the end after referring to my computer disc that came with it. Just as well really, as the manual really didn't explain too well.
Look at the lovely case to house all my bits and pieces. Cute little drawers, dinky holders for the spools and tiny cubby holes for the needles. Oh it's all so cutie cutie.
It has a nice panel that tells you what you are doing, providing you actually know what you are doing!
A huge extension table for my quilting. See the sliding ruler for getting my edges just perfect? Actually I have no flippin' idea what it is for but I'm sure it must be jolly useful. Do you see my new walking foot?!! Quilting, here I come!
And some sewing, well stippling mainly. Not bad for a first time is it? It really shows what a fabulous machine it is, if this is what I can do without ever trying stippling before.
I guess I'll have to get on with my first quilt now and finally get it quilted.
Now a couple of you have asked my where I bought my lovely fabrics from. Here we go...
Now all I need is a bit of time to play with my new toy. Too busy yesterday, too busy with the supermarket this morning, too busy this afternoon taking the girls swimming, so it will have to be tonight I guess.
Nearly forgot to tell you. I also received my first ever parking ticket while I was in the sewing machine shop! I guess I had only one thing on my mind, and it wasn't the 10min parking sign. It could have been a lot worse, as I only got charged for half an hour over-staying, when in actual fact, I was there for well over an hour. I win!