Showing posts with label nurgle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nurgle. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2019

Finished! Beast of Nurgle!

Behold the beast! His name is..Hmm, bubbles? I'm still at the drawing board on that one but a beast of nurgle he is all the same. The word lolloping was used on the package to describe this monster and I like that. I also like teaching classes, in this case, Canada will be the last run of my monstrous creature class as I'm preparing another class to share with my fellow painting wizards. More info on that soon! to sign up!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Finished! Plague Angel

The demon that is feeding off this planet, the plague angel. This is also the roadmap I've been using to create my Monstrous Creature class. To check the locations I'll be teaching at, as well the locations of the other mighty instructors on CK's roster check out Grab a t-shirt while you're there ;)

Monday, January 21, 2019

Finished! Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard

Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard. But I call him Buttermoth. This was my second time painting this model, which is always and interesting experience on such a large figure, spending that much time again on the same model. What did I like from the last one and what would I have done differently? I forgot but here are some pictures.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Finished! Blightwinkle

Blightwinkle the Problematic and Ploppi to be precise, as named on stream. This is a special piece because it will be given away, along with 4 other items, to a lucky subscriber on my twitch channel. Painted up in 3 1/2 hours and I'm already building next month's giveaway. Fun!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Finished! Typhus, Herald of the Plague God

This project was started during a private tutoring session. Super fun to work on after throwing away the derpy smoke that came with the sculpt (you know what I'm talking about). I'd also like to remind my regular readers I've moved my operations over to Facebook and mainly this blog will function as a gallery of completed work for the time being.

I also have an Instagram account, it's a mix of weirdness and miniatures if you're so inclined. Search for Sam Lenz to find me.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Finished! Foetid Bloat Drone

Rolling out another model form the recent Dark Imperium starter. This time the Foetid Bloat Drone, which I really enjoyed due to the negative space created by it's floating nature. Very cool! I have fantasies of having a 40K army again but until that time comes I'll have to be satisfied with a few pieces here and there. In a year, once I've seen where the new edition of 40K has gone, then maybe I'll jump back on board the bandwagon.

He's also for sale on Ebay if you want to spread the contagion in your home town.

Stay tuned!

What have I been listening to: Diocletian

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Finished! Lord of Contagion

Man I love the new Death Guard models. Every time I paint some Nurgle goodness I'm entertaining the idea of an army. This time around was no exception, coupled with the onset of a new edition I was thinking about it double. But who has the time? I do, but it comes at a price so for now I'll have to just leave my Nurgle army at that, an idea. Maybe some day, for now though I've had my fun with the Lord of Contagion. I'll place him up on Ebay and see what happens. If he sells, good, if not, then I get to hang out with my budding army a little longer.

I haven't posted on coolminiornot in a while due to them changing the parameters related to the image quality but after some growing pains, I've been able to adjust. So take a gander at my Gallery there and rock the vote. Or if you'd like to own him yourself, bidding starts Here


Monday, August 21, 2017

WIP: Lord of Contagion

Amidst the commissions sometimes I have to do a out of sync painting to keep the mojo flowing. Inspired by the Nurgle models painted during the class I held in Minneapolis and still having some figures left, I started slapping some paint around. This won't be a competition piece and isn't for anyone in particular, just for the fun of it :) and then most likely Ebay.

No rules!

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Finished! Blight Queen

The princess of pustulence herself, the Blight Queen. This project was a lot of fun, I love painting and always say that but lately I've been trying to add more edge and feeling to my models.

Thanks for staying tuned, I've been so caught up in work lately I haven't had as much time to blog. Which is the very activity that brings me work, one of them at least. Funny how that works.

Stay tuned! I have some classes to announce in the near future :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Finished! Archaon, the Everchosen

At long last, it's finally done and photographed. The Michael Jordan of Chaos, Archaon the Everchosen!

What a beast of a project. In the end, I went over the time I expected it to take but no big deal, it was what was needed. Stay tuned, something numerous and blue is up next! Hint: not space marines.