sam i am
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Showing posts with label playstation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label playstation. Show all posts

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Things that make me smile this morning...

1. A smile because the Chargers won last nite against the Colts!!
2. Betsy-Boo rubbing up against my legs this morning as she greets me with a "Good Morning..please feed me!" meow.
3. These quilled hearts. I've made about a hundred of them.. now to figure out what to do with them! Feel free to offer suggestions!
4. Tippy.. for just being so darn cute!
5. Hearing the birds singing this morning.. I don't know why.. but this morning they seem particulary 'chirpier'
6. Something in the morning air that feels like its going to be a nice day.
7. The warmth of the sun on my cheeks as I stand and wait for Honey to 'do her thing'.
8. Knowing back inside..there is fresh coffee :)
9. Having all my kids home last nite.. under one roof.. playing playstation together.
10. Hearing the sounds of kids wandering around.. watching Tim read the paper.. and feeling loved.
Your challenge today.. list at least 3 things that make you smile today :)
I look forward to reading about them!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Playstation Portable for Sale

Hi Everyone!
My son is selling a Playstation Portable that he won at an Employee Appreciation dinner. He already has a playstation..and really needs the money I thought before I listed it on eBay.. I'd post it here to see if anyone would like to buy it.