sam i am
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Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

girl in pink

Tim gave me roses for valentines I couldn't resist playing with them.. :)

ahhh..ain't love grand? Betsy-Boo and Tippy taking their nap together on a rainy afternoon here in Murrieta..

pretty in pink...

threw this together last nite..

today am thinking of my mother in law..

and tomorrow will hold yet more news...

lets pray its all good news..

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Things that make me smile this morning...

1. A smile because the Chargers won last nite against the Colts!!
2. Betsy-Boo rubbing up against my legs this morning as she greets me with a "Good Morning..please feed me!" meow.
3. These quilled hearts. I've made about a hundred of them.. now to figure out what to do with them! Feel free to offer suggestions!
4. Tippy.. for just being so darn cute!
5. Hearing the birds singing this morning.. I don't know why.. but this morning they seem particulary 'chirpier'
6. Something in the morning air that feels like its going to be a nice day.
7. The warmth of the sun on my cheeks as I stand and wait for Honey to 'do her thing'.
8. Knowing back inside..there is fresh coffee :)
9. Having all my kids home last nite.. under one roof.. playing playstation together.
10. Hearing the sounds of kids wandering around.. watching Tim read the paper.. and feeling loved.
Your challenge today.. list at least 3 things that make you smile today :)
I look forward to reading about them!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Home at Last...

pardon the sand spilling out from my jean cuffs..
and the windblown hairstyle..
and my laid-back attitude..
but I've just returned from a week at the beach..and will need some time to re-adjust to 'life' :)

I figured by making a might be easier to post instead of allllll of those pictures...

We had a great time..the cool weather..the ocean surf..even waking up to the pitter-patter of raindrops on our RV roof was just heaven to my ears :)
I hope I can get the sand outta my head and buckle back down to work here soon..
someone shake me..
shake me hard.


Thank you to Natalie and Arlene for identifying this yucky, gross bug!! :)
Its a "Jerusalem Cricket' or potato bug...
now I can go back to hiding under my covers ...


Sunday, August 31, 2008

swimming with sharks...

errr..i mean..swimming with baby alligator lizards...

for the past two days... I've had to fish this guy outta the pool..

not sure if its the same fella..maybe i should start 'tagging' them lol
isn't he just SOOO Cute???

i love them when they're so wee.. we have found them even smaller before..and they are just so adorable!

Usually..when Betsy-Boo's not doing this....

or this...

she can be found outside 'hunting' and likes to bring me lizards..

this one she brought back to play with...

then she usually takes them off somewhere and 'feasts'. We've found so many headless bodies about the yard... its disgusting!

all of this usually happens when Tippy is inside...

doing this...


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sunrise Sammy

Good Morning My Beautiful Flower!

Through the View Finder Pics from this morning..

Last nite Tippy decided he wanted to crawl out our bedroom window..and sit up on the patio beams. He LOVES it out there... and he CAN'T get down or escape! So he lays out there..and has a 'cats-eye' view of the hummingbirds coming to the feeder below him..and the goings-on.

Sunrise Sillo
Originally uploaded by samwould
Gooooood Morning Murrieta!
I woke up bright and early this morning around 4:47..and for the life of me...could NOT get back to hopped outta bed.. slipped into my jeans and comfy shirt.. threw on a baseball cap..made a quick cup of coffee..and was out the door to take sunrise shots of the neighborhood.
The spot I drove to wasn't the greatest to catch any great magnificent sunrise there were telephone poles..and wires and construction messin' up the scenery. So I will have to rethink my next early morning adventure.. plan ahead and scout out a great viewing site. If anyone can recommend a good Sunrise viewing around Murrieta, CA.. please let me know!
But I had fun wandering about.. feeling like I was on some great adventure..searching for things to photograph in the great morning light. I saw horses..and cattle (again..sorry I don't know the names of cattle.. but my friend Connie for ALtered Route knows..and I sure hope she pops in here to tell me what I've photographed (pic of cattle on my flickr acct) hehehee)..revisited the old school... saw houses so close together its a wonder how anyone can fart anymore..
I hope you'll take a peek at my Flickr pics.. and post a comment if you like :)
Ok.. naptime.. all that running around pooped me out!
click on my Flickr Picture to go see the rest of the Early Morning Shots :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

tired of Tippy shots yet??? I don't have any babies to take pictures of here.. so poor Tippy and Honey have to be my poor subjects and put up with the clicking of my camera..

gotta love Paws...'specially lil pink ones :)

Tip thinks this is a total waste of his time..and is so bored with me..

Honey could care-less...she was happily content just snoozin' away the afternoon.. when I had to interrupt her beauty sleep..
Tim calls her 'the Meatloaf"..
look at that belly!! lord!! she should be a pot-bellied pig!
"Oh we're so bored with you..'

"What the deuce, woman??" (i can just hear Tippy in his best 'Stewie" voice)
and fav.. grilled asparagus..
tim spoils me :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

...wandering around the back country..

ok..this first picture isn't from the 'backcountry' of southern cal.. but it is in my town..and yes.. Timmy just HAD to take me there to get one of these YUMMMMMY treats!! If you are obsessed with Thin Mints from the Girl Scouts cookie sales, then you will absolutley NEED to have a Thin Mint Blizzard from Dairy Queen!!! YUM -O!!
Actually this was our last stop of the day (DQ) after Tim and I packed up the jeep with a picnic basket and headed out saturday morning :)
We decided to wander about the 'back country' as we call drive thru the Bonsall , Fallbrook and Rainbow Canyon area of Southern Cal..
Its just so pretty..hilly.. and feels as if you've escaped the city and have been plopped down right in the middle of God's country! I love traveling thru there..wishing we owned about 50 acres of hills and rocks!
This cattle farm was one of the stops..and they didn't really care for me being there taking their picture..(then tim reminded me i had a 'red dress' on..and maybe I was scaring them off!)
This creature.. not sure what to call them.. (I never did understand or learn proper cattle names.. )
but he was he stood directly over one of the sprinklers that were going ...keeping cool..or was he taking a shower??

We found a road..that wound and wrapped its way around some hill..and then narrowed and became a bit treacherous..and ended up at a locked gate :(

me.. in the mirror.. and would all freak if you could see that i am actually wearing a DRESS!!!!!!
i know..i know..

My Timmy.. surrounded by cacti

oh ya..and have to throw in a Betsy-Boo pic for good measure..and because she loves me :)

oh ya..and a cactus farm we found along the way..

ok..get your minds out of the gutter and get over the fact they look so...



Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Come Sit a spell....

....and pay attention to me...

im waiting..


This is Tippy... taking his place on the kitchen barstool.. watching as TJ prepares a box of Mac & Cheese!

He soooo cracks me up.. I swear at times he knows exactly what we're talking about!

He keeps me smiling :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

been playing...

... we went to Vail Lake last weekend..and had fun playing in the hills and wildflowers..

and also with our new 'toy'.. a Jeep!

Now we will be able to tow it behind the rv..and be able to go exploring on our little trips that we take! Im soooo excited! :)
There's been times on our trips we would have liked a car to get into town or to go exploring with..and sometimes those things are just too far to do on a bicycle. Well..we found a used Jeep at a local dealership here and just had to jump on it!
Now Tim will have something to play with and 'trick out'.. he can't wait to start pimpin' his ride! lol
This new toy brings back such great memories.... Tim used to have a 1949 Willies jeep when we were dating..and we used to have SOOOO much fun getting into trouble with that thing!!
I don't know how many farmers back-40's we've plowed thru..or some real deep mud pits that we had to be pulled outta..and rock piles we've climbed over..and even slammed it into a snowbank once (not on purpose)..and ended filling the back end of the poor jeep with a bunch of snow from hitting the bank!
ahhhhhhhh...the fun...
I think we'll take much better care of this one tho... and no snowbanks to run into lol

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

more charms available...

click on picture for a closer view

While the clouds were passing was good to sit inside and put together more charms :)

I know..I know..I should be cleaning.. and getting things ready for our trip.. but I will most likely wait til the last minute to do that... I just hate passing up a good cloudy, misty's the perfect time for doodling.. painting..creating...

Here's what I've whipped up.. if anyone is interested..please email me...

Bubbles come with 24 inch ballchain necklace..
24 inch silverplated ballchain necklaces available now for $2 extra
top.. left to right:
"I Love Junk"
"B'cuz I said so!"
bottom .. left to right:
"Crazy 4 U"
"ooo la la "
"I love Dogs"
"I love Cats"
$20 each