Showing posts with label Merepek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merepek. Show all posts

Friday, August 6, 2010

Terliur punya pasal

Bukak blog sana, ade citer bakar kek cheese cekelat..bukak blog sini pon bakar kek cheese cekelat! Sampai kat facebook pon melambak gamba kek cheese cekelat!! Heh tak leh jadi ni..bertong air liur aku dah telan..maka hati pon mula la NEKAD (perhatikan CAPS LOCK disitu) akan membakar kek cheese cekelat jugak-jugak raya nanti! Cepat laaa balik umah mak... ;(

Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake frm Kongsi Resepi Facebook! Tahan ke ko?? Yang ini pasti aku akan cuba dulu!

Simply Sinful Cheese Cake also frm Kongsi Resepi Facebook. Demm!!!

Temptation Oreo Cheese Cake frm ROZZAN'S SHARED RECIPES punya blog

Choc Cheese Layer Cake frm My Little Heaven On Earth punya blog

Persoalannya : terbakar kah kek aku nanti? untuk jawapannya tungguuuuuuuu raya! wakakakkaka ;p

Friday, July 30, 2010

Saya berjanji..

...akan update blog semula! Hah hah.

Eh tapi not today sebab sakit M ade lagi saki baki. Hari ni nak merapu je. Tiada yang interesting terjadi. Life's as usual, there are days full of happiness but sometimes there are unhappy moments. Thank God they don't stay around long.

Owh and hey! I'm not pregnant too..not yet ;) (in case u ever thought of asking) I made it clear because I don't like it when u ask. Thank you. I mean, it's freaking annoying right, this question? Really..Bila lagi, dah ade isi ke? Like getting pregnant is as easy as you discharge waste from your body? Now I know how sucks my BFF really felt about this before..

Bukan kami yang tak mau okeh..Dia belom bagi lagi so what am I supposed to do right? All I can do is wait..Dia tau bila masa yang sesuai. Kadang-kadang aku agak tertekan bila diajukan soalan tentang ni. Ye lah kawan yang naik pelamin tarikh lebih kurang aku pon wife nye dah berisi. Kiri, kanan, depan, belakang orang di sekeliling aku pregnant. Jadi kalau orang lain tambah tekanan aku dengan soalan ni aku makin stress ok! It's not like kami tak usaha lansung...we did all we could trust me! 

Mungkin korang semua boleh tolong doakan aku mane tau dalam bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ni aku mungkin tersangkut ke kan..daripada bagi aku stress..lebih afdhal. Aku boleh tenang lagi bila orang luar yang bertanya, tapi bila mertua aku sendiri yang tanya......................aku sedih ok ;(

Adat lah yer dulu belom kawen org tnya biler nak kawen? Dah kawen org akan tnya pulak bile nak beranak? Dah ade anak si kekwat akan tnya lagi bile nak tambah anak? Mak aih!

Husband aku sangat best! He's very supportive & tenang je. Guess that's all I need right? Wish me luck! ;)

Nota kaki : Woi cemane korang bunting pelamin haaa?? Giler expert ;p

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cara-cara menangani stress?

Atas bantuan Encik Google, mari lakukan :-

1) Senyum : Senyum je walau pon ko rasa macam nak toreh tayar beskal adik ko..senyum jugak! "senyum seindah suria..yg membawa cahaya..senyum lah dari hati, duniamu berseri.." kan? bila kita senyum, otot-otot kat muka kita akan loose (eh ape ko ingat skru ke?)..jadi ketegangan di muka kita x akan nampak dgn obvious kot..kan?

2) Bersendirian : ambik masa utk bersendiri..kalau perlu dalam toilet pon ok! sbb maybe kat luar ade je org..kalau kt opis sure ade officemates & boss..kalau kt umh sure ade family/husband/ tempat paling selamat is - toilet/bilik air. unless korang nye toilet/bilik air tu on sharing basis mandi ramai-ramai pakai gayung..den x dapek nak nolong dek non! ;p bila lam toilet tu, ko nak nangis ke, nangis lah! nangis sepuas-puasnya supaya dpt release suma yg terbuku lam ati ko tue! (AWAS jgn kuat-kuat pulak sbb nanti org kat luar leh dengar!)

3) Bertenang : tarik nafas dalam-dalam & hembuskan nafas perlahan-lahan...buat la banyak-banyak kali smpai ko rasa tenang.. stay positive, ckp ngan diri - yg ko boleh hadapi ape jugak cabaran yg dtg melintang ke menegak kat depan ko! convince kan diri yg ko x sama dgn org lain & ko pasti akan dpt handle tekanan tue dgn baik..bak kato oghang nogori "mombujur lalu molintang patah! den misti buek juo!" sbb kalau ko x boleh bertenang, nanti macam2 penyakit akan dtg - migrain, darah tinggi, depression, gila pon boleh!

4) Berbuat baiklah kepada orang yg buat ko stress tu : walau pon ko rasa macam nak hayun aje, tapi instead of bertekak ke ape tak tentu arah, baik ko diam & buat bodoh je dgn org tu. ape yg dia cakap ko anggap je macam langau yg singgah kejap nk makan taik ikan. sbb makin kita argue, keadaan akan jadi makin kusut. kalau dah bersimpul nanti, susah nak leraikan. jadi, lebih baik elak dari melerai. paham tak?

5) Maafkan lah : mmg susah nak maafkan org, apetah lagi kalau hati kita dah sakit..dah pedih..paling teruk kalau hati dah retak (bak kata Rubiah Suparman dlm citer Bila Hati Sudah Retak 1983) mmg x kan dpt dicantum balik! perghh ayat ko! hah hah..but itu lah hakikatnya! cuma terpulang pd kita utk memaafkan ke tak sbb - makin lama kita simpan kudis kat kaki, selagi tu lah nanah akan keluar. tapi kalau kita gi hospital suruh misi cuci kudis tue & makan ubat, kan cepat je sembuh nya? camtu gak hati kita kot! ;p

6) Peluk : kalau kita perhatikan omputeh (mat salih @ bahasa buku nya orang barat) mmg suka berpeluk. sampai tua pon diorang masih lagi jalan berpegang tgn, bercium & berpeluk. (hallo! ni sesama family/suami-isteri je yer!) sbb believe it or not, masa kita tgh bersedih or stress and someone we loved peluk kita, mmg akan rasa lega sikit..kalau takde org nak peluk ko, peluk je lah bantal busuk ke teddy bear busuk ko tu! Best nye kalau dpt peluk CukAda sekarang nihs! tsskk..tskk.. ;(

7) Guna air freshener/candle aroma lavender : sbb lavender terbukti dpt melega kan stress & menenangkan org yg menghidu nya! SILA JANGAN HIDU GAM NANTI BOLEH GILA JUGA!

8) Get support frm family/friends : yg ini personally aku kurang bersetuju sbb bukan semua org layak utk ko kongsikan masalah (as per my previous post) ..takkan masalah kesedihan rumahtangga ko pon nak kene pukul canang sampai sekampung kan? tak baik! kan masa kursus kahwin dah diajar semua benda ni..begitu jugak dgn masalah family - pon takkan nak cerita semua skali dgn kawan-kawan? husband/wife & bestfriend - maybe yes! tapi bukan semua kawan..dan bukan jugak dgn semua family members kot! pada aku lain aku x tau ;) maksud aku disini - ade certain benda yg ko kene filter atau bahasa melayu nya tapis! (yess..bukan rokok je pakai filter yer! ;p)

9) Ceria kan dirimu : tapi kalau dah stress sgt buat ape pon x mau nye ceria ye tak? entah la..boleh kot! keluar lah tgk wayang, SHOPPING!, WINDOW-SHOPPING, (notice pembesaran font di sittew? yess..SHOPPING adalah ubat stress paling mujarab utk org perempuan! *wink*), pegi bersenam sbb mmg terbukti exercise dapat mengurangkan stress, paling tidak pon petang2 pegi la ambik angin kat taman sambil tgk gelagat orang..sape tau kan tuah ayam nampak di kaki, tuah korang dapat boipren ensem??? aku dah kawen so Tett! teori nie kekdahnye zasssss x boleh pakai okeh! ;p

10) Berbalik lah kepada Allah swt : dalam ape jua keadaan, hanya Dia yg dapat tolong kita..jadi sujud lah padaNya. Mohon lah bantuan & kekuatan untuk kita tempuh dugaan ni and sentiasa berdoa dgn harapan Allah akan makbul kan permintaan kita. Lambat atau cepat - balasan & pemberian Allah tu kita akan dapat. Hanya lambat atau cepat........ ;)

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid...

Betul ke? I think betul kot!

no matter how hard it is
no matter how much it hurts
no matter how painful it is
better to keep it to yourself and let go..coz truth may hurts sometimes ;)

tak semua org willing utk accept ape jugak yg kita nak share..tak semua org boleh terima dgn minda & hati yg terbuka seterusnya cuba utk faham situasi kita. tak semua org sanggup dengar luahan hati kita macam mana mak kita kan? walau pon kdg kala ape yg kita luahkan tu mungkin akan menyinggung hati & perasaan - tapi hanya MAK yg akan faham. Hanya mak! Org lain x mungkin akan faham..

oleh itu, sblm kita menyinggung hati & perasaan org, ada baik nya kita pendamkan aje ape yg terbuku di hati..tanggung sendiri ;)

kalau nk menangis, menangis lah dlm hati
kalau nk menjerit, jerit lah dlm hati
kalau stress, makan lah banyak chocolate & ice cream NESTLÉ® LA CREMERIA Chocolate Hazelnut Temptation heheh ;p

sekian. pesanan khidmat masyarakat ini dibawakan oleh saya yg sewel. chiao!~

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kenapa saya malas update blog?

Kenapa saya malas update blog? Camne nak kaya bak kata akak aku?? Kaya larr konon ade ati nak kaya dgn dwet Nuffnang!! Wakakakkaka...mimpi lah! Takat hapdet belog sthn 2 kali, kaya hape? Tu-khang kelik Ads pon akak aku jek! Suruh laki aku jawab nyer smpei ke tua lom tentu dyer wat..lain la RedMummy ke gelpren Timothy Tiah ke kan? ke Diyana Yang ke mmg la dh kenyang makan dwet Adsense! (aku apply adsense kene reject! padan lah muka..tulih belog bahasa jiwa bangsa ade ati ke? wakakaka!)

Timothy kasi wa punyer luit banyak sket boley tak? Tiap kali aku jumpa ko lam lif ngan taik lalat ko tue, ngan awek cute ko tue, ngan staff ko yg rambot cam apiz af tue - lupa pulak aku nak tnya! Ko nak aku tahan pintu lif tu tak bagi ko masok ke? "eh eh sesuki ko jek ek? aku dah bagi singgit pown dh beso rahmat tau!" (kata tim) hmmpphh mak sentap! Sila guna konsep sedar diri yer..;p

Nota kaki : ape ko merepek ujan-ujan ni sengaaaaaaaaaaaal??? baik ko pk ape nk masak malam nie! bler aku nk diet camnie? badan dh membesar bagai juara..tak masak kang sian kt laki aku..sighh..

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Melepak kt umah

Melepak kt umh ari ahad camnihs mmg sgt membosankan..Mr. Fiance blk kampong. Arini cousin dyer bertunang..maybe malam kot baru smpai sini bwk mak nye blk..

So aku sangat poyos tatau nk wtpe..nasib baik dh mtk laptop siap2..dpt gak aku melayan Farmville. Smlm pegi wedding my ex-classmate during primary school Noor Fairoza Razali kt Pulau Indah, Klang. Her father happens to be my mom's ex-boss kat Sekolah Latihan Kem PGA Ulu Kinta. X sangka mak & ayah Fairoza still ingat aku & my mom coz mmg da lamer glerr x jumpa. Gambar will hv to update later or esok coz camera Mr. Fiance da bwk blk kg. And mlm smlm sempat catch midnite movie citer Santau..pompuan ittew sgt terer blakon! 5 bintang utk dyer..

Wedding preparation? A loooooooooooong way to go! Byk nye mende x cari + x beli lagi! Hujung bln ni nk blk kg tempah baju. Mak dah remind takot x sempat siap..yes mam! saya balik! Baju akan ditempah di tailor peberet dari zaman mak anak dara lagi which is Lucky Tailor, Tg. Rambutan.

So far yg besar2 dh selamat dibooking - pelamin+baju+andam (2 belah umah), kad jemputan.. Photographer BELOM ! Scary yess!! Brg2 hantaran sedang dlm proses membeli..ada yg dh dibeli pon..

Okeh dh ngantok..nk gi wat kopi jap..bye!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


hari ini pertaMa kali nyEw aku meMblOg setelah almOst 2 bln! Huhu..apEw kah? pEnyakit malas yg da melaNda okEh hah hah! bookan ahh aku bz bebEnor ngan kjEw but aku sbuk layan Tagged!

Yessssss..beliEve it or nOt? Wakakakkakakkaka...just bElieve it folks!

aku da jadik caM addictEd lak..salaH satu sbb nyEw? sbb thru Tagged aku juMpa balik ngan kEngkawan laMa aku masEr study dooloo.. bEshh besHh..ktOwang gatHer2 balik..p melepak makan2, karOke, p bkt tinjau..sOnok skang niE weEkend aku terisi ahH skett ngaN xtivity..huHu..

but..asik kuar jEk..aku jadik penat skEtt.. kelaM kabut maNer nak cuci baju..nak keMas uMah..aku da rasEw x terurus la plak..duHh..this wEek lagi aHh..aku p ikut waty balik kEdah..shOrt trip lak tuE..juMaat tghari balik..aHad ptg da sMpai kl balik..isnin kejew.. pehhhh x ley blaH!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Aku Period

Sakit nyerr perott tuhan jek yg tau.. Tapi malam nie nak dating.. Camne?
Hahhahahha dating nyer pasal sakit pon ku redah jua.. huahauhauhua

aku panas nie gaji x dpt lagik..tgk nie pon opismate aku mai menganyam ketupat kt meja haku..
raser nk berpiket la.. aku dh la nk gi JB nie boss.. ko nihs..
yg ko sibuk kn nk chase payment dr company yg dh nk bangkrap lagi 2 ari..
dh la bonus x dgr kabar langsong! ciss I hate u En. M** !!

aku byk utang nie nk kene settle.. GAWATTTTT !!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend yg sgt CAPEK !!!

Weekend yg sgt mencapek kn yg telah menyebabkn ari nie aku lembik mcm sayur!
Masuk opis ngan mata ber'eye bag' lebam.. menguap setiap 3 minit..and almost nk tendang meja kerusi biler org panggil aku..takde mood..dh arr mmg dkt nk period...


Kekekekke.. everytime Wati balik, ini lah jd nyer kt haku..hadehhh nasib kawan aku.. kalo org lain tak kojer aku nk melayan nyerrr...

penat berjalan satu hal..penat tido lambat tue yg paling x tahan.. 2 malam berturut2 tido kul 4am mmg x bleh blah siottt...

Aku mengantuk!!! Nak balik... malam nie jgn la ader jantans yg mengganggu tido aku!! Akan haku off kan HP ku malam ini!!! I need a good rest plsssss....


Friday, August 29, 2008

Tribute To Independence Day : DSAI sworn as MP

Credit to the author Mr. Anuar Dan and this is taken from this site

Seeing DSAI sworn in at the parliament yesterday, has made me completely overwhelmed with grief..grief for our country..our nation..our Malaysia.. The last time i've felt this way is when Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad cried and announcing that he's stepping down..

Knowing that DSAI won in the Permatang Pauh by-election has made me incapable of speaking for a period of time.. as if i've been in a state of "struck dumb" for a while..

Reading Tun's blog has made me realised that..ppl are not actually voting for DSAI because they supports him. But it's because they don't want DSAAB to giving the majority winning to BN candidate, it means to show supports to DSAAB too.. I know that reading this entry will upsets most of u guys out there who's the real supporter of DSAI.. but I do believe that this is a free country therefore I should be freely allowed to choose my own beliefs..

I didn't say that I'm BN's supporter or PKR supporter..or any other parties.. I'm neutral.. but as far as i can see of what's happening around this country.. especially when we're about to celebrate our nation's 51st Independence.. The more i want to believe that we are an independent country, the more i am convinced that we are actually so far behind in terms of morality & mentality and many more.. Our mentality hasn't changed from the day before merdeka (though i wasn't even born yet) --> My chinese boss who's born in 1949 at Penang would always said that to me.. he also said "I was borned in 1949..i am the 3rd generation u know.. even though my moyang datok is all frm China but I never said that I'm Chinese..i'm from China.. No! I am Malaysian.. no matter what race you are..whether ur a Malay, Indian or Chinese, we are all Malaysian.. never brought up issues of racism and all these u know.."

Well clearly what he meant is, as one nation, we should all bersatu coz we are Malaysian.. not bcoz i'm Malay..ur Chinese or he's Indian.. nop! But this is not what's happening in our country right here right now.. Melayu dgn Melayu bertelagah..apetah lagi dgn bangsa lain.. There's just too many political parties around that separates us among each other..that has made us fights against each other.. I wonder when this is gonna be over??

I just don't know why..but I strongly believed that DSAI's intention of coming back into Parliament is to make sure his personal agenda a reality. Clearly he's not fighting for keadilan untuk rakyat.. he is fighting for his own keadilan.. for himself.. Dun ask me why should I published this statement..i just dunno why.. but deep inside my heart I knew that sumthing wasn't right with DSAI..

And for God sake u ladies and gentleman...what is wrong with DSAI as a Gay????? I juz don't know whether all these sodomised crap is true or not.. I wouldn't know.. Who am I to judge anyway?? The only person that could say, Yess..I am a Gay! --> would be DSAI himself!! And Allah SWT.. it's between him and God! We are nobody to judge him!! And for God sake, if it's true that DSAI is a Gay, why can't u guys just accept it??? Why? Why?Why?

He's a normal human beings halllooooooooooo!! What's wrong wif Gay? I mean..I have lots and lots of frens who's Gay..and God knows that they are the best+kindest+sempoiest ppl on Earth I hv ever met in my entire life!!!!

How I wish Tun M still the PM for this country! How I wish...

Happy Independence Day to all Malaysian!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

MuNcHy's miNi CrAckErs WiTh chEEse CreAm

Yippieeeeee....!!! So glad that i finally found this iinii minnii tiny crackers on the rack of my bespren's store downstairs...the Mogana Store of course!! after seeing this on Jaja's blog , i've made promise to myself that i'm gonna get one! The taste was damn good.. considering that it came in very mini-bite-friendly size, i could say that i finished up the whole pack at one go! hahahhaha~ there goes my diet then... sighhh..

but knowing that Jaja bought this at only MYR0.99 at Tesco, i am soooo convinced that i've been screwed up by my bespren non other than Uncle Chandran..coz he's selling it at MYR1.50 (as u can see in the pixs below lah!) So i am MYR0.51 rugi! Duhhhhh..

can u see the price?? it's MYR1.50

But hey.. i'm not that very-typical-old-lady@mokcik who's forever complaining about prices when it comes to filling up my own stomach and satisfying my appetite, for God sake???!! I'm a food lover...(though at THIS particular period i must say that i'm trying to avoid all these very nice delicious sedaplicious foods..and forcing myself to ignore all craves that i'm having-trust me it aint easy!!!).. so i thought i should just forgive Uncle Chandran and halalkan my every pennies (not penis okay!!!) yg dier telan today.. BTW, Uncle Chandran has been very kind to me all these while.. sbb die slalu bagi dicounts on most of the things i bought frm his store..(by giving me discounts, he's actually selling it at original price..u see??..hahah very nice hah uncle...tada rugi juga!!) kwangkwangkwanggggg~

the last 2 pieces!!


Yesterday i am so kantoi wif Jaja.. she've managed to tracked this blog (very clever of me by leaving comments on her blog using my blogger account) but hey!! It's fun though.. at least now i knew that sumone's reading all these craps written by me..thehehhee..

well Ja.. sorri ek x gitau ko.. bukan pe.. there's 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 entries i've made that has made me thinkin' twice thrice or dunno how many times to let u guys my dearest frenss read & comment about.. but hey guess wat? i dun care anymore!! yippiee!!!~

this blog is for me to channel all the journalist creativity in me (which doesn't seems to be my career of course) and it's like a cyber diary too!! the only diff. is tat a diary needs to be handwritten but a blog can juz be save me my pen ink plus i dun hv to cramp my fingers and hiding my ever lazybusynosy(?)choosypplhandwriting..

So, ladies and gentleman...from the bottom of my deepest heart, I would like to announce..

WELCOME TO MY BLOG !..and this is.. my stories....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My first post..

Yerp.. never done this b4.. this is my very 1st time.. get xcited reading my frenz blog.. thought of having one.. and i did it !! yiehhaaa.. well.. nuthin' much to say now.. but my intention of having this blog is to actually expressed my feelin', to share my sadness & happiness with sumone' i dont know & sumone i wouldn't be able to see.. it's more comfortable anyway..


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