
Showing posts with label Mavrick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mavrick. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sweet moments with my Boys...

Just some sweet little momemts I have had with my boys the last couple of weeks.

Carter's first night to sleep at home in his bed.

First day of being a Mom of two and Mav was actually eating the food I gave him. A Miracle.
Just being sweet and sleeping.
Love my boys!

Very direct stare. Zoolander?!

My Sleeping Angel. This is how he likes to sleep. On his side.

Funny moment...I was breast feeding Carter and Mav was drinking his cup of milk before bed and so he came up on my bed and laid on my lap with his milk. So I had two boys drinking milk on me. Haha. =)

Awake time @ 1:30 am? Ok.

Mavrick was being so cute. For some reason he wanted to sit on out chair like this and was just jabbering away. It was a sweet moment for me and him. After I fed Carter I went and sat by him on the floor and rubbed his back and tried to keep up the conversation with him. It was pretty funny.
Gangster Pose

A Day at the Park with our friend Annabelle. =)
Aunt Kami was playing around and doing a photo shoot which obviously turned out crappy! Haha. =)

After she took a few pictures of Carter, Mav wanted her to take some of him so he laid down kinda how Carter was and started laughing. It was hilarious! =)
This boy has a natural mohawk! I don't even have to brush it that way after a shower.
 My Boys! Mav being sweet and Carter looking scared...

So around 8:30 on Sunday mornings it seems like my entire family ends up in my bed. Mav will wake up around 7 and come climb into bed with us, which is about when Carter wants to eat so he ends up laying in the bed beside us too. I caught them touching each other. It was so sweet. =)
Big yawn...
 I was taking a picture of Carter and Mavrick, once again wanted one taken of he jumped in front.

 This is Mavrick's "Oh Toodles!!" face when he watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I finally got it on camera.

And this little face is what makes it so hard to not let him sleep on my chest for EVERY nap. Look at those lips! =)
We love our little boys so much and are having a lot of fun with them. I wish I had a camera on me for every special LITTLE moment and I try but its hard. But I love the ones that I can catch. The last couple of weeks have been great. No Post-pardem or depression of any kind which has been awesome. I have been loving this "stay at home Mom of Two" way more than I thought I would.

Here's to more sweet little moments with my boys. =)

One Lucky Mom

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mavrick turns 2!

This past Thursday Mavrick turned two! I still can't believe Ryan and I have a two year old. We are so grateful to have him and everyday is a fun new adventure. =) Here is a little recap of our day and the festivities.

We started the morning off with snuggles and a happy boy. He is like his Daddy in the mornings sometimes, kinda cranky (I didn't know that was genetic). So I was glad he woke up in a good mood since its hit and miss everyday. I bought his favorite breakfast food for him the night before: "OOOPs! All Berries Captain Crunch" He doesn't get sugary cereal in the morning very often but it was a special occasion and he was so excited!

 The rest of the day was kinda crazy. We read lots of books in the morning, cleaned the house, watched some cartoons, ran a TON of errands with Aunt Kami (thank heavens she was there), nap time, and setting up for his party. His party was a success and I think I did a really good job about not stressing out over EVERY detail that didn't happen. I have a tendancy to go overboard and do too much. Ryan says I am getting better at it so by the time my kids get married I will be so chill. Haha. Anyway...below are what his invitations looks like. I hand delivered them in case you were wondering about the actual Goldfish Crackers I put on there. I did an all blue party last year and still had a ton of things left over so I just through some orange in there. Mavrick LOVES fish! Really he loves anything boy but I had more stuff for a fish party and a dinosaur party. Haha. =)
Goldfish Bar
Veggies & Dip
Blue Jello

I tried to do everything Mavrick liked, which is not much, and still keep it adult friendly. Last year we did WAY too much and made homemade ice cream, grilled kabobs,  and it was just TOO much work! I am glad we simplified it this year. It was also so nice to just have the kids swim in the little pool and play in the sprinklers while the adults chatted it up and did nothing. Below are some pictures of the party and the fun time Mavrick had. He really does love playing with other kids and people. He is a social butterfly like his Mommy so I am glad we invited other kids this year.

 So I had to put this picture up cause its so funny! Haha. He got into trouble for hitting Miss Annabelle on the head with his dinosaur. Sorry Annabelle...we are still working on that. =) She took it like a champ though.
Friends and family just chilling out and having fun.
 Grandpa showing Mavrick how to splash like a pro.
 Man! Does that boy look like his Daddy or what!? Same facial expression and everything!
Cake Time! Ryan made the shape and design of the cake the night before and my Mom decorated it for the party. They did such a good job! 
  Singing Happy Birthday & Blowing out candles!
 It was so funny...after we were done Mav points to his candles and says..."Hot. Hot."
Blowing out his candles and he did it all by himself! He is such a big boy!
Do kids do this on their second birthday or just first?
 Miss Emma who is older and more experienced, came out of no where and showed him how it was done! Haha. She is so cute. =)
Then Mavrick really dug into it!
Opening Presents Time!
Thanks everyone for bringing his gifts. He loved every one of them. =)
Eating cake with his dinosaur? Ok.

 Getting some quality time in with his new toys.

Mavrick loved his party and at the end of the day we had a happy tired worn out little boy and Mommy to go with it. =) We love you buddy.

Ryan & Kayla (Mom & Dad)