Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Monday, 22 March 2010

Just wonderin....

How I could have reached the age of 42 and NEVER heard this song before.A hauntingly beautiful song.Wild is the Wind this is the David Bowie version, so beautiful!

I came across it when I was listening to Billy Mackenzie on Spotify.I loved Billy in the 80's in the Associates. Me and my friend Nora McGrath used to listen to their 12"over and over again.We thought he was GORGEOUS. I was about 14 at the time!

Anyway Spotify led me to YouTube and there I heard him sing it, so haunting and beautiful
Sadly Billy committed suicide in 1997 aged 39
such a shame....

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Today I'm loving...

listening to the new Robbie Williams CD on Spotify! It's fantastic!Especially love the track You know me.

My new pins, so colourful, little things please little minds and all that!

Bunting in progress, I have made 10 lengths of bunting this week as I have 3 events, Thurs, Fri and Saturday

Browsing images of kitchens,especially love these two.Our kitchen is smaller than this,but we are hoping to knock down a wall and have a kitchen diner after Christmas

Image from McKeown Kit

Image from Country Living

A girl can dream....

I'm off to stitch Gingerbread men next!
Rachel x


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