I am sooo pleased with it.
He built it in a weekend(I did help though, sanding and chiseling)
But I am still painting it. It.Is.Taking. For. Ever!!
My bro advised me to keep it wood coloured , but I couldn't, mainly because the idea in my head is a country cream pergola covered with sweet scented roses. But also because the trellis is the colour of David Dickinsons tan!Not the look I was aiming for really. It is taking me ages to finish due to all the rainshowers but I'm hoping to get it done this week!
I've bought a pretty bench in a sale at greenfingers.com too!
I think we will use sleepers and gravel for paving underneath or we will never get it finished in time to enjoy it!
I know lots of you ladies are brilliant gardeners and I'm wondering if you could recommend any fast climbers or scented roses!
Hey, hey, Suns out, so painting here I come!
Have a great week!
Rachel x