it's a beautiful sunny morning here in Oxfordshire. On Friday we took the Hubster's car in for MOT, not very exciting I know, but the location is lovely so I thought I'd share with you.
This is Crawley, the pretty village where we take our cars to be sorted by a very nice mechanic.
Beautiful English cottages too, I love this one, there's a little brook that runs in front of it.
We crossed the little bridge, our destination was the village pub for a quick ice cold shandy while we waited for the car
At this point my battery was flat on the camara, so I will have to show you more pretty cottages another time!
Anyhoo, I have been very busy in the garden, enjoying the glorious sunshine.
I have been repotting geranium seedlings, not sure what colour they will be, as they were kindly given to me by a friend.
I've been potting up geraniums I bought at the local farmers market.
I also bought 2 pretty ceramic planters at the local car boot for a £1 each, I love the color.
Now I know lots of you are keen gardeners and this is where I need you help on plant ID, does anyone know the name of this plant please?
I've had it in the garden for about 5 years and this is the best it's ever flowered, this is a photo of just a section of it, its bigger and bushier than this, heres a close up of the pretty bell shaped flowers
Also I have this growing in 2 of my pots and I can't remember it it's something I planted, or a weed!
Any ideas? Your advice would be very welcome.I often forget to label stuff and regret it the next year tee hee!
I'd better go and water them before it gets too hot!
Thank you and Welcome to my new followers and commentors, really appreciate the fact you popped by, I will be heading your way if I haven't popped by already!
Have a lovely day wherever you are!
Rachel x