I know...I know... you are still waiting for my hasil kerastangan
but I need to find a perfect home for my so cute lovely s.s. (syok sendiri) ribbons, laces, buttons, needles... ALL small tiny miny things I own!
Hey, before I begin sewing, I must make sure THEY are safe!Must find a home for them
but can't overspend!
(budget lari la...)
So buy shoes?
(ye la, alang alang sopping biar sampai ke bawah kasut)
Well, why not!
Can get a new pair of shoes
and the box too!
Then, put the item / tools(make sure yg kecik2 jer tau)
in the box.
(Jimat kos kan? Kasut pun dapat pakai. Best nyer..)
But it's so plain!(mcm kureng jer!)
I must do somethingand this is the result...
Find any wrapping paper...
Wrap in & out
(alah, tak susah... sebelah tangan pon boleh!)
Wrap! Glue! Wrap! Glue! As easy as ABC!
Once completed,so cun, kan?
(tak abis2 s.s)
Yabedabedu... siap dah...
The mission is accomplished!
Two boxes of little sweet hearts..Perfect homes!
p.s. kena beli kasut lg ni... blh buat lg.. hehehe...