Showing posts with label Iron Board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iron Board. Show all posts

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ironing BoardKu Tersenyum Lebar

Kesian kat ironing boardKu
suram jer ...
menipis & hampir koyak
So I made a new dress for it

Choose the right fabric first
like this.....

Then curik masa jahit
(tak payah letak padding sbb nak sarung je terus)
sambil bereksperimen dgn tali getah
(sbb tak penah buat)

Tara... this is the new look...
Ok ler tu..

Jgn pandang bawah sbb ropol yg terhasil mmg disengajakan... hehehe...

p.s. Bkn selalu ironing boardKu dpt pakai baju guna Timeless Treasures fabric... kelas gitu!