Showing posts with label ROSES PLANT BOTANY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ROSES PLANT BOTANY. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2010

Trading off the long peduncle!

I look at the long peduncle of this one rose of mine. It’s long and sturdy for that single blooming rose, indicating all the care (fertilizers, watering, etc) had been right.

Instead of feeling happy about this little achievement, I kind of feel sad.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Basal breaks and new shoots - definitions and care tips

The year end is here and new year is just around the corner. Roses in my garden are producing lots of new shoots - a mark to a brand new start and whole lot more blooms. I always feel happy at this time of year - for an obvious reason!

Learn what basal breaks and new shoots are and how to take care of them.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Surprise! Twin Blooms

After years of growing and caring for so many different varieties of roses,  I felt privileged to have seen twin blooms with my very own eyes. The blooms were weird looking but they were nothing but a pretty sight. I took pleasure to have lived in such moments by taking lots of pictures.