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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Tour. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 26 giugno 2011

Paris 2011 Personal Collection: Day I Summary

Better late than never. I did not have enough time lately for this but here they go. The images I took from last April 2011. If you happen to be interested where the photo was takes, just click on it and you will be directed to a relevant page where the details and further information lay. Enjoy the exploration with me! :=)

lunedì 1 febbraio 2010

Stuttgart Germany Experience 2009 (New Year 2010)

For the New Year celebration, we were in STuttgart with friends and their 3 lovely daughters. One of them is our godchild, Haris. Follwoing aresomeof the fun moments I had with them. They love to be with me all the time and it's kind of funny! They were all fun to be with and it was of course fun toplay with them! (Now do I sound like a child?)...^^

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
Having fun with the friends' daughters...

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
During thenew year's eve with all the fire stuff in the plaza...

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
The kids... ^^

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
Haris and I...

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
...still with Haris

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
...with Armenia...

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
...with Armenia & Chrisa...

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
...with Armenia again...

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
I forgot what we were talking about here... ^^

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
I like this photo... we seem to not notice the camera and we were in motion...

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
Haris in action...

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
Learning...Yeah, Iam learning! ^^

stuttgart fun and experience with snow and beautiful attractions
After the exhausting skating and after tasting the boiled wine... (no comment!) ...^^

lunedì 25 maggio 2009

One of the Many Philippine Glories: Bohol!

Are you planning to visit Asia? Or around Southeast Asia? Don't forget to visit at least a few of the 7000++ islands of the Philippines and you will be amzed by some of it's very good attractions.

Click any of the photos to see what's behibd the them... ^^

bohol, chocolate hills, philippine attraction, visit bohol, tour bohol

bohol, chocolate hills, philippine attraction, visit bohol, tour bohol

bohol, chocolate hills, philippine attraction, visit bohol, tour bohol