Gary from the Tucumcari Trading Post suggested that I take the short trip East to Endee, NM and visit Russell's Travel Museum. The museum has a great selection of classic American cars, gasoline memorabilia, and Americana memorabilia. Their cars were impeccably restored down to the undercarriages and wheel wells and they had a few newer American classics in their collection.
It is worth the trip if you are traveling East on Highway 40 towards Texas.
I was recently turned onto the photographs of Steve Fitch by Johnnie Meier at the Classic Gas Museum in Embudo, NM. I was able to see Fitchs' current exhibition in Santa Fe at Photo Eye Gallery.. If you are around town please check it out as most of the neon signs are from the 1970's and 80's and are long gone.
If you are ever passing through New Mexico there is a great spot called Tucumcari Trading Post which has an amazing collection of Route 66 and American History from the 1950's and 1960's. It is run by Gary Cardwell, who is very knowledgeable about the history of the town and Route 66 culture in general. He connected me to a few other museums and collectors of similar icons of the past which I will write about in the upcoming days. Gary encourages visitors to photograph his collection of old gas pumps, porcelain signs, and American history.
Tucumcari Trading Post is located on the west side of Historic Route 66 of Tucumcari.
Robert Mars’ artwork chronicles an evolving fascination with the Golden Age of American popular culture and celebrates the icons of the 1950’s and 60’s
by taking inspiration from this culture long past. Through the application of a rich color palette and tongue-in-cheek attitude, Mars’ paintings evoke a
vintage quality of design and pay homage to the idealized age of growth and hopefulness that was prevalent in the USA at the end of the Depression.
A time before the internet and mobile technology, where information was not instantly available to millions and there was no such thing as instant internet
celebrities, and instead people lived with the myth of the unique, untouchable and unforgettable personalities of Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, James
Dean, Audrey Hepburn and Elvis Presley.
Mars’ work is exhibited with the likes of Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, and Robert Rauschenberg,
and has been shown worldwide including galleries in Munich, Tokyo, Amsterdam, London, Australia, Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Laguna Beach, Paris, Aspen, and Bulgaria.