Ahir vaig tornar a visitar Farafina (Àfrica en la llengua de l'oest, dels pobles saharians). És una botiga situada a Barcelona al costat d'Argenteria, on s'hi troba música, coses per la casa i ornaments africans, principalment de Mali i Senegal. Ja us en vaig parlar en un post anterior, en que en aquesta botiga vaig tindre una interessant conversa sobre música i deeses africanes.
Ahir estava el marit de la botiguera que em va regalar la pulsera. Ell és senegalés i parla poc espanyol. Gràcies a la intervenció de la meva acompanyant, vàrem començar a parlar amb francés, discutint sobre música africana. Jo volia canviar un collar que em vaig comprar i no em quedava gens bé per un cd. Però no volia caure en els clàssics Salif Keita, ali Farka Toure, Toumani diabaté o Youssou N'Dour...més que res perquè ja tinc quasibé tota la seva discografia. D'aquesta manera, gràcies a les seves recomanacions, he descobert a Cheik Lo, un cantant senegalés molt en la línea traçada per Youssou N'Dour i a Rokia Traoré, una cantant malinesa.
Us vull felicitar l'any amb la traducció a l'anglés de dues de les cançons de Rokia Traoré, incloses a l'àlbum Bowmboï
What have I done to deserve such a life?
Who have I offended in heaven?
Those children of wealthy parents
What have they given as an offering?
Their hands were rinsed in clear water,
Mine in oil.
Those who had their hands dried by the sun
Were the most privileged?
They were housed
They were fed
They were cared for
They were sent to school
Those who had their hands dried
Got all the changes
As for me, I wander the streets,
Waiting for mine to dry themselves.
It is true that strength is in unity
Thank you my love
For being at my side no matter what.
Only a distant memory remains
Of my solitude and my fears
Now I am strong in your support
Your presence makes me radiant
I still remember my sadness
When I observed couples
Crushed by the weight of their bond
Men and women for whom
Union becomes a yoke
"Solitude would be a guarantee of a more agreable life"
I told myself
I would not have to deal with the sweet bitterness
Which pervades couples with the passage of time
This way I would only enjoy love affairs
Never bitter unions
These sad thoughts are far behind me
At your side, I have trascended all that
When things go badly
We leave each other
And we should tell each other
When we are happy
Thank you my love, thank you my dearest
I brought you an empty receptacle from the period of my solitude
You filled it with love, you have filled me with happiness
Agafeu un, el que volgueu, o els dos...o cap.
Post 200
No pensava arribar tan lluny tan aviat. Us dono les gracies a tots els que em llegiu i em comenteu, ja que la il·lusió de rebre les vostres opinions m'ha motivat a escriure...més
Us desitjo un feliç 2007