Sorry if I sounded so bossy, but you can make your
own and save tons of money! And by tons, I mean
way less than you pay for the pre-made stuff, not
"send your kids to college" tons.
Hello, it's just sugar and cinnamon in a ratio
that is perfect for your taste.
Make your own for about 50¢ or buy the
premixed jar for $3.19! No running out
of this good stuff too.
Make your own for about 50¢ or buy the
premixed jar for $3.19! No running out
of this good stuff too.
Mix any amount of sugar in a cup and add
enough cinnamon to your liking.
About ½ C sugar to about 1 T cinnamon.
I like mine cinnamony,
so I that's the ratio use.
so I that's the ratio use.
Put it in a shaker-top jar and keep
it handy by the toaster and say yes to
wonderful, buttery, cinnamon toast!
Is there anything better on a
cool morning? Nope!
Buy your favorite brand or for maximum saving
get your spices in the ethnic food isle
One bag of sugar and a jar of cinnamon would
make a LOT of cinnamon sugar for pennies!
You are paying more for the sugar than the
cinnamon when you get them premixed.
Take it one step further and make your
own version of Pampered Chef's