By Mark Krikorian
Mark: Those Eva Braun pictures reminded me of Qaddafi’s “voluptuous blond,” both of whom lead me to wonder — why can’t dictators find better-looking mistresses? Hitler and Khadafy are (were) absolute rulers over millions of subjects, and these girls are the best they can do? It’s not like either woman was ugly, but with all that money and power, you’d think these goons could find a super-model willing to be their “nurse.”
In my whiniest Seinfeldian:
"What's the deal with these dictators and their not very attractive mistresses?

gak. butbutbut syncophants are evr more satisfying.
Damn it , she would be such a fetching goddess for mittens.
Damn it , she would be such a fetching goddess for mittens.
He does deserve her, of that there's no doubt.
but Newt wants to love his american idle.
"He [Caligula] divorced Lollia, saying she was barren, and married a woman called Caesonia. She was neither young nor good-looking, and was the daughter of a captain of the Watchmen, and married to a baker, or some such person, by whom she had already had three children. But there was something about her that attracted Caligula in a way that nobody could explain, himself least of all. He used often to say that he would fetch the secret out of her, even if he had to do it with the fiddle-string torture, why it was that he loved her so entirely. It was said that she won him with a love-philtre, and further that it sent him mad. But...he had begun to go mad long before he met her."
--Robert Graves, "I, Claudius"
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