Shouldn't this newly Republican ex-Deputy State Attorney General:
...it was revealed that in February, during the large protests in Wisconsin over Gov. Scott Walker's anti-public employee union bill, [Indianan Carlos Lam] e-mailed Walker's office and recommended that they conduct a "false flag operation" -- to fake an assault or assassination attempt on Walker in order to discredit the unions and protesters.
Be paired with this Republican ex-Assistant State Attorney General:
[Andrew] Shirvell was fired for using state resources for his campaign against University of Michigan student body President Chris Armstrong and for lying to investigators during his disciplinary hearing
So as to be in a show directed by this guy:
James O'Keefe Asks Supporters For $50,000 To Pay Off 'Major Credit Card Debt'
And hosted by this woman?
The Daily Caller, the conservative website run by Tucker Carlson, announced Tuesday that Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is joining the site as a "special correspondent."
Or can the world handle that much concentrated d-baggery, would it collapse into a singularity?
We expect executive producer credit Rupert.
(pic via Ethan Hein at flickr.com)
And wasn't there another Indiana assistant attorney general [pause, google search] ok, yeah, Jeff Cox, who said something about using live ammunition on Wisconsin protesters...
Indiana -- the Mississippi of the Midwest?
yeah, what did we d to indiana beside being their vacation shot? oh wait. everywhere else but indiana is their vacationland.
Jobs are known to have vacated a number of Indian towns. Are those the vacation spots folks interested in abandoned and shuttered towns as artifacts of the midwest industrial might that once was?
Indiana towns. Well, maybe indian too.
That would indeed be a brilliant program. Please make it so!
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