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Showing posts with label Five Months. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Five Months. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Collier Brooks 5 Months

Holy cow...Collier is 5 months now!  He is HUGE.  I need to get his official stats but he is a big kid.  Everything about him is just big...hands, feet, all of it.  He is the happiest kid on the block.  Full of smiles for anyone looking his way.  Seriously, I can't get over how sweet and happy he is all the time.

I've stopped swaddling him now, since he definitely rolls tummy to back and occasionally goes back to tummy.  He's actually sleeping better than he was a few weeks ago when he was swaddled.  He's even putting himself back to sleep when he wakes up.  He takes a quick morning nap and then a long afternoon nap (just like Rilo did at his age).

I cannot for the life of me get him to take a binky or a bottle.  He just chews on everything, but never understands that he needs to suck on it.  He's found his thumb, but same thing, just gnaws on it instead. I'm going to keep trying though because I would love to be able to leave for a little bit without stressing.  Especially since I'm shooting a wedding in a few weeks where I'll be gone nearly all day. (Cross your fingers Mom).

He loves his toes right now.  I love it when he's sitting and he holds his toes.  So cute.  He's getting better at sitting for longer periods of time.  He loves to play with his toys, mostly just chewing on everything.

I'm so glad he's around to make me smile all the day long (especially when the terrible twos show up around here).  We love our Collier Bud!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Five Months

My iPhone is on the fritz so no iPhone Friday today.  Instead, here are her week late five month photos!  She is just getting cuter by the day.  And her personality is really starting to show through.  I just love this little munchkin.

Around 5 or 6 AM yesterday morning I brought Rilo into bed with us to feed her, in hopes that she would fall back asleep.  She slept until around 8.  And when she woke up, she decided to wake me up too...By grabbing my face and planting a big ol' wet one on my mouth.  And I can't say there's any better way to wake up.  I just can't get enough of her!

Thank you to my hand model/tickler Jess:

Oh, and one last one to make you laugh:

At 5 months:

  • She is a little water baby like her Daddy.  She loves the pool and the tub.  She likes to float on her back and kick and splash.
  • She makes this funny gasping noise, like something is so surprising.
  • She still doesn't really like to be on her tummy, so she has only rolled back to tummy a handful of times.  No use rolling onto her tummy if she hates it I guess.
  • She scoots and wiggles, so she's never in the same spot you left her in.
  • She loves to bring me in close so that our noses are touching.  We just stare and smile at each other.
  • Out of all the songs we sing to her, she randomly love You Are My Sunshine.  She turns and looks at you and smiles EVERY time you sing it to her.
  • She is becoming pals with Sawyer!