Showing posts with label baby sarah: drawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby sarah: drawing. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sarah's Masterpieces (at 3+ yrs)

These are some of her drawings which were drawn in the month of September. She loves drawing, I must say. She spends most of her time drawing princesses and she progresses each day and always amazes mummy & daddy with pleasant surprises of her masterpieces. (wah... such tongue twisting statement! hehehe!)

When I asked her why wont she draw other pictures like cat, house, car, flowers, etc... she replied that she only knows how to draw girls & princesses and she doesn't know how to draw any other things! That's my lil princess! :)

Read previous post about Sarah's drawing.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Drawing & Colouring Activities for Sarah

Sarah loves drawing and colouring. I can't tell yet if she likes one thing more than the other. However, I can see that at the moment, she enjoys all these activities and especially when she has someone accompanies her to do it. Whenever she's with us (daddy/mummy), she will give us a paper and a pencil and ask us to draw this and that... and of course, the ever-famous request is that we draw "Princess" for her.

These are some of her drawings:

This is a drawing of her family and friends... very tall people, ya?! :)

Cute eye-lashes... and ribbons on the necks too! :)

She uses round objects to trace as "faces".
She did this activity together with her cousins, Reanne & Ivan.
Doing things together can be one of the most effective ways of learning & it's not boring too!

She drew this on 23rd June, 2011.

And the very next day, she drew this. Looks like her princess' clothes have upgraded from plain to checkered patterns on them! Lovely! :)

These are some of her colourings:

When I came back from work, it caught me by surprise and I was totally amazed when I saw this piece of art - coloured by my (then) 32 months old girl!
She coloured the car beautifully and all within the lines. Great job, Sarah!

These are some of her other art work:

Check out the "make-up" that she puts on her barbie doll pic! :)

She's also learning to write her "name".
Can you see the "S", "A" and "R" somewhere on the paper? Hehe... :)

That's a picture of "Samson" from the Bible. A very colourful man indeed! Hehehe....
After story-telling by Uncle Joshua, the kids were given a colouring sheet of Samson each (hand-drawn by Aunty MJ :))

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Drawing the Family... (at Month 23+)

Another interesting thing that took place in Sarah's drawing ventures was to represent our family members with colours!

This was also another incident that took place right before my eyes and I was thrilled to see how the whole process went. We were in our bedroom and I gave her some crayons and papers for her to scribble. And just for the sake of asking :p, I asked her to draw "Sarah", and then I asked her to draw "Mummy", and then "Daddy". For each member, she used different colours to draw lines. And then of course, I repeatedly asked her to draw "Sarah", "Mummy" and "Daddy". One thing that struck me was she took the same colour each time to draw each one of us!

Orange represents "Sarah" and another shade of orange represents "Mummy".
Purple represents "Daddy".
Another 2 very very distinct characters are "Pek-Pek" - blue; and "Pek Niang" - pink.
As for others... I'm just sorry to say that perhaps Mummy's enthusiasm bore Sarah at that time.
I kept asking her to draw this and that repeatedly until she decided to stop drawing and play other things. :p
Few weeks later, I decided to "test" Sarah again on the colour representation. And guess what? She picked the same colour to colour each one of us. I'm seriously amazed with what she did. She's really seeing different people in different colours and that really made me want to study further about this child's development... the colour representation of people. Interesting, isnt it?

[+video] Draw-A-Person... (at Month 26+)

"... eye.... eye.... nose.... mouth.... hand.... hand.... leg.... leg..." As she draws, she says these words as well. I couldn't help noticing her actions and found her literally drawing pictures of a human being. Not one, but many of them! She would say she draws "people". But sometimes, if you ask her what she is drawing, she would say "dinosaur" or "autobots"! :)

I took this video about 2 weeks ago. Enjoy.....!

And these are the products of her drawings!

Nice piece of art, eh? :)
That's one BIG head with "eyes and mouth". 2 lines sticking out horizontally which represents the "hands" and 2 vertical lines which represents the "legs".
For some drawing, she added the "hair" as well!

This is really so so cool! I really find this interesting! :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New activity for Sarah: Drawing (at Month 13)

Most children are able to grasp a crayon and shove it around on a piece of paper when they're about 12 or 13 months old. From then until sometime between their second and fifth birthdays, children will gradually get better and better at writing and drawing until they're able to put a few letters down on paper and, eventually, spell their own name.

Read more here.

Last weekend I thought of trying out something new with Sarah. Just a thought... that maybe she's ready to start doing something with a pencil...

Test result: Yes, she held the pencil quite correctly (or at least trying to...), and she's definitely a righty (CK, are u reading this? hehehe...) but no, i don't think she's ready to be left independent with the pencil yet... After some minutes of "drawing", she took one of the pencil and start putting it into her mouth. We'll give her some more time to learn this new skill.

p/s -
Firstly, don't give your child (if they are below 3 years of age) a pen/pencil to try out this skill. It's most dangerous should an accident occur. Though we parents are watching every second, their movement may be quicker than we thought. So, avoid such accidents, ya?! Crayons will be better option but get the non-toxic water-based crayons (I'm still in search for an ideal pack...).

Secondly, as quoted by Danielle: "it's advisable to use the thick crayon because it's better for grip. Her fine motor skill is yet to develop on the grip ... so you dont want to disturb the flow of development by giving her tiny thin pencil!" So... listen up! :)