Showing posts with label reuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reuse. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Mascara To The Rescue!

I hope that all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving had a lovely holiday. It was rather quiet for us, but lovely nonetheless. I did take my annual Thanksgiving day hike with Berkley. It was such a gorgeous day. I posted this picture on Instagram, so if you've seen it, I apologize for the repeat. It's just such a lovely picture of Berkley. Such a regal looking little guy :) Too bad that I am in the picture :/ 

I've intended to do this post all last week, and well, it didn't happen. So, I am doing things a little backwards. I decided to go ahead and do this post today, and I'll do my recipe post tomorrow. It's a good one...at least I think so ;)

Back in September, I attended the Denver, Colorado American Sewing Guild annual sew-in. If you have never taken the time to attend a sew-in, by all means, ya gotta! It was 4 days of no guilt sewing, and I loved every minute of it. So much so that I plan to attend again next year! 

One of the ladies who attended had a little treat for us, mascara brushes. She collects mascara brushes, puts them in the dishwasher to wash out any leftover mascara, and then uses the brushes to clean the lint form her machines. Who would have thought?!!!     

The lint brush that came with my machine doesn't even begin to compare with the mascara brush. And too, when I use it, it flicks lint around more so than actually picking it up.

The mascara brush really picks up the lint.

And the handle on the brush allows you to easily hold the brush while you reach into tight spaces. 

I just love how the lint adhere's to the brush! The lint is easily removed from the brush, but you can also rinse the brush if it gets to caked with lint. Just be sure to allow it to dry completely before putting it back in your machine.  

I can be the WORST about cleaning lint out of my machines. But, no more. The mascara brush really makes it easy...and fun too!

As we all know, lint can really clog up a machine. So, wash out those mascara brushes, and put them to use. You will love it!!!

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