Spring has sprung here in Chicago, but Mother Nature can be an evil woman this time of year! In years past, I have been lured by her temptation that spring is truly here, gone out, worked in my garden, planted flowers, only to have a dip in the temperatures, and then loose everything. So...I wait until Mother's Day weekend to do any planting. But until then, I fill the house with flowers, open the doors and windows, and enjoy the warm air.
Back in February, I shared with you the delightful work of Meredith Wing. She is a fashion illustrator who designs under the name Moomooi. Her designs aren't exactly fashion, but vegetables, fruit, leaves, all artfully arranged on fashion figures. Meredith is such an inspiration as she is the perfect example of do what you truly love, add in a little luck, and you will succeed.
I was so captivated by her work, so I searched around and found the Feel Unique website, and ordered her tote bag and makeup bag. Even prettier in person than they are on the site.
The other pieces that are offered;
Makeup brush
I-phone case
Travel Pouch
I think these would be a lovely gift for a young woman graduating from high school. If your purchase totals $15.00 or more, shipping is free in the U.S. I love free shipping :)
Last week, I did a post about my knitting projects that I have challenged myself to complete during 2017. I also vowed not to purchase another project until I thinned the project stash. Well, I must confess that I broke down and purchased another project. I'm disappointed in myself (only a little!), but I just fell in love with these crocheted boots from Lion Brand Yarn. As I told you last week, I can crochet, but not well, so it's going to be all the more of a challenge for me to get these made. But, since I really want them, maybe I'll be all the more motivated. We'll see :/
Bell shaped sleeves have become the rage this year.
This morning when I opened my email, I saw a fun challenge from McCall's.
All you have to do is make up McCall's 7542, submit your make, and you just may win! Get all of the details on the McCall's blog HERE. The grand prize is pretty sweet! And even better, the pattern is on sale for $2.49.
I look at it this way, even if you don't win the big prize, you'll walk away with a cute new piece for your spring wardrobe. You can gets lots of inspiration HERE on Pinterest for your own makes.
My next interview for Sewbussted's Material Witness was postponed last week, but will happen tomorrow. I am so excited!!! So it should be up this Friday.
If you haven't done so already, go buy a few flowers to enjoy at home or in your office. A beautiful flower always puts a smile on my face :)
Have a wonderful week!