Always In Our Hearts

Showing posts with label Ruby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruby. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I know it's almost been 2 months, but I have to tell you about this FABULOUS box I received in the mail for Valentine's Day.

It was from my lovepup Ruby Bleu the bootiful Boston girl! She knows I like the boxes.

She was also sweet to include some gorgeously pink tissue paper... another one of my fave things!

I had such a good time with that tissue paper.

It makes the absolute BEST sound when you shred it!

And it smelled like Ruby, so I tried to wrap myself up in it!

Look what else I found in the middle of all that glorious paper!

Just what I NEED... some practice lips to work on my smoochin' technique!

I really gave them a work out!

They are juicy, luscious lips! (Just like mine!)

Ruby also loves my sissy, Stella, AND she knows that accessories are the KEY to fashion. Look what she sent her!

Lift your head up to show everyone, Stella.

Ok, Stella. I know you love it, but seriously consider whether or not you'll let me borrow it. I got one too, but my girl has been too l-a-z-y to put it on me. I can tell you that it is just as FAB as Stella's (maybe more so)!

There were some other goodies in there for snackin', and a couple of cool things for my girl too! Ruby, as much as we love all the loot you sent, we love YOU even more!

Thanks for being my lovepup! I know you and Mack are hot and heavy, but I'm glad you still have some lovin' left for ME!

Goober love & smooches,

Sunday, June 15, 2008

StellaFest Part 2

WHOA! Goobery greetings & salutations!

Since this is my very first birthday EVER, I had no idea what to expect. This whole birthday thing has been an odyssey of friends, food, presents, and loads of love! The celebration has been going on now for almost 2 weeks and I want to share some more of it with you. Are you ready?

Lets start with my FAB birthday cards and all of the poems, limericks and songs I got. I've been cracking up ever since they started rolling in! The first one is from my buddies Maggie & Mitch. (Sorry. I couldn't figure out how to load it onto my blog so it would show up so you can't see it.)

This is part of Agatha & Archie's card to me. It was a video card, which my crazy girl can't figure how to load here. But this is the photo and the caption they sent with it!

Dear Stella,It's hard to believe it is your birthday already!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Hope you get lots and lots of treats and goodies and toys!!(what more could a girl ask for????) Give the Goober a kiss for us..Love and kisses to you birthday girl! Agatha and Archie(oh and PL2)

This here is a poem from my pal, Deetz! He chose my Audrey Hepburn photo to accompany the poem.

A Birthday Poem for a special little terrier girl
I am not very good, but will give it a whirl.

She has a big brother named, Stan
Who loves and protects her, as best as he can.

Ms. Stella so loved by all who have met her.
With those curls and button nose, she even makes the kitty’s purr.

She walks with grace, the same way Audrey Hepburn did.
And plays with toys and bitey face, just like any other kid.

This birthday poem, I wish her well.
Please don’t party so hard you wind up in jail.

But, if you do, I’ll break you out.
For I am a Stormy’s mission army scout.

Wear your bandanna and collars very proud.
And your birthday party makes you feel like your floating on a cloud.

With your permission, may I kiss you on the nose.
Then maybe later we can play a little bitey toes.

Happy Birthday my Little Ms. Stella
From your pal, Deetz, one goodlooking hansome Fella.

Happy Happy Birthday To You!!!


Look at this sweet sweet card from Rocky & Lacy Lulu!

Being my fashion icon and terrier girl mentor, Asta knew just what type of card to send me.

My fabulous friend, Ruby Bleu, wrote me a special song to the tune of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cindi Lauper.

I come in from running outside
Stanley and my Girl says it's my barkday tonight
I can't believe that I just turned 1...
I'm Stella and I like to have fun
It's my first barkday and I'm gonna have fun!!!

Last year, I was a pup looking for a home
My Girl says Stanley we could give her a good life
Oh I can't believe what a lucky girl I was
I'm Stella and I like to have fun
It's my first barkday and I'm gonna have fun!!!

That's all I really want
Lots of bloggy friends and a loving home too
I'm Stella and I like to have fun
It's my first barkday and I'm gonna have fun!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

This is Girl Girl's card to me. Can you see her giving me a birthday smooch?

Noah, Willow, Lucy & Tess came up with this inviting limerick for me. (How did they know I LOVE beer?)

Stella lives in the States
She & I are great mates
I wish shelived here
Where we'd share a beer
Go running around the estate.

This card is from Boy & Baby.

I also received some gooberlicious presents from Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy; from Momo & Pinot; and from Mr. T-Bone Beaseley, and a very special birthday card from my boyfriend, Taffy. My girl put them all in one box for me to see how I'd handle opening it. The presents themselves will be revealed in my last installment of StellaFest, but here are a few photos of me investigating the goods!

Since the over-the-top approach was NOT working I knocked the box over and went for the side approach.

Ahhhh. Much better.

Maybe I could live in here.

Don't fret! My big hairy Stanley wasn't left out in the cold!

Thank you everydoggie, hammie & kitty who stopped by to give me birthday LOVE!

I LOVE ALL OF YOU with all of my goober heart!

One happy goobette,

Sunday, May 4, 2008

GooberFest Part 1

So. It was my birthday a week ago, and after 1 week of being 2 years old I've decided that birthday hats are WAY overrated. (This psycho deli hat comes from an era in my girl's life I don't even want to KNOW about.) My girl calls it the Groovy Hat, and breaks it out for birthdays.

Here's one photo of Sherman's Stinky Salmon Treats that my girl made for me. (See the cheesey "S" on top? It stands for Sherman, but it also conveniently stands for Stanley.) Let me tell you, Sherman KNOWS all about stink & treats!

The rest of this post is an embarrassing chronicle of the birthday bomb that exploded, and all the presents that were found in the aftermath (an INDECENT amount of presents, my girl says). Each one represents pups who love me and whom I love. So, enjoy, and please don't hate me...

As we all know, package demolition is one of the BEST parts of opening a present.

This lovely duo of gorgeous pink flamingos made their way to GooberStan weeks in advance of my birthday, but were given in love! The cute one on the left came from Moco's mama, my sweet Grammie! The larger leggier one on the right came from Lacie, Scruffy, and BabyStan's Mumsie!

A goob can NEVER have too many flamingos.
Thank YOU, Grammie & Mumsie! Your ever-lovin' goober smooches are in the mail to you NOW! You sure know the way to this goob's heart.

Weary from package demolition, this photo shows me redolent, reading Asta's birthday card and getting to know Orange Smoochie Chicken. (She said he's a timed release Smoochie Chicken. Every time I squeak him he releases smoochie kisses.)

Demonstrating the Smoochie Chick.

Her card is an X-Ray of her. It proves that I am the goober in her heart!

Along with the X-Ray she sent the keys to her heart. Stella likes to play with them ~ she says they smell sweet. But, they don't work for her. They only work for ME, Asta's Goober Boy!

Obviously, she had to send her heart to GooberStan if I'm the one with the keys!

I found this bootiful silky scarf in the package and tried it on. We weren't sure WHOM it was for, but it definitely wasn't for me. Not my style.

It's definitely NOT for Stella either. It makes her look too much like Mother Teresa.

Merv liked it, but we decided to give it to our hoogirl.

There was a sweet & saucy smell eminating from this tiny box. I had to investigate.

No wonder! Look what it was filled with ~ Asta Fuzz!! THANK YOU ASTARONI! You really ARE my Sweetpea Fuzzbutt, and you know what I like! I LOVE you and will safely guard your sweet heart!

Not only did all of that super gooberlicious stuff wing its way to me, but I also received a package full of bodacious Boston goodness from my pupgirl, Ruby Bleu.

First off, I must direct your attention to the gorgeous portrait above. She sent it to me for Valentine's Day, and it graces the side of our cold eatables box, just above where my food bowl is.

Now, look at this haul of lovin' I found in Ruby's package!

I first went for this fabulously funky chicken. He is made from totally recycled materials, per my Ruby's GREEN DOG New Year's resolution!

But of course, this bone filled with bacony goodness caught my attention RIGHT away! There was even a Stella-sized one.

Ruby Bug! This bacony filling tastes just like your kisses! How perfect is THAT?

Stella took hers to the relative safety of her bunker.

After all the bacony goodness it was time to test out the new Tug a Lug Rings from Ruby...

... and my new rubber flying frisbee! I'm a fool for anything that I can tug or anything that flies (just ask my pink flamingo). There was even a present in the box for my girl, but we can't find the photos of the funky flip flops you sent! My girl's feet say, hey, thanks Rubinator!

Merv had to read Ruby's letter to me, I was wiggling too much from BEST (Birthday Excitement Syndrome & Trauma)! Thank you, Ruby Bug! You are the only "Bug" I love, and you are always way too good to this goob!

As if those presents were NOT enough, you'll have to see some of the funkilicious treats I received from my Connecticut Dale buds, Maggie & Mitch! This is just a sampling of a FEW of their gifts!

Those hoofers look menacingly tasty. I can't wait til I get my gnashers on them!

And, we got new cow snouts!

Here we are modeling the MOOZLE! (Is that not the BEST treat name you've ever heard?)

As if the fantastically funky treats weren't enough, M & M's mama sent this Stanley spoon that she MADE HERSELF for my girl. (Looks to me like my girl is cleaning up on the prezzie front as well.) Thanks, Maggsie, Mitch, and your mama! Your birthday efforts on my behalf have already garnered me hours of pleasure (and Stella too).

Bet you're wondering how these 2 porkers got to GooberStan. (The larger one is already marked with my goober slime, thank you.)

My sweet honorary Swiss Dale Sissy, Faya, chose these gifts for me and Stella with love and care. When you snuggle up with them and squeeze them they say OINK like real piggies. I'm welcoming Big Porker with a goober smooch.

Well... maybe a few more goob smooches are in order to make you feel REALLY welcome.

No offense, Taffy, but I think Stella is IN LOVE with Little Porker. She totes him all over GooberStan. When she and I are both at it, it sounds like a little porker choir is rehearsing right in our kitchen. THANK YOU, Sweet Faya! You have given us another tool in our arsenal to drive our girl bananas! And, thanks for all the sweeeeeet tasty treatables you sent. There are still a few left!

My girl wanted you to see one last photo of me in the Groovy Hat. Because she is the one behind the birthday eatables and the one to clean up the debris from the Birthday Bomb, I accomodate her wishes.

I understand that the birthday celebration is not even CLOSE to being over. There is a package waiting for me at the post office from Singapaw, and several of my buds have sent ecards and have sponsored homeless pups and kitties in my honor! I am touched to the core of my goober heart, and you can bet I'm feelin' the love! More on those prezzies in the next installment!

You guys, yep, YOU GUYS who are reading this post are the REAL gifts as far as I'm concerened! A goob can never have too many friends. I'm sending out universal goober smooches 'round the globe to all of you! Thanks for loving me just as I am.

Overwhelmed by love,