Friday, June 24, 2011

A fun outting down at BYU

We packed a lunch and had a fun outing with our friends the Patterson's

We were all so impressed with all that we saw. Here's Nathanael with his pal Jonathan. They've been friends since they were 3.

Joshua taking it all in. He loved this mural.

Watch out!!! He's so shocked he froze! Ha!

Here's our group!

Here's a femur bone. Joshua had to compare his own.

That's one big dinosaur!

He loved it so much he had to sketch it.

Oh no! It ate them!

This was the head of a crocodile!

My artist at work again.

I'm thisss big!

Look how big I am!

Back in the lab, Nathanael took a turn being photographer.

She let the boys do some 'digging' with an air pencil. It was so cool! All the things she showed us were from Utah.

Look at him go!

Toward the top of the picture there is the out line of a jaw.

This is a giant sloth. I couldn't believe how big it was!

What a good time!

Nathanael, Joshua, Olivia and Jonathan

I thought this stone was so neat. Isn't it pretty?!

What a goofy crew!

We had to get a picture with the cougar in the background.
After all the fun we headed to the BYU creamery for an ice cream cone. YUM!


Stephanie said...

Lots of fun new posts and pictures. See you soon!

Tina said...

Wow! What a fun outing. I think my boys would be terrified if we went there. I'll give them a few more years!!

Shelby Osmond said...

Haha i love your comments. The pictures are so cute! looks like a lot of fun- I'll have to remember that place when i have a few more years on my babe :)

ansons said...

Looks like a great day. We will have to try that museum some time. It was fun to catch up on your blog. How fun to be with Tina and to have a summer full of reading and other good stuff. (I would love a better look at your zone cards.) Enjoy the last few weeks of summer:)