Sunday, June 15, 2008

First year going to the Parade of Homes and these are my favorites...

Favorite Pool -I loved the slide

Favorite craft room

Favorite full length mirror

Favorite wall hanging and saying

Favorite play room

Favorite wall color

Favortie boys room

Favorite Master Bedroom

Favorite light fixture

I fell in love with the dark chocolate stain used on the floors and
on the cabinets through the whole house!

Favorite indoor gym

Favorite picture collection

It was fun and I wish I could have seen more homes. Maybe next year.

I got some great ideas though!

Our first backyard movie

We got lucky and inherited a projector and movie screen when we bought out home. Do you remember the drive-ins? Well now we can have our own fun and not have to go anywhere! We used it for the first time last Friday night. We invited anyone in the neighborhood to join us for the late night viewing.

We had one family join us and we watched the Emperors New Grove. It was so much fun. Anyone is welcome to join us. We plan to have several more movie nights this summer!

Jason was a trooper to be the tech support! He set everything up for us. Rick (my brother)stopped by earlier to mount the screen for us.

The boys had a late rest time to be able to stay up. They were so excited! We had a fun evening!

Our garden

Jason is superman!! He totally rocks! He worked so hard yesterday helping me get our garden in! I have wanted to do this for several weeks and it never worked into our schedule until yesterday. After 4 bags of garden bloom (that had 6 kinds of compost), 1- 3.5 cubic feet bag of vermiculite and 1 yard of top soil we have a beautiful 8 foot by 4 foot garden with rich soil to plant in. Jase put the wheel barrow together while I went and got all the dirt. It took two trips. Jason built the box and we worked to soak the lawn so that we could take the grass out. After building, mixing, shoveling the dirt in and transplanting grass we were done. We finished at 10 pm last night. I am going to plant tomorrow and can't wait! I borrowed a book from my friend Susan on square foot gardening and loved it! It came recommended from another friend Keri. Thanks you two!
It was a lot of work but I know that the peace of mind will be well worth it!

What have we been up to?....

I'm sorry it's been so long in between posts! I am going to TRY to catch up on the last couple of months!

What a special day it has been! We woke Jase up with breakfast in bed and had a bunch of home made cards. It make for a rushed morning trying to get to church on time but we made it!
Today is also my Grandpa Puckett's birthday. (He passed away 11 months ago.) We celebrated his birthday by having dinner at Carol's with the whole family. It was fun. We sang to him and released birthday balloons to honor him. Carol presented Grandma with a quilt she made out of Grandpa's old shirts. It was beautiful and very touching. She called it her 'HUG' quilt. It was a great evening!

I am so grateful for my dad. I think he is the greatest!!

I am also so very grateful for father Taufer. He is the best father-in-law!
I love my sweetheart and am grateful for the father he is to our boys!
(The boys always beg for a crazy picture!)