Showing posts with label Photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photos. Show all posts

Friday, February 08, 2008

Green wt Purple...

lepas menyengalkan diri jadi model in green, mak nye ajak anak2 pulak pose ayu lam keter...gegirl layan aje..abang of cos lah dia mmg x suka ngamik gambo, muka bengang jer... abang ni cam apaknya, x de perasaan je bila snappy. org laki cenggitu le kot..

so gegirl dah letih..x larat dah..closing pose lah tu..

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Ning Baizura's Wedding and Reception - Part 2

Sirman wt Crew in green and Eddy Purnama in blue

Mukhsin's star...


i think kat our table, sirman and eddy purnama je makan pakai tangan...hiks...

lauk pauk nye banyak betul and sedap2

thanks to Chef Wan sebab bagi lauk diraja to our table too...kelas kan

dahlah makan ngan lauk hidang, dapat plak lauk diraja..

yang bawak nasi pun berjoget2 ok!

Intan sarafina, Aidil Ghafar, Farahwahida...

Chef Wan wt Kem Couture

Emma, redmummy's silent reader from Bangi...

Jamal Jamaluddin wt son

Azwan Ali in red..and ramai lah artis lagi, Oh Maria Tunku Sabri in pink..

Mama Juwie and Pak Aziz

Ning and Omar in Jawa style...

Farhan leads the poco poco dance...

Crew - single and available....

Eddy Purnama..oo datang lambat ye, sib baik ai dah siap reserved yr seat.

joget joget...

Ella looks so botox laaa...

Nora Danish ni datang without the husband, Atam nxt to her...

Us wt Fairuz the Mr Reporter yang cantek ituuu...

wt the dancers...

the door gift...

kak red ko sambung nanti lah yeah uploading the photos...very the banyak mar. Tido lu, sambil2 jenguk abang study for his spelling in english and mandarin siang nanti, i will do the picasamasa.

I have like another 2 or 3 parts of ning's wedding to post - again, may steal but credit wt redmummy's link . Thankie!

Ning Baizura's Wedding and Reception - Part 1

sending the kids to their tok's first before going to the wedding...
thank you boy for snapping mom and dad photo, gegirl nyebuk nak nyempit sama

from the back..

Ning's dad at the reception area...

Vernon, a fren of mine

sirman is wearing the red baju melayu from our wedding dedulu. hiks...

ning and chris wt the so blueeeeeeeeee...this blue is so tantekkkk!

u know this man!

Sirman has been so good to snap 330 photos from our Canon and Red Olympus. this is the first round and i m gonna break all photos batch by batch for your view.

Pengantin, Joget lambak, the food, bloggers, artists, so on, lots of photos will speak for you, so hang on there.

You may steal the photos but pls do credit if u intend to do so. Thank you.