Showing posts with label Handphones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Handphones. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Maxis users...

due to some technical errors, my readers, bloggers frens yang selalu sms or call me via my 012 maxis line, pls sms me again yr number. anto business card pun acceptable.


Salam Maal Hijrah 1429.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Cupcakes, Simcard and Bloggers...

met Ween for the first time ever. Been my blogging buddy for so long.

I hv lots of bloggers frens, u see. so janganlah nak buat sakat2 ati orang ke, tease2 org ke, wt some bad comments or so on.... Be nice cakap memolek x leh ke? awat lagu nak sakit sakat ati org? org x dak dosa ngan kamu, awat kamu buat lagu tu?

kang aku samakan kowang yg jahat komens tu ngan yang bunuh arwah Nurin tu lagi....

she dropped by for a while wt her 2 little girls, depan tower 2, banyak la ko nye diva suka2 parking depan klcc tu..

Aku ngah sibuk terkangkang kat opis, tersangat busy, ngan x de appointment, ngan x de salam, gedegang ..

oi kak red, turun aku dah nak sampai klcc, cepat turun

suka2 ko je kan datang main terjah, terpaksa aku mencicit turun kejap

jeles budak opis aku tgk cupcakes ko ween....alangkan puasa, kalo idak, aku bwk balik kotak kosong je gamaknya...

Sedap tau cupcakes ween!!

Kowang x order2 lagi ke kat dia? she can deliver the cupcakes to you, kalo jejauh luar kl tu aku x tau lak ye, korang deal sendiri ngan this businesswoman.

Terima kasih sekalung budi, nanti i bagi anak2 u duit raya, u buatlah open house yer... i anto my fans datang umah u. coz i x buat open house.


it was a crazy shopping day, sungguh sangat gila, i will blog bout it soon. Sungguh gila! till sirman gave me big warning!!!


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Menda ni was a birthday gift to me from my team. 2 kali masuk spital...that s it. i told them that i m going to trade in this stupid fon, and they are happy as long as i m happy.


i m trading in this fon. agak2 kowang, bulan 7 nye beli, sok sok akak pi trade in bape dema amik ek? they bought this at RM1300. Satu hal aku nak pi carik kedai fon yang amik trade in..kat mana ek?

Hphone apa aku nak amik, talak tauu yet..

Friday, September 14, 2007

Oh! I lost my contacts....

i hve one funny story today. and gelaklah kowang....

baru kena few months ago, my contact lists gone hilang lebur kena virus tangan gatal manusia my ICU ppl.

and baru gelakkan vernon mrmanager yang mengalami masalah yang sama...

so again this morning, ngah sibuk prepare sahur, aku pasan my phone kong kalikong..

make the story short - i ve to send the phone to the nokia center this morning. and u know what s the good news? i forgot to put the back up on my contacts and i lost everything now!!

hahahahahaha....very funny! jangan gelak pelan2....!!

those yang selalu bersms 2 wt me, ber calling2 wt me - u know what u need to do, drop me yr NO!! and biasa2kanlah dengan sms ku 'hi whos this? i lost my contacts'...

bad day lar...!

** taking a short break, so headache wt work!

**I blame sirman and my nokia service provider lilylulu, both of u should hv reminded me to do the back up, u both are the one yang godek and terers on that phone.

**it s my blog, sukatik aku la kan nak blame sapa ngeh ngeh ngeh..!