Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Thursday, April 5

Easy Easter Cupcakes... and CheeCha Contest Winner!

It's almost Easter! We had a bakesale at work the other day and I whipped up some super cute little Easter cupcakes using this recipe I found on the web.  I had never used shortening before, but had some in the pantry from Christmas... can't remember what I was going to make with it, but anyways - these cupcakes were easy to make and the shortening really whipped up a velvetty batter. 

I found some little bunny-pics to decorate!
The recipe produced a yield of 24 mini cupcakes and 8 regular sized cupcakes, which I decorated with shredded coconut (coloured with food-dye) and Jelly Belly's to look like wee Easter nests! I guess the bake sale was a big hit (wasn't there due to major migraine!) and the gang raised lots of money for Easter Seals! Yay everybody wins!!

6 mini cupcake nests nestled in a little box!

Had to get them out of the house because they were so good!
Nice and rich - not too sweet!

Assortment trays with littles and bigs!
Anyways, guess what today is?  Today I announce the winners of my very first CheeCha contest!!
Drumrolllllll.... and the winner is: Summer Walker!  Then I got excited and decided to give more away and those winners are: Avely Serin, Sari Lindvall & Lindsey Knudsen also will receive some CheeCha vouchers in the mail too!  Congrats ladies!!

I have so many posts to catch up on - hopefully will get around to it this weekend!  Have a great Easter everyone!