Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

a new year

I have never been one for making big new years resolutions but I do love that feeling of a brand new slate full to the brim with hope and possibility. This year I was inspired to choose a word to focus on over the next twelve months. I wasn't really sure where to start in finding the right one but a few days ago the Lord put Rise on my heart in a big way and although it isn't as flashy or pretty as some of the others I was considering, I like it - I am feeling the depth hidden in the many meanings and I am so looking forward to embracing it in 2014. God also put this verse out of Isaiah on my heart and so I am embracing it too as my verse for the new year:

Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have have kept you-rise to a new life! Shine, be radiant with the glory of the Lord, for the light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Isaiah 60:1

Here are just a few ways I am hoping to Rise in the coming days:

Rise earlier to embrace each day as a gift and to prepare my heart for all that God has in store
Rise above fear that holds me back from really pursing the things that God has entrusted me with
Rise above what I think others want me to be and focus on who I am as a daughter of Jesus
Rise to a fuller potential and be bolder in my faith

So what about you did you make any resolutions or choose a word to embrace this year? I am so looking forward to what 2014 has in store - many blessings friends and happy new year!

easing in

Feeling a little in-between, slowly creeping into this new year slightly melancholy but full of hope. Nursing a sick little baby girl with croup and a fever and tending to my own heart after a full close to the year. Thank you guys for the sweet encouraging words about our son Levi he is doing really perfectly fine...the nightmares have almost stopped for me, amazing how resilient little ones can be leaving Mommy and Daddy a total wreck.

Working on a few posts to share in the coming days but giving myself time to process so for now just a few captures from around our home today.

Are you feeling slow and tender as you move into 2012 or do you have that charge of new goals and resolutions stirring your heart? Whichever it is I hope your day is truly blessed...


as if I really needed another reason to keep chocolate in my life - but then it has to go and get all inspiring..two weeks of no sugar complete. going strong but happy to report that me and my dark chocolate dreams have been reunited. you can rest easy now :).

resolutions and such

2011 is upon us and although my long list of resolutions includes things like: loose these thirty pounds of baby weight, and become and amazing chef that seamlessly puts together incredible menus on a dime (is it just me who has the most lofty of goals and intentions on the first of each year?) there are things on my list that are deeply important to me that I hope to accomplish in some way in 2011.

Simplicity tops my list this year. It seems to be a popular idea these days with countless books and blogs and tons of ideas on how to pare down and simplify your life. I admit that I love reading these but often times feel very overwhelmed by how much I have to learn in the area of simplicity. It is however after Christmas that I look around our home and am frustrated by how much "stuff" we have accumulated and how I want to take a huge garbage sack and throw it all away and start over.

Doesn't seem like the right method to change my habits though. So this year I hope to take one tiny baby step towards the practice of simplicity each week. Setting attainable goals to clean out while also enjoying being creative without spending tons of money. For me I think it most important to define what simplicity means to me so that there is room to not be perfect but more importantly intentional about what comes into our home and how we spend our time.

I spend so much of my time cleaning and picking up with this house full of little ones. I told Mr. Gough the other day that I am fed up with cleaning up our "stuff" and if we had less of it than possibly I would have more time for the things most important to me. Time to sit on the floor with my babes working a puzzle or playing a game or making a batch of homemade bread. I think out of all the reasons to simplify my life the one most important to me is the idea of finding time to do the things that are truly important without having that nagging feeling that the "things" around me need my attention.

So first goal is to begin uncluttering our home. Getting out the garbage bags and deciding what stays and what goes. And only allowing new things to enter our home if we really need it or it has a purpose that meets my goal of simplifying.Seems easy enough but I am already getting stressed out writing this down. I admit that I like my "things" even though they drive me nuts.

After college I lived with my best friend, Claire for several years. Claire is my biggest inspiration with simplicity by far. She literally owns nothing that doesn't have extreme importance or value. Her home is gorgeous and simple, modern with just enough touches to be interesting but not overwhelming - clean and simple. When we lived together often she would go through her stuff paring down which would encourage me to do the same. I would put a bunch of stuff in a huge sack that I intended to get rid of and set it outside my bedroom would sit and sit and I had such a hard time getting rid of it because there would be those items in the bag that although I never used or needed I just couldn't part with. Claire would wait a few weeks and then without asking just take it out to donate. She knew I needed help with that part. And funny thing once it was gone it was hard to even remember what was in the bag in the first place.

So bear with me as I begin working on simplifying my life. I think I might occasionally blog about my process or frustrations. Please feel free to share any tips or ideas you might have that could help me on my pursuit.

So what about you,what resolutions top your list for 2011?
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