Showing posts with label Otherworld Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Otherworld Miniatures. Show all posts

Friday, 12 September 2014

Fighting Fantasy: Official Miniatures on the Horizon and Zagor Review

Regular readers will no doubt recall my post from last week reviewing the excellent You Are The Hero: The History of Fighting Fantasy by Jonathan Green. Well, I can tell you that it was a very popular post and hopefully persuaded a good number of you to get your own copy. Sadly, I wasn't able to attend the 'official launch of the book at the first Fighting Fantasy Fest, due to it being too close to the start of a new school year for me. 

However, I have picked up news about a 'special miniature' that was given out (much like our own Oldhammer Goblin) at the event, an Otherworld Miniatures version of Zagor, the Warlock of Firetop Mountain. Though limited edition, he is still available from the Otherworld Miniatures webstore so I bought one. The image above clearly shows you what you get. 

The image below gives you a closer look of the miniature safe inside its clampack. 

And a rare rear shot of the miniature, now free of the horror of the clampack!

Some people will no doubt be wondering about scale. People always do and I am happy to say that the Otherworld version fits very nicely alongside a classic lump of Citadel lead. As can be seen here... Though it has to be said, the arms and legs seem much frailer. 

I found a painted example taken from the Fantasy Fest via Joao Sousa from the Oldhammer Group which I have shared here, along with some interesting looking dragons. From what others have said, it seems that Otherworld will be producing further models in a range of FF inspired sculpts.

Though that is not all it seems...

Check out these...




These models are not by Otherworld. They are part of a forthcoming range by Pure Evil Miniatures, which I am reliably informed will be Kickstarted soon and should be available for purchase in the new year. 

Amazing aren't they! 

More news when I can sniff some out!