Showing posts with label O Lendario Chucrobillyman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label O Lendario Chucrobillyman. Show all posts

21 April 2013


Dear internets, 
I <3 you. My french pal, Nicolas Miliani sent me (in N.FL)
this video of a guy from Brazil playing a song that's part DeZurik Sisters,
part Bob Log III, part Clarksdale/rockabilly that looks like it could have 
been filmed by Tom Waits. It's a beautiful world my friends. 
Blast this:

O Lendario Chucrobillyman @ MySpace // Facebook

06 August 2011


 So, evidently this is,

"Ubangi Stomp Club, in association with Pablo Picante, presents La Noche De Los Monobandas (Night Of The One Man Bands) . Featuring Amazing One Man Band (Uruguay) vs The Fabulous Go Go Boy From Alabama (Brazil)"

It's so awesome how international this sound is now.  

Translation from a Brazilian blog:: 

April 29 was declared as "International Day of 'monoband," people who play alone
several instruments at once.

In several days 'monoband' will perform in different cities of Brazil and the universe, to express visually and musically their independent way of making art.

If you are a monoband this is your day to mess around and annoy or delight everyone with their sound and spread their art all over the city.

Introduce yourself and register your concert video. The videos will be joined subsequently released on the Internet.

In Sao Paulo:

1 - Xtreme Dog Blues & The Fabulous Go-Go Boy From Alabama in the Cathedral Square 15hs.

2 - Amazing One Man Band & The Fabulous Go-Go Boy From Alabama on the sidewalk of Avenida Paulista - Consolation between MASP and the 19hs.

Other performances take place in Curitiba, Blumenau, Belo Horizonte, Buenos Aires, the U.S. and Europe.