Showing posts with label what do you love most about.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label what do you love most about.... Show all posts

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Raw Movers, Shakers, Packers and Shippers ;)

OK, methinks ‘tis time to indulge in another raw food round of ‘what do YOU love most about...’ ;)
Mmmmmmm, what shall we focus on today...? How about dear leo brother DHRUMIL and his magnificent manifestation, the GiveItToMeRaw community? :) Friday August the 1st also happens to apparently be Mr. Purohit’s birthday, so, let’s big up this amazing raw food mover and shaker and send him some big raw birthday love and gratitude ;)
Here’s what I love most about Dhrumil and GITMR:

I love the open-ness, love, integrity and flowing spirit that I sense from Dhrumil and the reflection of this through the community he has co-created at GITMR – it is a BEAUTIFUL act of service to the raw community and beyond, methinks ;)
THANKS, Dhru :)

So now, over to you, what do YOU love most abt Dhru and/or GITMR? Leave your thoughts, comments and musings by posting a comment on the RawReform blog (see instructions again below for those of you who are still comment ‘virgins’ ;)
Thanks for sharing the love and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to dear Dhrumil ;)

on July the 28th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘choco’ tea
2 cups juice: cucumber, celery, kale, parsley, carrot, ginger
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in. Followed by blended yum: almonds, lucuma, yacon, maca, with gojis stirred in
mug of ‘choco’ tea
3 cups water
shot of wheatgrass
2 cups juice: cucumber, celery, kale, parsley, carrot, ginger
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in. Followed by blended yum: almonds, lucuma, yacon, maca, with gojis stirred in
mug of ‘choco’ tea
3 cups water

on July the 29th I had:

1 quart water
double shot of wheatgrass
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in. Followed by blended yum: almonds, lucuma, yacon, maca, with gojis stirred in
mug of ‘choco’ tea
3 cups water
2 cups juice: cucumber, celery, kale, cabbage, parsley, carrot, ginger
little handful of goji berries with pine nuts
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in. Followed by blended yum: tahini, lucuma, yacon, maca, with gojis stirred in
mug of ‘choco’ tea
3 cups water

Ok, here’s the info for posting comments again for those who are comment-newbies ;)

How to Post a Blog Comment in 5 Easy Steps...

1. If you’re reading this message in an email, first of all, go to the RawReform blog page HERE (you can also just click on the title of the blog post at the top of the email, OR the link that says ‘Blog:’ at the very end of the email.)
2. Then scroll to the end of the post that you want to leave a comment on.
3. You’ll see a little comment count, written in green, at the end of the post. It might say ‘0 COMMENTS’ or more. Click on that link. This takes you to a new page where you can fill in YOUR yummy comment. You can submit it either anonymously, using your name/URL, using your Blogger/Gmail ID or using smthg called ‘OpenID’ – you choose ;)
4. Press the ‘Publish Your Comment’ button.
5. That’s it – simple ;) Comments are later posted to the blog and everyone hopefully gets to enjoy your delicious musings... ;)

on July the 30th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups veggie juice: cucumber, celery, kale, lettuce, parsley, fennel, cabbage, carrot, ginger
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips and mung beans stirred in. Followed by blended yum: almonds, lucuma, yacon, maca, cinnamon with gojis stirred in
mug of ‘choco’ tea
3 cups water
2 cups juice: celery, carrot
3 cups water
5 pieces of DURIAN :)))))))
mug of choco tea
2 cups water

on July the 31st I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘licorice’ tea
2 cups juice: celery, cucumber, cabbage, watercress, lettuce, kale, ginger, carrot
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips and mung beans stirred in. Followed by blended yum: tahini, lucuma, yacon, maca, cinnamon with gojis stirred in
mug of ‘choco’ tea
3 cups water
2 cups juice: celery, cucumber, cabbage, watercress, lettuce, kale, ginger, carrot, fennel
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips and mung beans stirred in. Followed by blended yum: tahini, lucuma, yacon, maca, cinnamon with gojis stirred in
mug of ‘choco’ tea
3 cups water

OooOooooo, here’s some more exciting raw job opportunities ;) Would you, or perhaps someone you know, love to join our shipping department in sunny Ojai, California? Due to expansion, we have openings for TWO new team members in our shipping/packing department. We are looking for a general shipper/packer, along with a Shipping Manager.
Are YOU motivated, reliable and physically able to lift boxes? Do you seek to enjoy your work, with a positive, upbeat energy? The ideal candidates will be efficient, detail-orientated and excited to work in a rapidly expanding, dynamic business in the raw food community. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, we'd love to hear from you :) If you're interested, please contact Mr. Monarch using this link HERE. Thanks :)

One love,
Angela. xxx

Monday, 7 July 2008

What Do YOU Love Most About...

I’m VERY excited to announce a new feature here called:

What do you love most about...?

The raw food movement is expanding so rapidly that I find myself often a-gasp with glee at new additions to the raw scene – new websites, restaurants, stories, books, foods, blogs, films, festivals...this glorious family is just so magnificently abundant with creativity and yummy flow...
In honour of all this, I’ve decided to create a new feature on this blog to celebrate all things raw-ly wonderful :)
There are SO many different raw resources out there these days and even if you don’t agree with EVERYTHING about some raw-related person, place or product, there is nearly always SOMETHING about what they offer, which you can pinpoint that resonates for you...that’s what we wanna know about ;) Let’s keep on bigging up the love and gratitude in this amazing network of people who are bringing forth so much light for the planet...
Here’s how it works...

*I’ll post here what I love most about the chosen raw-tastic person, place, object or similar...
*YOU are welcomed to post a comment to this blog letting everyone know what YOU love most about this raw-markable offering to the world...
*We keep on collectively spreading the love and appreciation :)

You might share about your favourite experience with that person/place/thing, your impression of their impact on the world, what you most appreciate about their contribution to spreading the raw message and so on.
If you’re not familiar with the person/place/thing in question, you could always check the link to their site and see if you’d like to share anything about your first impression of what they’re offering...
You can share as much or little as you like – all comments offered with love are welcomed ;)
In this spirit of love and thanks, it seems appropriate to start off this new feature by bigging up the majesty of: Café GRATITUDE :)

What I love most about Café Gratitude is...

The coconut crème pie. :O RIDICULOUSLY, outrageously, absurdly good...

Now, over to you – what do YOU love best abt Café Gratitude...?
(Don’t worry if you’re not sure yet how to post a blog comment – detailed instructions can be found below... ;)

on July the 6th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘pleasure’ tea
2.5 cups green juice: cucumber, celery, sunflower greens, tat soi, mixed sprouts, fennel, ginger, greens from the garden
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with a red bell pepper and a couple of flax crackers. Followed by a little bowl of blended almonds/lucuma/maca/cinnamon/water
mug of ‘pleasure’ tea
3 cups water
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with a couple of flax crackers. Followed by a little bowl of blended almonds/lucuma/maca/cinnamon/water
3 cups water

How to Post a Blog Comment in 5 Easy Steps...

1. If you’re reading this message in an email, first of all, go to the RawReform blog page HERE (you can also just click on the title of the blog post at the top of the email, OR the link that says ‘Blog:’ at the very end of the email.)
2. Then scroll to the end of the post that you want to leave a comment on.
3. You’ll see a little comment count, written in green, at the end of the post. It might say ‘0 COMMENTS’ or more. Click on that link. This takes you to a new page where you can fill in YOUR yummy comment. You can submit it either anonymously, using your name/URL, using your Blogger/Gmail ID or using smthg called ‘OpenID’ – you choose ;)
4. Press the ‘Publish Your Comment’ button.
5. That’s it – simple ;) Comments are later posted to the blog and everyone hopefully gets to enjoy your delicious musings... ;)

on July the 7th I had:

1 quart water
shot of wheatgrass
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with a couple of flax crackers. Followed by a little bowl of blended almonds/lucuma/maca/cinnamon/water
mug of ‘pleasure’ tea
3 cups water
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with a couple of flax crackers. Followed by a little bowl of blended almonds/lucuma/maca/cinnamon/water
mug of ‘pleasure’ tea
1.5 cups green juice
3 cups water

WOW. I had an amazing detox release experience this afternoon :) An ‘ancient’ fat cyst on my back suddenly opened and released its contents. :O Now, once again, this may all be TMI for some people – if so, please feel free to skip this section ;)
I believe this occurred as a result of the very simple, very ‘greeeeeeen’/alkalising way I’m eating at the moment – as you can see from my daily food logs, it’s pretty much green juices and green/fat energy soups going into my system at the moment. As a result, my body has more space/energy to divert into ‘cleaning house’ and seems to be getting to it ;) I suddenly felt an itch on my back this afternoon, went to investigate and found I’d scratched a cyst open. It emptied out a whole little sack of fatty white waste – rather like a little lump of lard ;) LOL...I found myself simultaneously revolted and enthralled ;)
Those of you who have heard me give a raw food talk before may have heard me speaking about the random benign fat cysts that are still on my scalp. There are at least 5 of them sitting there and I’m always curious to see when they might also be released...well, let’s see if there’s any movement up there too in the coming days/weeks... ;)

One love,
Angelaaaaaaaaaaaa. xxx