Showing posts with label urban homesteaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urban homesteaders. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Introducing My New Song, "Raw Emotions" :)

OMGoddess, I'm so excited :) In case you didn't already see, I posted a new song online a couple of days ago: "Raw Emotions" - here's a recap on this song from my newsletter this week:

I have a new song to share with you all :)
It is called "Raw Emotions" and first showed up a couple of weeks ago in a dream...only the chorus was given at that time though...then about a week ago I went into the mountains behind our house and asked for the rest of the song. It all flowed through onto paper, as a duet for two female voices. I asked our lovely customer services manager, Alara, if she would sing it with me - she agreed and we just posted it online today...YAY :)
I'm feeling so happy to be sharing music again - I haven't posted a song online in about a year I think...

HUGE thanks to the lovely Alara for singing this with me - we did our best to record it "together", despite being around 3500 miles apart... I hope you enjoy it ;)

On December the 5th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
water of a young coconut
big shotglass of sugar cane juice
bowl of papaya/banana/coconut yoghurt/maca/ashwaghanda/astragulus/stevia/carob
1 quart water
little bit of leftover cucumber salad stuffed into nori sheets with some Sea Clear and lecithin, followed by two yumballs :)
mug of horchata tea
1 cup water

There is a free "Urban Homesteaders" event in Palm Springs, CA this weekend that I'd be at in a heartbeat if I wasn't 3500 miles away ;) I've mentioned the Dervaes family of before and I'm sure many of you have seen articles or videos of their amazing urban homesteading project in Pasadena, CA too...well, this Sunday, December 12th, they are holding a free screening of their new "Homegrown Revolution" film, followed by a presentation/Q&A session with the Dervaeses, then light refreshments - all sounds *marvellous* to me ;)
You can check out all the details for this event, named "Simple Living for Urban Dwellers" HERE - enjoy and let us know if any of you make it along to this gathering...

on December the 6th I loved:

1 quart water
small glass of orange juice
1 quart greeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
30 chlorella tablets with kelp - wow :)
handful of *SPICY* kale chips from a friend ;O
1 quart greeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
bowl of papaya/banana/coconut yoghurt/maca/ashwaghanda/astragulus/stevia/carob
mug of horchata tea
small papaya
1 cup coconut kefir
1 cup water

on December the 7th I appreciated:

1 quart water
1 quart watermelon/orange juice
1 quart greeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
bowl of papaya/banana/coconut yoghurt/maca/ashwaghanda/astragulus/stevia/carob
2 cups water
shared cucumber salad with Mr. M: salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear and Lecithin, followed by a carob "Brownie Batter" yumpot ;)
mug of horchata tea
1 cup water

We have a YUMMY new RawReform Giveaway Contest to share with you :)
(If you want to see who won the Superfood Seeds from last month, see my latest newsletter HERE...)
This month, I am *super*-delighted to announce that our dear friend Brian Johnson of has a new book coming out in about two weeks' time, called "A Philosopher's Notes" - I am very excited to see this new book and even more excited to let you know that Mr. Johnson has very generously agreed to offer THREE of these fabulous new volumes as giveaway gifts to y'all this month - yeeeeeeeee-HAH :)screen shot 2010-12-06 at 1.20.50 pm.png

If you're not familiar with Brian's work, he has taken on the extraordinary and wonderful task of creating his own version of "Cliffs Notes" for a huge array of self-development books - amazing books that have so much to offer us, yet it can be so easy to never quite get around to reading them... ;) Well, Brian's done the primary 'mining' work for us all, on over 100 top titles, pulling out all of his favourite "Big Ideas" from authors such as Eckhart Tolle, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Michael Beckwith, Joseph Campbell, Paulo Coelho, Byron Katie, Deepak Copra, Dr. Wayne Dyer and many others...

In his new book, Brian presents the ten principles for Optimal Living that he came to identify after compiling notes on all of these different books - we could hence consider "A Philosopher's Notes" like the distillation of the key thoughts of countless sages over the centuries, into one book, thanks to Mr. J - wow ;) The book comes out in a couple of weeks and I'm super-excited to see it...

If *you* would love to be one of three blessed winners of a copy of this new tome, just send in your answer to the following question, to rawreformcontests@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it :

"Which book has inspired you most in life and why...?"

Send your answers in by January the 2nd, 2011 to be in with a chance of winning. Three winners shall be picked at random and with great joy thereafter ;)
All love and radiating glory,
A. C. Stokes-Monarch. xxx

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Back in The USA ;)

I write this to you from Atlanta airport - we are BACK in the US of A ;) After an epic-ly complex journey here so far, we now await the final leg of our adventure back to California in a few hours (having just missed a connecting flight...) It feels rather odd to be back...people here seem very tall...and talkative ;)
All being well, we'll be back in California later today...and in the coming couple of months we'll be off on tour again - here are the current details that we have for our upcoming talks - for some events, we don't have many details yet, so please keep an eye on our events page HERE for updates ;)

We look forward to seeing y'all at one of these events soon if you're able to join us...

on August the 4th I loved:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 cups greeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
½ a large papaya
water of a young coconut
shared cucumber salad meal with Mr. M, followed by a couple of slices of dried pineapple and a mug of horchata tea with stevia to sweeten
1 cup water
water of two young coconuts

on August the 5th I appreeeeeeeeeeciated:

1 quart water
a small papaya
2 tbsp bee pollen
water of a young coconut
a dragon fruit, a papaya
impromptu hotel-room-floor-picnic with Mr. M involving cucumber, avocado, dulse, nori sheets, flax crackers and dried incan berries
water of two young coconuts
1 cup water

On a different note, if you've been reading here for a while, you might recall that some months back, I mentioned an exciting opportunity to receive free biodynamic cherry tomato seeds...I believe that more than 250 of you, worldwide, took up this offer - amazing to think of all the raw foodies worldwide who might right now be chomping into fruits from the same tomato family ;)
Well, I am pleased to say that in case you missed that last round of seed-sharing, or if you'd love to get some MORE of these very special seeds, then you're in luck ;) You can once again get your own packet of free biodynamic cherry tomato seeds, to either grow inside if you're somewhere cold, or outside if your climate permits...all of the details are on this site HERE - enjoy ;)

on August the 6th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
big fruit salad involving pineapple, berries, nectarines and dragon fruit :)
2 tbsp bee pollen
lovely picnic in the park with friend in Quito, including granadillas, bananas, avocado, flax crackers, dulse and dried pineapple ;)
2 cups water
water of two young coconuts
1 cup water

on August the 7th I loved:

1 quart water
water of a young coconut
mixed fruit salad: pineapple, papaya, granadilla, dragon fruit
2 tbsp bee pollen
water of two young coconuts
another lovely picnic in the park with more friends, near Otavalo: avocado, flax crackers, dulse, coconut chips and dried pineapple
3 cups water

...and on the subject of seeeeeeeeds, quite a few of you have been writing in recently to ask where to get quality seeds in the USA...well, I really like the service from Peaceful Valley at - they're based in Grass Valley, California and have a GREAT selection of seeds, really clear instructions on the packets and they also give away free packets of seeds with every order :) might also love to check out the store at - this is the "Urban Homestead" family based in Pasadena, CA, whom I have mentioned many times before...and Anthony at also has LOTS of great info on where to buy seeds and baby trees in the US... I would of course also thoroughly recommend finding local seed swap meetings in your area to attend, plus connecting with any organic/biodynamic/permaculture-orientated farmers/gardeners in your vicinity who might be open to sharing seeds too - enjoy :)

All love and divine grounding,
Ms. Stokes-Monarch. xxx

Sunday, 16 November 2008

How much JOY can you handle...??? ;)

OoOoooOoohhhh, I have so many YUMMY things to share with you at the moment that I’m not sure where to start... ;) Ok, I’m going to dive over to Raw Fu first, to tell you about the AMAZING ‘Holiday Craft Fair’ that Bunny Berry has put together over there :)))) I LOVE Bunny – I think she is just SUCH a blessing in this community :) She has put together a list of all the members on Raw Fu who make crafts, handmade items and so on, into a ‘Holiday Fair’, so that we can all invest in lovingly made, raw-powered, creative, inspiring, unique gifts for our loved ones this season, if we choose to give gifts. :) I think this is just WONDERFUL :) Thank you so much, Bunny, for putting this list together. There are links to various gorgeous items made by raw foodies all over the world – jewellry, bags, clothes, books, knitted goodies, handmade skin care, ceramics, paintings, blankets, CDs and more...
You can see the beautiful craft list on the right-side of the page over at (I think you might need to sign up for the site first to get full access – not sure – in any case, registration is FREE and the community has just started a 40-day ‘Holiday Season’ raw food challenge, so maybe you’d like to join in...? ;)

on November the 14th I had:

1.5 quarts water
1 cup celery, carrot, endive, spinach juice
2 persimmons and 1.5 pomegranates
10 spirulina ‘nuts’
1.5 cups greeeeen juice with lemon
2 cups water
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers, followed by a few Monarch goji yumballs
little cup of rooibus tea
3 cups water
tsp of wheatgrass powder

Oooo, more excitement – I just saw a trailer today for the new documentary from the Dervaes family – remember them? The ‘Urban Homesteaders’ in Pasadena, California. I wrote a few months ago about their INCREDIBLE edible food garden on a suburban plot in Cali – you can see that write-up HERE if you like. Well, the exciting news is that they now have a FILM out about their simple way of life – called ‘Homegrown Revolution’ - which is being shown at film festivals all over the place, helping people to realise how easy it really can be to start growing your OWN food and feeling more on top of the safety of your food supply chain. You can see the 2-minute trailer for their film HERE on YouTube. I LOVE this quote in the trailer from the dad of the Dervaes family:

“...if you can grow food, it’s empowering.
In fact, I believe growing food is one of the most dangerous occupations on the face of this Earth, because you’re in danger of becoming free!”

The Dervaes family report that they grow 6000lbs of food a year on 1/10th of an acre of cultivated land...WOW...this is the future of raw foodism, folks – spade in hand – DIG FOR VICTORY ;)
Yeeeeeeeeeeeee-HAH :) THANK YOU, beautiful Dervaes family, for sharing your experiences – I hope to see this documentary soon...

on November the 15th I had:

1 quart water
big double shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups water
1 persimmon
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers, followed by the last few Monarch yumballs ;(
little cup of rooibus tea
3 cups water
½ cup carrot/beet juice
1 cup greeeen juice: kale, spinach, cabbage, endive, parsley, mixed sprouts, ginger, lime
little bowl of condensed yum: mixed together goji berries, lucuma powder, yacon powder, maca, carob, cinnamon, buckwheaties, water
3 cups water

on November the 16th I had:

1 quart water
1.5 cups greeeen juice: kale, spinach, cabbage, endive, parsley, mixed sprouts, ginger, lime
2 cups water
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and okra, followed by a little yumbowl of hazelnut butter mixed with lucuma powder, cinnamon, maca, carob powder, buckwheaties
little mug of ‘choco’ tea
2 cups water
2 cups greeeen juice: kale, spinach, endive, parsley, celery, cucumber, ginger, lime
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and okra, followed by a few of my FIRST batch of self-made yumballs since the departure of the Monarch (they were yummy – I used soaked gojis, almond butter, lucuma, cinnamon, buckwheaties, then rolled them in a mixture of hemp protein 50% and lucuma – yummmmmmm)
little mug of spicy tea
2 cups water

My goodness, can you TAKE much more excitement and yumminess today? Well, I hope so, because I’d love to share the link to a GORGEOUS little recent article from The Guardian newspaper in the UK about the ext-RAW-dinary exploits of 67-year-old Joan Pick of Croydon. It seems Joan has been eating raw for over 35 years...she hasn’t driven a car since 1973, runs everywhere that she wants to go and enjoys hula-hooping in her living room. She does not use heating in her house (I know where I’ll be referring people in the future who ask how to keep warm in the winter as raw foodists ;) and she only uses electricity to heat water for tea or light her room. Check out this picture of Joan from The Guardian article – she is GLOWING with radiant, delightful raw energy – what a WONDERFUL, inspiring life... :) You can read the whole story HERE. (Thanks to Sue too, for the nudge to read and share this article :)

All love, joy and passion,
Miss Angela Stokes. xxx

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Favourite Chia Recipe...?

YAY :) That was FUN – thanks to all of you who were on the ‘Roundtable’ call last night with myself and Kevin Gianni. Thanks especially for all your wonderful questions ;)
For those of you who weren’t able to join us live for the call, you can listen in for free for the next 24 hours at the following link:


on June the 29th I had a ‘pleasurable’ day of:

1 quart water
mug of ‘pleasure’ tea
shot of wheatgrass
2 cups smoothie: almonds, lucuma powder, green powder, vanilla powder, cinnamon, maca, with goji berries and pine nuts stirred in
mug of ‘pleasure tea’
3 cups water
3 cups juice: cucumber, celery, dandelion, fennel, wild greens, kale, lettuce, parsley, greens from the garden
cup of ‘pleasure tea
3 cups water

on June the 30th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘pleasure tea’
2 cups smoothie: almonds, hemp seeds, lucuma powder, green powder, vanilla powder, cinnamon, maca, with goji berries and pine nuts stirred in
mug of ‘pleasure tea’
1 quart water
3 cups juice: cucumber, celery, fennel, kale, cilantro, dill, greens from the garden, ginger
2 cups ‘energy soup’ made by blending together avocado, cucumber, lettuce, garlic, dulse, lemon juice, red pepper, a little curry powder. Served with a dehydrated red pepper pancake
mug of ‘pleasure’ tea
2 cups water

It’s time for another exciting RawReform Giveaway Contest :)
Those of you who are subscribed to my newsletter will have already seen the details for this month’s Chia Contest...MmmMMmMmm :)
If you haven’t seen the run-down, here it is:

This month we’re celebrating all things chia-related: the prize is a copy of our shiny new ‘Chia Cheat Sheet’ chart, along with a 1lb bag of chia and a bag of the delicious new ‘Chia Goodness’ cereal. YUmMMmMmmMMmmm :)

To be in with a chance of winning this chia goodie basket, just email in YOUR answer to the following Q:

What is YOUR favourite chia recipe? (ingredients/description please ;)

Please send in your answers to before July the 31st. The winner shall be picked at random and with love thereafter... ;)

on July the 1st I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘pleasure’ tea
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups ‘energy soup’: made by blending together tahini, cucumber, lettuce, tatsoi, mustard greens, garlic, dulse, lemon juice, orange pepper. Served with 2 flax crackers. Followed by a little smidge of delicious sweet smoothie: almonds, lucuma, maca, cinnamon.
2 cups water
a delicious 3-course exquisite raw dinner: thai coconut soup followed by nori rolls stuffed with pesto and veggies, cauliflower ‘rice’ and salad straight from the garden. Dessert was a delicious low glycemic ‘ice cream’ made from coconut meat, soaked gojis, yacon and lucuma. YUMMMMMMMM
3 cups water

on July the 2nd I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘pleasure’ tea
shot of wheatgrass
2 cups ‘energy soup’: made by blending together avocado, cucumber, lettuce, tatsoi, mustard greens, garlic, dulse, lemon juice, orange pepper, a little rejuvelac. Served with 2 flax crackers. Followed by a little bowl of delicious sweet smoothie: almonds, lucuma, maca, cinnamon.
3 cups water
2 cups green juice: cucumber, celery, tatsoi, bok choi, fennel, spinach, ginger
2 cups ‘energy soup’ (as above), along with 1 cup thai coconut soup, with a dehydrated red pepper ‘tortilla’ stuffed with greens from the garden and tahini dressing
2 cups water

WOW, I watched SUCH an inspiring little video on YouTube today. The ‘Urban Homesteaders’ in Pasadena, California, have been developing their urban garden into an absolutely amazingly rich food-producing garden since the 1980s. Today it is a treasure-trove of fruits, veggies, edible flowers, sustainable living techniques and so much more. I have often heard of their work before, yet until today had never looked into it – WOW – I am SOOO glad I did – I find this massively inspiring – I hope you do too.
No inch of their garden space is left untouched...they seem to LOVE what they do...and they eat fresh, vibrant, organic food daily, straight from garden to…love it…absolutely BEAUTIFUL :) You can watch the 10 minute clip on YouTube HERE and start envisioning your own magical, bountiful garden... ;)

All love,
Angela. xxx